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Guidance Notes of Design for Safety

Guidance Notes of Design for Safety

Development Bureau&Occupational Safety and Health Council Hong Kong 2016

The Guidance Notes of Design for Safety outline an approach to integrating health and safety into design by identifying potential hazards throughout a structure's lifecycle, assessing risks, and establishing control measures in the hierarchy. Documents like the Preliminary Hazard Analysis, Hazard and Impact Summary, and Health and Safety File communicate information between duty holders to eliminate or reduce safety risks by designing appropriate controls early.

Health and Safety by Design

Health and Safety by Design

WorkSafe New Zealand New Zealand 2018

The guidelines outline the responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) and offer principles and practices for effective Health and Safety by Design, ensuring that good design is inherently safe for users. The document serves as a fundamental resource for understanding and applying Health and Safety by Design principles in various projects, thereby enhancing worker safety and well-being from the outset.



Real Estate Developers' Association of Singapore Singapore 2019

The DfS & WSH GOOD PRACTICE GUIDE guides developers on implementing Design for Safety (DfS) to integrate health and safety considerations into design. It outlines DfS processes, including hazard identification, risk assessment, control measures, and appointing a DfS Professional. Leadership and procurement practices are discussed to complement DfS. Case studies demonstrate how design solutions can make projects safer to build, occupy, maintain, and demolish throughout the asset lifecycle. The aim is for developers to apply DfS principles and achieve a high level of safety in their projects.

Pictorial Guide to Planning and Design for Safety

Pictorial Guide to Planning and Design for Safety

Hong Kong Housing Authority Hong Kong 2017

The Pictorial Guide guides integrating occupational safety and health into the planning and design of public housing in Hong Kong. It discusses identifying potential hazards throughout a structure's lifecycle from planning, design, construction, occupation, and maintenance to demolition. Risk assessment and control techniques are covered. Case studies demonstrate safer design solutions. The Guide emphasizes collaboration between developers, designers, and contractors to address risks. It aims to promote safe design practices and a safety culture from inception. Overall, it advises planning and designing for safety in project life cycles.

Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Design for Safety

Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Design for Safety

Workplace Safety and Health Council Singapore 2022

Workplace Safety and Health Guidelines Design for Safety is a comprehensive document that guides integrating safety into public housing development planning and design in Hong Kong. It offers detailed discussions on identifying hazards throughout a structure's lifecycle, encompassing the stages of planning, design, construction, occupation, maintenance, and demolition. The guide outlines risk assessment and control techniques and includes case studies illustrating safer design implementations. The guide underscores the importance of collaboration among developers, designers, contractors, and end users in mitigating risks effectively. Its primary goal is to encourage adopting safe design practices and foster a safe culture from the project's inception. Key topics covered by the guide are slope safety, ground investigation safety, construction safety, safety during demolition and foundation work, building services safety, and safety considerations for end users and maintenance workers. The guide provides practical advice on planning for and designing safety elements into different phases of project lifecycles.

Guidelines on Design for Safety in Buildings and Structures

Guidelines on Design for Safety in Buildings and Structures

Workplace Safety and Health Council Singapore 2008

Guidelines on Design for Safety in Buildings and Structures guides integrating occupational safety and health considerations into the planning and design of public housing projects in Hong Kong. It discusses identifying potential hazards throughout a structure's lifecycle from planning, design, construction, occupation, and maintenance to demolition. Risk assessment and control techniques are covered. Case studies demonstrate safer design solutions. The Guide emphasizes collaboration between developers, designers, contractors, and end users to address risks. It aims to promote safe design practices and a safety culture from inception. Overall, the Guide provides practical advice on planning and designing for safety in project life cycles..

Construction Design and Management Guidance Notes

Construction Design and Management Guidance Notes

Occupational Safety and Health Administration & Hong Kong Housing Authority & Development Bureau Hong Kong 2006

This document provides comprehensive guidance on implementing Construction Design and Management (CDM) protocols to enhance safety and efficiency in construction projects. Originating from the UK's CDM Regulations, the guidance emphasizes the shared responsibility among all stakeholders—including clients, designers, and contractors—to identify and mitigate health and safety hazards from the early design phase through to project execution and maintenance. The main aim is to integrate safety management with existing project operations to ensure the safety of all involved and to streamline project delivery. Key roles and responsibilities are outlined for duty holders such as the Client, Project Supervisor, Designers, and Contractors, emphasizing early hazard identification, risk management, and effective communication. This guidance is based on trials conducted by the former Works Bureau and the Housing Authority, reflecting a significant shift towards proactive health and safety management in construction.

Managing health and safety in construction - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Guidance on Regulations

Managing health and safety in construction - Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 Guidance on Regulations

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

This document provides a comprehensive guide on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), which were implemented to enhance health, safety, and welfare standards in construction projects. It replaces the CDM 2007 and offers detailed guidance for various dutyholders, including clients, designers, and contractors, ensuring compliance with the updated legal requirements. The guide highlights the roles and responsibilities of each party, aiming to mitigate risks throughout the construction process, from planning through to execution, thereby promoting a safer work environment.

