Copyright © 2012, HK PolyU  

A. Journal papers (since 2011):   

1. Z. Chen, H. Wang, A. P. Zhang, D. Dai, and Y. Shi, “Ultra-high sensitivity integrated photonic biosensors based on a feedback-coupled microring resonator,” Optics Express, in press.  

2. P. Wang, T. Li, H. Lin, P. Zhao, S. Liu, H.-Y. Tam, and A. P. Zhang, “Miniature optical fiber accelerometer based on an in-situ 3D micro-printed ferrule-top Fabry-Pérot microinterferometer,” Light: Advanced Manufacturing, in press.  

3. T. Li, P. Zhao, P. Wang, K. V. Krishnaiah, W. Jin, and A. P. Zhang, “Miniature optical fiber photoacoustic spectroscopy gas sensor based on a 3D micro-printed planar-spiral spring optomechanical resonator,” Photoacoustics, Vol. 40, p. 100657, 2024. 

4. Z. Wang, B. Zhou, and A. P. Zhang, “High-Q WGM microcavity-based optofluidic sensor technologies for biological analysis,” Biomicrofluidics, Vol. 18, p. 041502, 2024. 

5. Y. Zhang, S. Zhang, H. Wu, J.-H. Wang, G. Lin, and A. P. Zhang, “Miniature computational spectrometer based on a plasmonic nanoparticles-in-cavity microfilter array,” Nature Communications, Vol. 15, p. 3807, 2024.           (IF: 16.6)     

6. H. Wang, Z. Chen, T. Li, H. Xie, B. Yin, S. H. D. Wong, Y. Shi, and A. P. Zhang, “Optofluidic chip with directly printed polymer optical waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensors for label-free biodetection,” Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 15, pp. 3240-3250, 2024.                 (highlighted as an Editor’s Pick)

7. P. Zhao, K. V. Krishnaiah, L. Guo, T. Li, H. L. Ho, A. P. Zhang, and W. Jin, “Ultraminiature optical fiber-tip 3D micro-printed photothermal interferometric gas sensors,” Laser & Photonics Reviews, Vol. 2024, p. 2301285, 2024.           (IF: 11.0)     

8. H. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z.-Z. Wang, and A. P. Zhang, “Directly printed plasmonic substrates of gold micro-flake array for plasmonically-enhanced infrared absorption-spectroscopic biodetection,” Sensors and Actuators B, Vol. 399, p. 134841, 2024.                

9. Y. Pan, Y. Zhang, X. Shi, D. Li, X. Xu, B. Xiao, Y. Piao, J. Xiang, S. Shao, F. C.-Y. Ho, Y. Shen, A. P. Zhang, and J. Tang, Electrical stimulation induces anti-tumor immunomodulation via a flexible microneedle-array-integrated interdigital electrode,” Science Bulletin, Vol. 68, pp. 2779-2792, 2023.       (IF: 18.9).

10. P. P. Shum, G. Keiser, G. HumbertD. J. J. Hu, A. P. Zhang, L. Su, “Highly sensitive microfiber ultrasound sensor for photoacoustic imaging,” Opto-Electronic Advances, Vol. 6, p. 230065-1, 2023.

11. Y. Zhang, H. Wu, H. Wang, B. Yin, S. H. D. Wong, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, Ultraminiature optical fiber-tip directly-printed plasmonic biosensors for label-free biodetection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 218, p. 114774, 2022.          (IF: 12.6)

12. Z. Ding, H. Wang, T. Li, X. Ouyang, Y. Shi, and A. P. Zhang, Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides by digital ultraviolet lithography,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 40, Iss. 1, pp. 163 – 169, 2022.          

13. Y. Zhang, Z. Liang, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, Direct printing of micropatterned plasmonic substrates of size-controlled gold nanoparticles by precision photoreduction,” Advanced Optical Materials, Vol. 9, p. 2001368, 2021.       (IF: 10.05featured on outside Front Cover)     

14. Y. Mian, Y. Zhang, X. Ouyang, A. P. Zhang, H.-Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, Ultracompact optical fiber acoustic sensors based on a fiber-top spirally-suspended optomechanical microresonator,” Optics Letters, Vol. 45, pp. 3516-3519, 2020.      

