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Safe design of structures

Safe design of structures

State of Western Australia Australia 2022

Safe Design of Structures - Code of Practice issued by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety of Western Australia provides comprehensive guidance on meeting safety requirements for structure design. It outlines the responsibilities of designers and other stakeholders to integrate safety from the planning stages, ensuring structures are safe for construction, use, and dismantling. The document emphasizes risk management throughout the lifecycle of structures and adheres to the Work Health and Safety Act 2020, offering legal and practical frameworks for enhancing workplace safety.

Code of Practices
Safe design of structures

Safe design of structures

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Australia 2021

Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice 2021 provides comprehensive guidance on designing structures safely under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011. It emphasises integrating safety measures early in the design process to eliminate or minimise health and safety risks throughout a structure's lifecycle. The document outlines duties for various stakeholders including designers and those commissioning construction work, ensuring structures are safe for use, construction, maintenance, and eventual demolition, thereby fostering a safer work environment.

Code of Practices
Safe design of structures

Safe design of structures

SafeWork New South Wales Australia 2019

This Code of Practice for the Safe Design of Structures, authorised under section 274 of the NSW Work Health and Safety Act 2011, offers comprehensive guidance on integrating safety measures in the design phase of structures. It emphasises the importance of considering health and safety implications during the lifecycle of a structure—from planning through demolition. The document outlines the responsibilities of designers and other stakeholders in ensuring designs meet safety standards, thereby reducing risks and enhancing the usability and longevity of structures.

Code of Practices
Safe design of structures

Safe design of structures

Safe work australia Australia 2018

Safe Design of Structures Code of Practice provides comprehensive guidelines for integrating safety into the design and planning of structures to minimize risks in workplaces. It outlines the responsibilities of designers, developers, and other key stakeholders in ensuring structures are free from health and safety risks. The document emphasises the importance of considering safety from the earliest stages of design, balancing it with other objectives like functionality and aesthetics, and adheres to relevant laws and standards to enhance workplace safety and compliance.

Code of Practices