Top Paper! |
July 2024 - Qiuna Zhuang's paper "Permeable, three-dimensional integrated
electronic skins with stretchable hybrid liquid metal solders " was online in Nature Electronics. |
Congratuations! |
June 2024 - Chuan Xie's paper "UV-Permeable 3D Li Anodes for In Situ Fabrication of Interface-Gapless Flexible Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries " was online in Advanced Materials. |
March 2024 -Qianyi Guo's paper "A Freestanding, Dissolution- and Diffusion-Limiting, Flexible Sulfur Electrode Enables High Specific Capacity at High Mass Loading " was online in Advanced Materials. |
Top Reviews! |
February 2024 -Yichun Ding's paper " Porous Conductive Textiles for Wearable Electronics " was online in Chemical Reviews. |
Graduation! |
Jan 2024 - Fan Chen, Zhenyao Wei, Wancheng Yu, Pengxiang Zhang, Leni Zhong, and Qiuna Zhuang sucessfully defended their thesis and big congratulations to Dr. Chen, Dr. Wei, Dr. Yu, Dr. Zhang, Dr. Zhong, and Dr. Zhuang! |
Graduation! |
May 2020 - Qiuna Zhuang has sucessfully passed her MPhil thesis defence!!! Congratulations! |
Graduation! |
May 2020 - Xi Lu successfully defended his thesis and big congratulations to Dr. Lu! |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2020 - Yaokang Zhang's paper "Solution-Processed Transparent Electrodes for Emerging Thin-Film Solar Cells" was accepted by Chemical Reviews. |
Congratulations! |
Sep 2018 - Jian Chang's paper "Flexible and stable high-energy lithium-sulfur full batteries with only 100% oversized lithium" was accepted by Nat. Comm. |
Congratulations! |
Jun 2018 - Guoqiang Liu's paper "Scanning Nanowelding Lithography for Rewritable One-Step Patterning of Sub-50 nm High-Aspect-Ratio Metal Nanostructures" was accepted by Adv. Mater. |
Graduation! |
May 2018 - Yaokang Zhang successfully defended his thesis and big congratulations to Dr. Zhang! |
Congratulations! |
Apr 2018 - Dongrui Wang's paper "Chemical formation of soft metal electrodes for flexible and wearble electronics" was accepted by Chem. Soc. Rev. |
Congratulations! |
Mar 2018 - Zhongwei Wu's paper " Flexible and stretchable perovskite solar cells: device design and development methods" was accepted by Small Methods. |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2018 - Miya Ng's paper "Graphene-based two-dimensional Janus materials" was accepted by NPG Asia Mater. |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2018 - Lei Yao's paper "Scaleable 2D hierachical porous carbon nanosheets for flexible supercapacitors with ultrahigh energy density" was accepted by Adv. Mater. |
Graduation! |
Aug 2017 - Lina Chen successfully defended her thesis and big congratulations to Dr. Chen! |
Top Reviews! |
July 2017 - Two review papers, "Self-healing materials for next-generation energy harvesting and storage devices" by Dongdong Chen et al. and "Functional polymer surfaces for controlling cell behaviros" by Lina Chen et al. are accepted by Adv. Energy Materand Materials Today, respecitively. |
Congratulations! |
Jun 2017 - Yaokang Zhang's paper "Full-solution-processed TCO-free Semi-transparent Perovskite Solar Cells for Tandem and Flexible Applications" was accepted by Adv. Energy Mater. |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2017 - Yu Yang's paper "Waterproof, ultrahigh area-capacitance, wearable supercapacitor fabrics" was accepted by Adv. Mater. |
Congratulations! |
Oct 2016 - Kan Li and Yaokang Zhang's paper "Versatile biomimetic haze film for efficiency enhancement of photovoltatic devices" was accepted by JMCA. |
Congratulations! |
Sep 2016 - Casey Yan's paper "Machine-washable Textile Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Effective Human Respiratory Monitoring through Loom Weaving of Metallic Yarns" was accepted by Adv. Mater. This paper is also highlighted as Frontispiece. |
Congratulations! |