15. X. Ouyang, T. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. He, Z. He, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, Ultrasensitive optofluidic enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by on-chip integrated polymer whispering-gallery-mode microlaser sensors,” Lab on a Chip, Vol. 20, pp. 2438 - 2446, 2020.                 (featured on outside Front Cover)   

16. Y. Zhang, M.-J. Yin, X. Ouyang, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, 3D μ-printing of polytetrafluoroethylene microstructures: a route to superhydrophobic surfaces and devices,” Applied Materials Today, Vol. 19, p.100580, 2020.           (IF: 10.04)      

17. X. Ouyang, Z. Yin, J. Wu, C. Zhou, and A. P. Zhang, “Rapid optical μ-printing of polymer top-lensed microlens array,” Optics Express, Vol. 27, pp. 18376-18382, 2019.      

18. M.-J. Yin, Z. Yin, Y. Zhang, Q. Zheng, and A. P. Zhang, “Micropatterned elastic ionic polyacrylamide hydrogel for low-voltage capacitive and organic thin-film transistor pressure sensors,” Nano Energy, Vol. 58, pp. 96-104, 2019.       (IF: 13.1)

19. Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, X. Ouyang, D. Y. Lei, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, “Ultrafast light-controlled growth of silver nanoparticles for direct plasmonic color printing,” ACS Nano, Vol. 12, pp.9913-9921, 2018.       (IF: 13.7press reported by eeNews Europe)

20. J. Wu, M. Yao, F. Xiong, A. P. Zhang, H.-Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optical fiber-tip Fabry-Pérot interferometric pressure sensor based on an in-situ µ-printed air cavity,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 36, pp. 3618-3623, 2018

21. Z. Yin, M.-J. Yin, Z. Liu, Y. Zhang, A. P. Zhang, and Q. Zheng, “Solution-processed bilayer dielectrics for flexible low-voltage organic field-effect transistors in pressure sensing applications,” Advanced Science, Vol. 5, p. 1701041, 2018.      (IF: 12.4)

22. M.-J. Yin, Y. Zhang, Z. Yin, Q. Zheng, and A. P. Zhang, “Micropatterned elastic gold-nanowire/polyacrylamide composite hydrogels for wearable pressure sensors,” Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol. 3, p. 1800051, 2018.    (highlighted on the Back Cover; featured by Materials Views China)

23. S. Gao, W.-T. Tung, D. S.-H. Wong, L. Bian, and A. P. Zhang, “Direct optical micropatterning of poly(dimethylsiloxane) for microfluidic devices ,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering , Vol. 28, p. 095011, 2018

24. M. Yao, X. Ouyang, J. Wu, A. P. Zhang, H.-Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optical fiber-tip sensors based on in-situ µ-printed polymer suspended-microbeams,” Sensors, Vol. 18, p. 1825, 2018.       (Invited Paper for Special Issue “Lab on Fiber Optrodes for Chemical and Biological Sensing: Recent Trends and Advances”)

25. J. Wu, M.-J. Yin, K. Seefeldt, A. Dani, R. Guterman, J. Yuan, A. P. Zhang, and H. Y. Tam, “In situ µ-printed optical fiber-tip CO2 sensor using a photocrosslinkable poly(ionic liquid),” Sensors and Actuator B, Vol. 259, pp. 833-839, 2018

26. M. Yao, J. Wu, A. P. Zhang, H. Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optically 3D µ-printed ferrule-top polymer suspended-mirror devices,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 17, pp. 7257-7261, 2017. 

27. X. Ouyang, K. Zhang, J. Wu, D. S.-H. Wong, Q. Feng, L. Bian, and A. P. Zhang, “Optical µ-printing of cellular-scale microscaffold arrays for 3D cell culture,” Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, p. 8880, 2017. 

28. J. Wang, M. Yao, C. Hu, A. P. Zhang, Y. H. Shen, H.-Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optofluidic tunable mode-locked fiber laser using a long-period grating integrated microfluidic chip,” Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 1117 -1120, 2017. 

29. N. Guo, L. Wang, J. Wang, C. Jin, H.-Y. Tam, A. P. Zhang, and C. Lu, “Bi-directional Brillouin optical time domain analyzer system for long range distributed sensing,” Sensors, Vol. 16, p. 2156, 2016.

