Are you sleeping well?

Question 1
Please rate the current (i.e., last 2 weeks) SEVERITY of your insomnia problem(s).
0 None
1 Mild
2 Moderate
3 Severe
4 Very
0 1 2 3 4
Difficulty falling asleep
0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Very
Difficulty staying asleep
0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Very
Problem waking up to early
0 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3 Severe 4 Very
Question 2
How SATISFIED/dissatisfied are you with your current sleep pattern?
0 Very Satisfied 1 Satisfied 2 Moderately Satisfied 3 Dissatisfied 4 Very Dissatisfied
Question 3
To what extent do you consider your sleep problem to INTERFERE with your daily functioning (e.g. daytime fatigue, ability to function at work/daily chores, concentration, memory, mood, etc.).
0 Not at all Interfering 1 A Little 2 Somewhat 3 Much 4 Very Much Interfering
Question 4
How NOTICEABLE to others do you think your sleeping problem is in terms of impairing the quality of your life?
0 Not at all Noticeable 1 Barely 2 Somewhat 3 Much 4 Very Much Noticeable
Question 5
How WORRIED/distressed are you about your current sleep problem?
0 Not at all 1 A Little 2 Somewhat 3 Much 4 Very Much