Jul 2016 - Qiyao Huang's review paper "Textile-Based Electrochemcial Energy Storage Devcies" was accepted by Adv. Energy. Mater. |
Congratulations! |
May 2016 - Lina Chen's paper "Biomimicking Nano-Micro Binary Polymer Brushes for Smart Cell Orientation and Adhesion Control" was accepted by Small. |
Congratulations! |
Feb 2016 - You Yu's paper "Photo-reactive and metal-platable copolymer inks for high-throughput, room-temperature printing of flexible metal electrodes for thin-film electronics" was accepted by Advanced Materials. |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2016 - Qiyao Huang's paper "One-step electrospinning of carbon nanowebs on metallic textiles for high-capacitance supercapacitor fabrics" was accepted by J. Mater. Chem. A. This paper is collected as part of the prestigous themed issue, Emerging Investigator 2016: Novel design strategies for new functional materials. This paper is also selected as Back Cover of the themed issue. |
Award Winning! |
Jan 2016 - Prof. Zheng was awarded Faculty Award by the Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for his excellent research achievement. |
Graduation! |
Dec 2015 - Casey Yan has sucessfully passed her MPhil thesis defence!!! Congradulations! |
Congratulations! |
Sep 2015 - Zhuang Xie's paper "On-Tip Photo-Modulated Molecular Printing" was accepted by Angew Chem. |
Award Winning! |
Aug 2015 - Prof. Zheng was awarded 2015 Future Leaders by Science and Technology in Society Forum and The New York Academy of Sciences. Every two years, 8 outstanding young scientists aged 40 or below from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North Ameica, who have made signficiant contriubiton to fundamental science, are seleted for this award. |
Award Winning! |
July 2015 - Casey Yan and Prof. Zheng won a Silver Metal in the 43rd International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva. This award was given on the basis of their patented high-performance metallic textile technology. |
Congratulations! |
Aug 2015 - Chaojian Chen's paper "Arbitrary and Parallel Nanofabrication of Three-dimensional Metal Structures with Polymer Brush Resists" was accepted by Small. |
Research Highlight! |
Jun 2015 - Ruisheng Guo's paper "Bio-mimicking topographic elastomeric petals (E-petals) for omnidirectional stretchable and printable electronics" was highlihted by ScienceNet China(中国科学网), the most recongnized scientific media in China. Follow the LINK to read the detail. |
Congratulations! |
Apr 2015 - Libin Liu's paper "Wearable Energy-Dense and Power-Dense Supercapacitor Yarns Enabled by Scalable Graphene-Metallic Textile Composite Electrodes" was accepted by Nature Communications. |
Congratulations! |
Mar 2015 - Yu You's paper "Bio-Inspired Chemical Fabrication of Stretchable Transparent Electrodes" was accepted by Small. |
Research Highlight! |
Mar 2015 - Ruisheng Guo's paper "Bio-mimicking topographic elastomeric petals (E-petals) for omnidirectional stretchable and printable electronics" was highlihted by Materials View. Follow the LINK to read the detail. |
Congratulations! |
Feb 2015 - Ruisheng Guo's paper "Bio-mimicking topographic elastomeric petals (E-petals) for omnidirectional stretchable and printable electronics" was published by Advanced Science, a flag-ship premium open-accessed journal recently published by Wiley's Advanced Materials family. |
Graduation! |
Dec 2014 - Zhuang Xie's sucessfully passed his PhD thesis defence!!! Congradulations! |
Congratulations! |
Oct 2014 - Zhuang Xie's paper "Apertureless Cantilever-free Pen Arrays for Scanning Photochemical Printing" was accepted by Small. |
Congratulations! |
Aug 2014 - Chaojian Chen's paper "Construction of 3D Polymer Brushes by Dip-Pen Nanodisplacement Lithography: Understanding the Molecular Displacement for Ultrafine and High-Speed Patterning" was accepted by Small. |
Congratulations! |
