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  • Colour Scheme
    Use of colour to represent values on map. Type: 1) Single Hue Scheme 2) Hue and Value Scheme 3) Diverging Colour Scheme/Double-Ended Scheme 4) Part Spectral Scheme 5) Full Spectral Scheme
  • COM
    Component Object Model
  • COM Technology
    Component Object Model Technology
  • Combine Operation
    Local operation in GIS to work for two or more rasters, combines multiple sets of raster data.
  • Combined Route
    Route joined with another route.
  • Common Law
    Law developed by judges through previous similar cases at courts and tribunals.
  • Comparator
    A precision instrument used for photocoordinate measurement.
  • Compare
    Finding and examining similarites and differences bewteen concepts, ideas and knowledge.
  • Compass Rule
    See definition on Bowditch Traverse Adjustment.
  • Complex Dielectric Constant
    A parameter indicate the reflectivity and conductivity of terrain features' electrical characteristics.
  • Composable GISystem
    System design principle for dealing with relationships between components of the system.
  • Composite Features
    Spatial features that can be better represented as a composite of points, lines, and polygones (e.g., TIN, Regions, Routes).
  • Composite Image
    Produced from the mainipulation or modification of a digital image in order to enhance its quality.
  • Composite Projection
    Combing several types of projection techniques.
  • Composition
    UML term for the relationship between objects from one class (termed as whole) and objects from another class (termed as part), where the part is dependent and controlled by the whole, the lifetime dependency between objects.
  • Compound Curve
    Combination of two or more cicular curves.
  • Compression Tolerance
    Vectorization setting on GIS software, determins the degree of generalization.
  • Compromise Projection
    Map Projection that does not preserve metric properties but tries to find balance between distortions (i.e. making it look right), the amount of distortion is often greater at Pole regions. Type: 1) Robinson 2) Miller Cylindrical 3) Winkel Tripel
  • Concave Lens
    Light passing through the lens is spread, the distance between where light is originated to the lens is the Focal Length (commonly denoted by f).
  • Conceptual Data Model
    Model that maps the concepts and relationships used in a database, attempts to describe the interations in form of words or pictures.
  • Conceptual Design
    Design of data dependency inside database.
  • Conceptual Understanding
    Coherency of ideas in field of study.
  • Concordance-Discordance Analysis
    Method for Multi-Criteria Evaluation, analysis of direction of the relationship between a pair of observations.
  • Condensing the Map
    Where unwanted parts of the map are deleted to obtain greater scale for areas of interest.
  • Condominium Survey
    Type of Cadastral Survey
  • Conductivity
    The degree of which a material can conduct electricity.
  • Conductivity Loss
    Coefficient to tanδ.
  • Conductor
    Materials with the ability for electric flow.
  • Conduit
    Channel for conveying fluids (e.g. water).
  • Confidence Interval
    Range of values that lies within a specific set of probability.
  • Confidence Limits
    Extreme values of Confidence Interval.
  • Conflation
    The process of matchin features between sets of data created at different times, with different levels of accuracies and precisions.
  • Conflict of Interest
    Situation where aims and concerns are incompatible.
  • Conformal Projections
    Projections that preserves angular properties but scale varies throughout the map. Type: 1) Transverse Mercator 2) Sterographic 3) Lamber Conformal Conic Projection
  • Conic Projection
    See definition on Lambert Projection. Map projection where area is projected onto a cone with a vertex, generally at North/South Pole Type: 1) Equidistant Conic 2) Albers Conic 3) Lambert Conformal Conic
  • Conjugate Principal Point
    The location of a principal point from a photograph, which is on an adjacent photo along with the flight line
  • Connectivity
    Analysis of spatial relationship in linear features, connection between nodes (points of interests).
  • Constant Coefficient
    Functions that contains only constant functions and no other functions of independent variables.
  • Constant Series
    Class interval determination where there is an equal division of attribute values based on the range of values.
  • Constants Matrix
    Matrix where all entries are constant.
  • Constellation
    1) A set of satellites visible at any one time at a set position. 2) The Space Segment (all orbiting satellites). 3) The group of satellites used to derive a position.
  • Constrained Adjustment
    Adjustmet for field measurements where Least Squares is performed onto measurement network.
  • Constrained Triangulation
    Generalization of Delaunay Triangulation, it can contain edges that does not satisfy Delaunay conditions.
  • Construction Surveys
    Surveys for control of dimensions of construction (e.g. horizontal position, elevation, grade, etc…)
  • Containment
    Spatial relationship where a features are enclosed within a polygon.
  • Contextual Items
    Map elements that explains the context the image/map applies to. Type: 1) Title 2) Legends 3) Insets
  • Contiguity
    Topological relationship between arcs an polygons, where polygons and arcs are identified to have directions.
  • Continental Shelf
    Underwater land mass extending from the continent, area in the shallow waters (shelf sea).
  • Continuous Features
    Feature not spatially discrete, values/features transition is continuous without breaks or defined breaklines (e.g., precipitation, elevation).
  • Continuously Operating Reference Station
    Permanent GNSS reciever and antenna (with surveyed reference position) to provide support for carrier phase observations.