30. J. Wang, Z.-Y. Liu, S. R. Gao, A. P. Zhang, Y. H. Shen, and H.-Y. Tam, “Fiber-optic anemometer based on Bragg grating inscribed in metal-filled microstructured optical fiber,” IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 34, pp. 4884 - 4889, 2016. 

31. J. Wang, Y.-X. Yan, A. P. Zhang, B. Wu, Y. H. Shen, and H.-Y. Tam, “Tunable scalar solitons from a carbon-nanotube mode-locked polarization-maintaining fiber laser with chirped fiber Bragg grating,” Optics Express, Vol. 24, pp. 22387 –22394, 2016.

32. M.-J. Yin, B. Huang, S. Gao, A. P. Zhang, and X. Ye, “Optical fiber LPG biosensor integrated microfluidic chip for ultrasensitive glucose detection,” Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 7, Iss. 5, pp. 2067-2077, 2016.    (featured by The Optical Society OSA and news reported by Laser Focus World , et al).

33. B.-B. Huang, M.-J. Yin, A. P. Zhang, and X. Ye, “On-chip microfabrication of thermally controllable PNIPAAm microvalves by using optical maskless stereolithography,” Sensors and Actuators A, Vol. 247, pp. 397- 402, 2016.

34. M.-J. Yin, M. Yao, S. Gao, A. P. Zhang, H. Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Rapid 3D patterning of  poly(acrylic acid) ionic hydrogel for miniature pH sensors,” Advanced Materials, Vol.28, Iss.7, p.1394, 2016.     (IF: 19.8highlighted by Materials Views China)

35. J. Wang, A. P. Zhang, Y. H. Shen, H. Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Widely tunable mode-locked fiber laser using carbon nanotube and LPG W-shaped filter,” Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Iss. 18, pp. 4329-4332, 2015.

36. J. Wu, X. Guo, A. P. Zhang, and H. Y. Tam, “Rapid 3D µ-printing of polymer optical whispering-gallery mode resonators,” Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 23, pp. 29708-29714, 2015.          (featured by DLi Texas Instruments as a research spotlight)

37. Z.-Y. Liu, M. L. V. Tse, A. P. Zhang, and H.Y. Tam, “Integrated microfluidic flowmeter based on a micro-FBG inscribed in Co2+-doped optical fiber,” Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Iss. 20, pp. 5877-5880, 2014.

38. C. Wu, M.-L. V. Tse, Z. Y. Liu, B. O. Guan, A. P. Zhang, C. Lu, and H.Y. Tam, “In-line microfluidic integration of photonic crystal fibres as a highly sensitive refractometer,” Analyst, Vol. 139, pp. 5422-5429, 2014.

39. C. Wu, Z. Y. Liu, A. P. Zhang, B. O. Guan, and H.Y. Tam, “In-line open-cavity Fabry-Perot interferometer formed by C-shaped fiber for temperature-insensitive refractive index sensing,” Optics Express, Vol. 22, pp. 21757-21766, 2014.

40. L.-H. Cho, C. Lu, A. P. Zhang, and H.Y. Tam, “Fiber Bragg grating anemometer with reduced pump power-dependency,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 25, No. 24, pp. 2450-2453, 2013.

41. P. Soman, P. Chung, A. P. Zhang, and S. Chen, “Digital microfabrication of user-defined 3D microstructures in cell-laden hydrogels,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 110, No. 11, pp.3038-3047, 2013. 

42. Q. Zhao, M. Yin, A. P. Zhang, S. Prescher, M. Antonietti, and J. Yuan, “Hierarchically Structured Nanoporous Poly(Ionic Liquid) Membranes: Facile Preparation and Application in Fiber-optic pH Sensing,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, Vol.135, No. 15, pp 5549–5552, 2013.             (IF: 11.4)

43. M.-J. Yin, C. Wu, L.-Y. Shao, W. K. E. Chan, A. P. Zhang, C. Lu, and H.-Y. Tam, "Label-free, disposable fiber-optic biosensors for DNA hybridization detection," Analyst, Vol. 138, pp.1988-1994, 2013.

44. Y. Zhang, S. Gao, and A. P. Zhang "Optically Heated Long-Period Grating as Temperature-Insensitive Fiber-Optic Refractive-Index Sensor," IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 2340- 2345, 2012.

