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- Cadastral SurveySurveys to esablish property/lot boundary in public domain. Type: 1) Condominium Survey 2) Original Survey 3) Subdivision Survey
- Calculated DistanceDistance that are calculated from formulas using measured distances (observations on field).
- CalibrationA measurement to compare or correct the difference between a given instrument and real situation.
- Canonical AnalysisDeveloped to reduce redundancy in multispectral data while the analysis of multispectral image data encounter extensive interband correlation problem.
- CapacitanceAbility to store electric charge.
- Carbon FootprintAmount of Carbon Dioxide released into the air as a result of activities.
- Carrier Beat PhaseConstant wave observable in GPS, generally used in calculation for refining position.
- Carrier FrequencyCarrier frequency for Code signal. Type: 1) L1 2) L2 3) L3
- Carrier PhaseThe observable phase difference between the incoming signal from the satellite with the reference (replica) signal generated by the receiver, once lock is achieved.
- Carrier WaveElectromagnetic wave modulated in frequency and/or amplitude to carry a signal.
- Carry Out and Manage Technical DetailsAble to deal with technical problems and operate the equipment or software in practical situation
- Cartesian Coordinate SystemExpressed in (x, y) [2D] and/or (x, y, z) [3D], it is a set of numerical coordinates that is uniquely specific to a point on a plane where axis are defined as (0, 0) at the origin.
- CartogramA map with thematic variables, where geometry or space could be distorted in order to convey information.
- Cartographic CameraSingle-lens frame camera, designed to provide extremely high geometric image quality for remote sensing in general and photogrammetric mapping purposes.
- Cartographic SymbolizationUse of map symbols and colours to represent features on a map.
- CartographyThe science of map production.
- CASEComputer Assisted Software Engineering
- CatchpitDucts/pits used as filters or collectors in drainage systems
- Categorical Cell ValueUsing integer values to represent categorical data on raster data.
- CategoryThe process in which ideas and objects are recognized, differentiated, and understood.
- CatenaryCurve formed by free hanging wire, rope or chain between two points.
- Causative BuffersBuffer zones based on distances from a physical phenonmena at a location.
- CAVECave Automatic Virtual Environment
- Cave Automatic Virtual EnvironmentImmersive environment for visualization.
- CaveatLegal limitations placed onto a plot of land, property or lot to control actions.
- CavitationProperty of sound wave when travelling through fluid medium, it is when cavities/voids are formed from resultant negative pressure between acoustic pressure and static pressure.
- CBNCooperative Base Network
- CCTVClosed Circuit TeleVision
- CDMACode Division Multiple Access
- CellSmallest unit in raster data.
- Cell-by-cell EncodingRaster data structure for storing data, storing cell values in a matrix.
- Census DataData about population of area.
- Centesimal SystemWhere values are expressed in decimal system by hundreds (centum).
- Centralized DatabaseDatabase located, stored and maintained in a single location.
- CentroidExact geometric center of an object.
- CEPCircular Error Probable
- Cesium ClockAtomic clock regulated by cesium onboard GPS for use of determining satellite time.
- CGMComputer Graphics Metafile
- ChainMethod to measure distance, often corresponding to the center of a straight road.
- Chain CodingLossless compression of raster images by defining the boundary of the regions, recording the position of the boundary and the direction of movement.
- Change DetectionA process aims to detect the change in an interested area in a period by using data obtained on two or more different dates.
- Chaos TheoryStudy on the behaviour of dynamic systems, where and accumulation of minor events can have a large impact.
- Characteristic CurvePlots of film density versus log exposure
- Chart DatumGenerally refered to as the Tidal Datum, it is the level of water that charted depths displayed on nautical charts.
- Chart MapMap using charts (e.g., pie chart, bar charts) as map symbols.
- Chi-square DistributionA probability distribution, the goodness to fitbetween the observed and the expected.
- Chi-square TestA statistical hypothesis test on sampling distribution.
- Chipping RateThe rate of which Binary code (1, 0), known as chips, are produced in GPS.
- Choke Ring AntennaOmnidirectional antenna for use at high frequencies.
- Choropleth MapA thematic map of shaded/patterned areas in proportion to the statistical data displayed on the map (e.g. population density).