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  • s

  • Synthesize
    To combine with given facts and form a synthesis.
  • Synthesized Pulse Modulation
    Modulation of wave to a repetitive pulsed signal.
  • System
    A set of interacting components that forms a whole, has a defined boundary and is surrounded by an environment.
  • System Life Cycle
    Process of development of a system/IT solution.
  • Systematic Error
    Errors arising from factors within the system that compromises accuracy and precision of measurements, can be minimized through repeated observations, mathematical corrections and correct observation procedures. Type: 1) Instrumental Error 2) Natural Error
  • Systematically Unequal Stepped Class Limits
    Class interval determination where there is an emphasis at the higher/lower end of the range of values.
  • t

  • t-Distribution
    A kind of probability distribution which is used to estimate the mean of a normal distribution when the sample size is small and/or standard deviation is unknown.
  • Table Joining
    Operation to combine attribute data from different tables to a single table in a GIS.
  • Table Relating
    Establishing relationship between different tables in GIS.
  • Tabulation
    To put in table form.
  • Tacheometry
    A technique for rapid surveying to measure horizontal distances using height and angles observed through the Stadia lines on the telescope of a Level with the aid of a Staff.
  • Tag Line
    Calibrated line connected between boat and transit point for positioning and stablizing boat, providing a fixed baseline.
  • Tag Line Positioning
    Method for monitoring conditions below water surface by running cross-sections from a fixed line through: 1) Static Observations 2) Dynamic/Continuous Tag Line Surveys 3) Baseline Boat Tag Line Extension Method 4) Constant Range Method
  • Tagging
    Adding attributes to digitized data.
  • TAI
    Temps Atomique International
  • tanδ
    Loss tangent of material, comprises of Conductivity Losses and Dipolar Losses.
  • Tangent
    A line just touch the curve at a given point.
  • Target Line
    Targeted utility line for scanning.
  • Target Scattering Loss
    Energy loss as a result of scattering in the surrounding dielectric medium, where it is affected by permittivity and permeability of both the material and the medium.
  • Taylor Series
    A representation of a function as an infinite sum of terms that are calculated from the values of the function's derivatives at a single point.
  • TBM
    Tunnel Boring Machine
  • TCM
    Trenchless Construction Method
  • TDOP
    Time Dilution of Precision
  • TEC
    Total Electron Count
  • Tectonic
    Structure of Earth's crust.
  • Teitz Heuristic
    See description on Bart Heuristic.
  • Telemetry Word
    Contained within Navigation Code (Navigation Message), it indicates to the receiver whether there is upload from Control Segment to the Satellite or whether upload is in progress.
  • Temporal Aggregation
    Aggregation technique to identify events happening at specific timeframes.
  • Temporal Change
    Changes in data resulting from a change in time.
  • Temporal Data
    Data with time factors.
  • Temporal Decorrelation
    Resulting from change of the position and orientation of an object on the surface in repeat-pass interferometr.
  • Temporal Error
    Error resulting in the change of time (e.g. seasonal effects).
  • Temporal Inaccuracy
    Occures when maps area created with out-of-date data.
  • Temporal Resolution
    Precision of a time related measurement.
  • Temporary Bench Mark
    A control point set by a surveyor to base other points off of, it has an assigned elevation and only used to complete the survey.
  • Temporary Works
    Works that are part of construction process used to help with building permanent works, they are removed after use (e.g., falsework, formwork, support, etc…)
  • Terra Nullius
    International Law describing territory/land belonging to no one, never subjected to sovereignty or occupation.
  • Terrain Descriptors
    Descriptions on terrain, could be in the form of a Qualitative Descriptor or Quantitative Descriptor.
  • Terrain Surface
    Referring to the surface of physical features of the land (lay of land).
  • Terrestrial Frame of Reference
    Reference frame from point of view on Earth (i.e. measuring of position and orientation as based on Earth).
  • Terrestrial Radio Positioning
    Positioning method prior to the development of GPS, it uses Radio waves to detect range. Method Type: 1) RADAR 2) Distance by Timing 3) SHORAN 4) HIRAN 5) Sputnik
  • Terrestrial Scanning
    A ground based technique to measure the position and dimension of objects by acquiring geometric data from buildings and object with their positions (x, y, z) and the intensity (i) of the returning signal.
  • Tessellation
    Arrangment of shapes/images to fit together without gaps or overlapping.
  • Test
    Assess knowledge, try out ideas and processes.
  • Texture
    The frequency of the tonal change on an image produced by an aggregation of unit features.
  • Texture Mapping
    Adding detail to exising model/map using existing surface texture (i.e. in the form of images) or colour to generate a realistic model/map.
  • Thematic Map
    Map presenting summary statistics on the area covered by various land covers, designed through classification of data with reference to a single topic/theme.
  • Thematic Resolution
    Level of categorical detail on a thematic map as expressed by the number of classes (classification) included in production of the map.
  • Theorize
    To form theory from knowledge and ideas.
  • Thermal Mapping
    To produce maps of surface temperature distributions