45. A. P. Zhang, X. Qu, P. Soman, K. C. Hribar, J. W. Lee, S. Chen, and S. He, “Rapid Fabrication of Complex 3D Extracellular Microenvironments by Dynamic Optical Projection Stereolithography,” Advanced Materials, Vol. 24, Iss. 31, pp. 4266–4270, 2012.               (IF: 14.8;   news reported by Science Daily, et al. )     

46. M. Yin,  B. Gu,  J. Qian,  A. P. Zhang,  Q. An and S. He, “Highly sensitive and selective fiber-optic modal interferometric sensor for detecting trace mercury ion in aqueous solution,” Anal. Methods, Vol. 4, pp. 1292-1297, 2012.

47. B. Gu, M. Yin, A. P. Zhang, J. Qian and S. He, “Biocompatible fiber-optic pH sensor based on fiber modal interferometer self-assembled with sodium alginate/polyethylenimine coating,” IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol. 12, Iss. 5, pp. 1477 – 1482, 2012.

48. Y. B. Bai, A. P. Zhang S. R. Gao and G. Y. Ma, “Fabrication of low-loss microfiber Bragg grating for highly sensitive sensor applications,” Sensor Letters, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 14444 – 1447, July 2012.

49. B. Gu, W. Yuan, M. H. Frosz, A. P. Zhang, S. He, and O. Bang, “Nonlinear fiber-optic strain sensor based on four-wave mixing in microstructured optical fiber,” Optics Letters, Vol. 37, Iss. 5, pp.794-796, 2012.

50. A. P. Zhang, S. R. Gao, G. F. Yang and Y. B. Bai, “Advance in Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Technologies,” Photonic Sensors, Vol. 2, pp. 1-13, 2012.                                             (highlighted on the Front Cover )     

51. M. J. Yan, A. Q. Fu, J. W. Qian, and A. P. Zhang, “Preparation and Application of Fiber-Optic Sensors Based on Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly Multilayers,” Progress in Chemistry, Vol. 23, Iss. 12, pp.2568-2575, 2011.

52. B. Gu, M. Yin, A. P. Zhang, J. Qian and S. He, “Fiber-optic metal ion sensor based on thin-core fiber modal interferometer with nanocoating self-assembled via hydrogen bonding,” Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, Vol. 160, Iss. 1, pp. 1174-1179, 2011.

53. Y.-B. Bai, A. P. Zhang, G. F. Yan, and S. He, “Selective excitation and coupling of high-order optical modes of a microstructured optical fiber by using a fiber-end microtip,” Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Iss. 20, pp. 4074-4076, 2011.

54. G.-F. Yan, A. P. Zhang, G. Ma, B. Wang, B. Kim, J. Im, S. He, and Y. Chung, “Fiber-optic acetylene gas sensor based on microstructured optical fiber Bragg gratings,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23, Iss. 21, pp.1588 - 1590, 2011.

55. H. Fu, X. Shu, A. P. Zhang, W. Liu, L. Zhang, S. He, and I. Bennion, “Implementation and characterization of liquid-level sensor based on a long-period fiber grating Mach-Zehnder interferometer,” IEEE Sensor Journal, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 2878 – 2882, 2011.

56. Y. Liu, C. Meng, A. P. Zhang, Y. Xiao, H. Yu, and L. Tong, “Compact microfiber Bragg gratings with high-index contrast,” Optics Letters, Vol. 36, Iss. 16, pp. 3115-3117, 2011.

57. A. P. Zhang, G. F. Yan, S.-R. Gao, S. He, B. Kim, J. Im, and Y. Chung, “Microfluidic refractive-index sensors based on small-hole microstructured optical fiber Bragg gratings,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.98, p. 221109, 2011.

58. S.-R. Gao, A. P. Zhang, H.-Y. Tam, L. H. Cho, and C. Lu, “All-optical fiber anemometer based on laser heated fiber Bragg gratings,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, Iss. 11, pp. 10124–10130, 2011.

59. J.-J. Zhu, A. P. Zhang, B. Zhou, F. Tu, J.-T. Guo, W.-J. Tong, S. He, and W. Xue, “Effects of doping concentrations on the regeneration of Bragg gratings in hydrogen loaded optical fibers,” Optics Communications, Vol. 284, pp. 2808-2811, 2011.