Need building work done? -A short guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Need building work done? -A short guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

This document provides a concise guide for clients on the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), emphasizing the responsibilities of clients in ensuring safety and health during construction projects. It outlines essential steps such as appointing the right personnel, managing risks, and ensuring proper planning and communication. The guide stresses the importance of compliance to avoid legal ramifications and ensure the safety and value of the construction work.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Clients

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Clients

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for clients is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting clients in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of clients, emphasizing their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process. The guidance outlines essential duties during the pre-construction and construction phases and provides detailed explanations on client briefs, duty holder roles, and health and safety management. This document serves as an invaluable tool for clients to navigate the complexities of construction projects while adhering to legal and safety standards.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Principle Designers

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Principle Designers

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for principle desingers is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting principle desingers in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of principle desingers, emphasising their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Designers

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Designers

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for desingers is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting desingers in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of desingers, emphasising their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Principle Contractors

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Principle Contractors

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for principle contractors is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting principle contractors in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of principle contractors, emphasising their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Contractors

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Contractors

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for contractors is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting contractors in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of contractors, emphasising their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process.

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Workers

CDM2015-Industry guidance for Workers

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The "Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015" industry guidance document for workers is a comprehensive resource aimed at assisting workers in managing construction projects safely and efficiently under the CDM 2015 regulations. It focuses on the roles and responsibilities of workers, emphasising their critical role in ensuring health, safety, and welfare throughout the construction process.

Principal Designer (PD) competencies for CDM 2015

Principal Designer (PD) competencies for CDM 2015

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

This guidance document delineates the requisite competencies for Principal Designers (PD) under the CDM Regulations 2015, as endorsed by the Consultants Health and Safety Forum. It categorizes PD competencies into single-discipline, multi-discipline, and large/complex project contexts.

Health and safety in construction

Health and safety in construction

Health and Safety Executive United Kingdom 2015

The document "Health and Safety in Construction" (HSG150, third edition, 2006) provides comprehensive guidance for ensuring safety and health on construction sites. It offers updated and expanded content, including new legislation and practical examples, targeting small contractors and all engaged in construction work. The guide emphasizes risk elimination and hazard control, aiming to reduce accidents and promote effective safety management practices across the industry.

Prevention through Design Plan for the National Initiative

Prevention through Design Plan for the National Initiative

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health United States 2010

The Prevention through Design (PtD) National Initiative aims to mitigate occupational hazards by integrating safety considerations into the design phase of workplaces, processes, and equipment. Spearheaded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the initiative focuses on eliminating risks to workers through strategic planning in research, education, practice, and policy. By addressing potential dangers before implementation, PtD strives to reduce work-related injuries, illnesses, and fatalities, promoting a safer and healthier occupational environment across various industries.

Architectural Design and Construction

Architectural Design and Construction

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health United States 2013

Architectural Design and Construction Instructor’s Manual is a comprehensive guide published by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It aims to educate on the Prevention through Design (PtD) concept, promoting safety by integrating hazard prevention into the design phase of projects. The manual covers common construction hazards, case studies, and safety strategies, serving as a valuable resource for educators in engineering curricula to enhance workplace safety and health standards.

Mechanical-Electrical System

Mechanical-Electrical System

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health United States 2013

Mechanical-Electrical Systems Instructor's Manual is a resource developed under the Prevention through Design (PtD) initiative, aimed at integrating occupational safety and health considerations into engineering education. This manual focuses on mechanical and electrical systems, providing detailed guidance for educators to teach these concepts within undergraduate curricula. It includes learning objectives, lecture notes, case studies, and test questions, designed to enhance students' understanding of how to design out hazards in engineering practices, thus promoting safer working environments from the design phase itself.

Reinforced Concrete Design

Reinforced Concrete Design

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health United States 2013

This Reinforced Concrete Design Instructor's Manual is part of the "Prevention through Design" (PtD) initiative, aimed at integrating safety and health considerations into design practices within undergraduate engineering curricula. Specifically, this manual focuses on reinforced concrete design, one of four PtD educational modules. It provides educators with learning objectives, lecture notes, case studies, and test questions, all designed to raise awareness of construction hazards and encourage the design-out of hazards. The objective is to prepare future engineers to create safer construction environments by addressing potential hazards at the design stage.

Structural Steel Design

Structural Steel Design

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health United States 2013

Structural Steel Design Instructor's Manual is a comprehensive educational resource developed under the Prevention through Design (PtD) initiative by NIOSH. This manual aims to integrate PtD concepts into undergraduate engineering curricula, focusing on minimizing occupational safety and health risks from the design phase. It covers the specific area of structural steel design, providing educators with learning objectives, detailed lecture notes, case studies, and test materials. This initiative underscores the importance of designing out hazards to enhance safety and reduce costs in engineering practices.