Aug 2014 - Kan Li and Hongyu Zhen's paper " Full-Solution processed flexible organic solar cells using low-cost printable copper electrodes" was accepted by Advanced Materials. |
Congratulations! |
July 2014 - Liyong Niu's paper "Salt-assisted high-throughput synthesis of single- and few-layer transition metal dichalcogenides and their applications in organic solar cells" was accepted by Small. |
Congratulations! |
July 2014 - Tingting Gao and Sze-Wing Ng's paper "Transferable, transparent and functional polymer@graphene 2D objects" was accepted by NPG Asian Materials. |
Jounral Cover ! |
Zhuang Xie's paper "Massively Parallel Patterning of Complex 2D and 3D Functional Polymer Brushes by Polymer Pen Lithography" was selected as Issue Cover of Aug Issue of ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces. Following the link to veiw the high resolution image. |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2014 - Zhuang Xie's paper "Massively Parallel Patterning of Complex 2D and 3D Functional Polymer Brushes by Polymer Pen Lithography" was accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces. |
Jounral Cover ! |
You Yu et al.'s paper "Three-dimensional compressible and stretchable conductive composites" was selected as inside Cover of Issue 5 of 2014 by Adv. Mater. Following the link to veiw the high resolution image. |
Hot Paper ! |
Casey Yan et al.'s paper "The Development of Pad-Dry-Cure Compatible Method
for Preparing Electrically Conductive Copper Coated
Cotton Woven Fabrics" was ranked "the most-accessed paper of the issue" by Jounral of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics (JFBI 2013, 6, 117). |
Congratulations! |
Dec 2013 - Our Research News "Polymer-assisted metal deposition (PAMD): a full-solution strategy for flexible, stretchable, compressible, and wearable metal conductors" was accepted by Adv. Mater . |
Congratulations! |
Oct 2013 - You Yu et al.'s paper "Three-dimensional compressible and stretchable conductive composites" was accepted by Adv. Mater . |
Welcome! |
Sep 2013 - Warmly welcome Ms. Sze Wing NG, Mr. Yaokang Zhang and Ms. Lina Chen to our research group as Mphill and PhD students. |
Promotion! |
Sep 2013 - Dr. Zheng was promoted to Tenured Associate Professor by a fast track with retroactive effect on 1 July 2013. |
Press Release! |
Sep 2013 - Xinlei Ma et al.'s paper "Polymer Brush Electrets " was reported in a recent Press in “Materials View 中国", a scientific magazine focusing on the latest materials science news. For detail, please click here. |
Congratulations! |
Jun 2013 - Liyong Niu et al.'s paper "Salt-assisted direct exfoliation of graphite into high-quality, large-size, few-layer graphene sheets" was accepted by Nanoscale. |
Magnificent! |
May 2013 - Xinlei Ma successfully defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Ma !!! |
Congratulations! |
Mar 2013 - Ruisheng Guo et al.'s paper "Matrix-Assisted Catalytic Printing for the Fabrication of Multi-Scale, Flexible, Foldable, and Stretchable Metal Conductors" was accepted by Adv. Mater . |
Congratulations! |
Jan 2013 - Xinlei Ma et al.'s paper "Polymer Brush Electrets " was accepted by Adv. Funct. Mater . |
Hot Paper ! |
Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Transparent, flexible, low-temperature and solution processible graphene composite electrode" was ranked "the most-read paper" 09/2011-08/2012 to Adv. Funct. Mater. (Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20, 2893). |
Congratulations! |
Aug 2012 - Xuechang Zhou et al.'s paper "High-Resolution, Large-Area, Serial Fabrication of 3D Polymer Brush Structures by Parallel Dip-Pen Nanodisplacement Lithography" was accepted by Small. |
Congratulations! |
July 2012 - Zhuang Xie et al.'s paper "Polymer Pen Lithography using Dual-Elastomer Tip Arrays" was accepted by Small. |
Most-read |