60. M. Yin, B. Gu, Q. Zhao, J. Qian, A. P. Zhang, Q. An, and S. He, “Highly sensitive and fast responsive fiber-optic modal interferometric pH sensor based on polyelectrolyte complex and polyelectrolyte self-assembled nanocoating,” Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 399, No. 10, pp.3623-3631, 2011.

61. B. Gu, M.-J. Yin, A. P. Zhang, J.-W. Qian, and S. He, “Optical fiber relative humidity sensor based on FBG incorporated thin-core fiber modal interferometer,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, Iss. 5, pp. 4140–4146, 2011.

B. Conference papers (since 2016):

1. T. Li, P. Zhao, P. Wang, K. V. Krishnaiah, W. Jin, and A. P. Zhang, “Miniature optical fiber photoacoustic gas sensor based on a 3D micro-printed ferrule-top optomechanical resonator,” 12th Optical Fiber Sensors Conference China (OFS-China 2024), 20 - 22 Sept 2024, Chongqing, China.         (Best Oral-Presentation Paper Award (First Class))

2. Y. Zhang, and A. P. Zhang, “Directly printed size-controlled silver/gold nanoparticles for plasmonic sensors and microfilter applications,” 12th International Conference on Nanophotonics, 8 - 12 Sept 2024, Shenzhen, China.         (Invited talk)

3. H. Xie, Y. Zhang, H. Wang, and A. P. Zhang, “Lithography-assisted assembly of single-layer gold nanoparticle micropatterns for plasmonic biosensor applications,” IEEE BioSensors Conference (BioSensors 2024), Cambridge, United Kingdom, 28 - 30 July 2024, doi: 10.1109/BioSensors61405.2024.10712674.

4. N. Wang, Z. Wang, B. Zhou, Y. Qin, and A. P. Zhang, “3D Micro-Printed Limacon-Shaped Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microcavity for Cavity-Enhanced Fluorescence Spectroscopic Sensing,” Optical Sensors 2024, ID: SF1C.4, Toulouse, France, 15 - 19 July 2024.

5. P. Wang, T. Li, and A. P. Zhang, “Optical fiber ferrule-top suspended optomechanical microresonators for acceleration sensing,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2024, ID: AM2A.4, North Caroline, USA, 07– 12 May 2024.

6. P. Zhao, K. V. Krishnaiah, T. Li, H. L. Ho, A. P. Zhang, and W. Jin, “High-sensitivity fiber-tip photothermal gas sensor based on a 3D µ-printed Fabry-Pérot microcavity,” The 28th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS 28), Paper ID: Th5.2, Hamamatsu, Japan, 20– 24 Nov 2023.

7. A. P. Zhang, “Directly printed micro/nano-photonic sensors for high-sensitivity label-free biodetection,” IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC 2023), Stockholm, Sweden, 21– 23 Aug 2023.           (Invited talk)

8. H. Wang, Z. Chen. T. Li, Y. Shi, and A. P. Zhang, “Fabrication of polymer optical waveguide-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer microsensors for integrated optofluidic biodetection,” Optica Sensing Congress 2023, ID: STu3C.4, Munich, Germany, Aug. 2023.   

9. A. P. Zhang, “Ultraminiature optical fiber-tip sensors and their applications,” The 28th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2023), ID: OECC2023-0423-3, Shanghai, China, 2– 6 July 2023.           (Invited talk)

10. T. Li, K. V. Krishnaiah, P. C. Zhao, and A. P. Zhang, “Optical fiber ferrule-top spirally-suspended optomechanical microresonators for photoacoustic spectroscopic gas sensing,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO Europe) 2023, ID: 829, Munich, Germany, 26– 30 June 2023.   

11. Z. Wang, Y. Qin, and A. P. Zhang, “Optically 3D µ-printed directional-emission WGM microlasers for on-chip integrated sensing,Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2023, ID: 3856081, San Jose, California, USA, 07– 12 May 2023.     

12. Y. Zhang, and A. P. Zhang, “Additive printing of gold/silver nanostructures towards plasmonic metasurfaces,” SPIE Optics plus Photonics, ID: OP103-12197-11, San Diego, US, 21—25 Auguest, 2022.    (Invited talk)

13. Y. Zhang, H. Wu, and A. P. Zhang, “A thin-film optical filter with in-cavity strongly-coupled silver nanoparticles,” The 26th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2021), Hong Kong, July 3 – 7, 2021.

14. A. P. Zhang, “Direct printing of plasmonic micropatterns of Au/Ag nanoparticles via precision photoreduction,SPIE Optics plus Photonics, San Diego, US, 11– 15 August 2019.                 (Invited talk)

15. X. Ouyang, Y. Zhang, J. He, Z. Liang, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, “3D μ-printed polymer whispering-gallery-mode microcavity laser sensor array,” The 2019 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics / Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2019), ID: CE-11.4, June 23 – 27, 2019, Munich, Germany.   

16. Y. Zhang, X. Ouyang, K. H. Ho, Z. Liang, D. Lei, A. P. Zhang and H.-Y. Tam, “Silver-nanoparticle enhanced PVA thin-film colorimetric humidity sensor,” 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems & Eurosensors XXXIII (TRANSDUCERS & EUROSENSORS XXXIII), ID: 0947, June 23-27, 2019, Berlin, Germany.     

17. Z. Liang, Y. Zhang, X. Ouyang, A. P. Zhang, and H.-Y. Tam, “Fabrication of micropatterned plasmonic substrates of gold nanoparticles for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy,” The 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO 2019), ID: sciforum-024970, 14–17 June 2019, Hong Kong. 

18. A. P. Zhang, “Optically 3D µ-printed microstructures and devices,” The 13th Annual IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems (IEEE NEMS 2018), Singapore, 22– 26 April 2018.                  (Invited talk)

19. Y. Zhang, M. Yin, X. Ouyang, A. P. Zhang, and H. Y. Tam, “Optical 3D µ-printing of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) microstructures,” The 31st IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2018), Belfast, Northern Ireland, 21– 25 January 2018.                 

20. A. P. Zhang, “Optofluidic technologies with optical fiber grating devices,” The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (Optofluidics 2017), Singapore, 25– 28 July 2017.                  (Invited talk)

21. J. Wu, M.-J. Yin, K. Taeuber, A. Dani, R. Guterman, J. Yuan, A. P. Zhang and H.-Y. Tam, “Optical fiber-top microcavity sensor for CO2 detection,” TechConnect World Innovation Conference & Expo 2017, Washington DC, May 14 – 17, 2017.

22. A. P. Zhang, “Versatile optical maskless exposure technologies for microdevices and sensors,” The 6th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2017), Apr. 23– 26, Nanjing, China, 2017.                (Invited talk)

23. M. Yao, J. Wu, A. P. Zhang, H. Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optical fiber end-facet polymer suspended-mirror devices,” The 25th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS-25), Jeju, Korea, 2017.

24. A. P. Zhang, “In-situ optical microfabrication technology for novel fiber-optic devices and sensors,” Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP) 2016, Nov. 2– 5, Wuhan, China, 2016.               (Invited talk)

25. M. Yao, J. Wu, A. P. Zhang, H. Y. Tam, and P. K. A. Wai, “Optical 3D µ-printing of ferrule-top suspended mirror devices,” IEEE Sensors 2016, Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, Orlando, USA, 2016.

26. Y.-X. Yan, J. Wang, A. P. Zhang, Y. H. Shen, and H. Y. Tam, “Tunable L-band Mode-Locked Fiber Laser Based on Chirped Fiber Bragg Grating,” Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity and Poling in Glass Waveguides (BGPP), Photonics and Fiber Technology Conference, ID: BM3B.5, Sept. 05-08, Sydney, Australia, 2016.

27. A. P. Zhang, “Specialty laser direct-writing technologies for photonic devices,” The 8th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2016), July 17-20, Shanghai, China, 2016.                (Invited talk)

28. S.-R. Gao, W.-T. Tung, Dexter S.-H. Wong, L. Bian, and A. P. Zhang, “Direct optical patterning of poly(dimethylsiloxane) microstructures for microfluidic chips,” (Proc. SPIE 9685) The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technology (AOMATT 2016), ID: 4-0044, Apr. 26-29, Suzhou, China, 2016 (doi:10.1117/12.2243464).