Aug 2012 - Our invited Feature Article "3D Patterned Polymer Brush Surfaces " has been top-10 most-read Nanoscale article since June 2012. For detail, please click here. |
Most-read |
Jan 2012 - Our invited Feature Article "3D Patterned Polymer Brush Surfaces " was No.1 most-read Nanoscale article in December. For detail, please click here. |
Congratulations! |
Dec 2011 - Two invited Feature Articles and one invited Focus Review were accepted to Nanoscale, Macro. Rap. Comm., and Chem. Asian. J. |
Most-read |
Nov 2011 - Our invited Feature Article "3D Patterned Polymer Brush Surfaces " was one of the Top Ten most-read Nanoscale articles in November. For detail, please click here. |
Polymers structures: Spread thin |
Sep 2011 - Xuechang Zhou et al.'s work "Fabrication of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Polymer Structures by Rational Control of Spacing between Nanobrushes" was featured by Asia Materials of Nature Publishing Group. For detail, please click here. |
Polymers nanobrushes 'paint' the Mona Lisa in 3D |
June 2011 - Xuechang Zhou et al.'s work "Fabrication of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Polymer Structures by Rational Control of Spacing between Nanobrushes" was reported by Chemistry World. For detail, please click here. |
Magazine cover! |
Congratulations! |
May 2011 - Xuechang Zhou et al.'s paper "Fabrication of Arbitrary Three-Dimensional Polymer Structures by Rational Control of Spacing between Nanobrushes" was accepted by Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. |
Congratulations! |
Apr 2011 - Xiaolong Wang et al.'s paper "Stretchable conductors of ultra-high tensile strain and stable metallic conductance enabled by pre-strained polyelectrolyte nanoplatforms" was accepted by Adv. Mater. |
Congratulations! |
Mar 2011 - Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Facile synthesis of wide-bandgap fluorinated graphene semiconductors" was accepted by Eur. Chem. J. |
Press Release! |
Dec 2010 - Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Transparent, flexible, low-temperature and solution processible graphene composite electrode" was reported in a recent Press in “Materials View 中国", a scientific magazine focusing on the latest materials science news. For detail, please click here. |
Hot Paper ! |
Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Transparent, flexible, low-temperature and solution processible graphene composite electrode" was the No. 1 accessed hot paper in July 2010 to Adv. Funct. Mater. (Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20, 2893). |
Welcome! |
Sep 2010 - Mr. Zhuang Xie from Remin University joined the group as Mphill student. |
Congratulations! |
Sep 2010 - Haixin chang et al.'s paper "Highly Sensitive Ultraviolet Sensor Based on Facile in situ Solution-grown ZnO Nanorod/Graphene Heterostructure" was accepted by Nanoscale. |
Congratulations! |
Sep 2010 - Xuqing Liu et al.'s paper "Programming Polymer Nanostructures by Dip-Pen Nanodisplacement Lithography" was accepted by Nanoscale. |
Welcome! |
Aug 2010 - Dr. Xuechang Zhou from Chinese University of Hong Kong joined the group. |
Congratulations! |
July 2010 - Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Bandgap-Tunable, Solution-Processed, Few-Layer Reduced Graphene Oxide Films and Their Thin Film Filed-Effect Phototransistors" was accepted by Adv. Mater. |
Congratulations! |
June 2010 - Haixin Chang et al.'s paper "Transparent, flexible, low-temperature and solution processible graphene composite electrode" was accepted by Adv. Funct. Mater. |
Welcome! |
June 2010 - Dr. Xiaolong Wang from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS joined the group. |
Congratulations! |
Dec 2009 - Xuqing Liu and Haixin Chang's paper "Polyelectrolyte-Bridged Metal/Cotton Hierarchical Structures for Highly Durable Conductive Yarns" was accepted by ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. |