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RIAIoT People


Associate Directors

  • +852 2766 5879
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform, AIoT Infrastructure

Management Committee Members

Prof. Kenneth Fong N.K.

Assoc. Head(RS) & Professor

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

Prof. Yong Xia


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • +852 2766 6066
  • AIoT System Platform, AIoT Infrastructure

Leading Members

  • +852 2766 6180
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform, AIoT Infrastructure
Prof. Francis Lau C.M.

Assoc. Dean (Global Engagement) of FENG & Professor

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

Dr Xiapu Luo


Department of Computing

  • +852 2766 7267
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform , Cross-Layer Issues
Prof. Shuaian Wang


Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies

Prof. Songye Zhu

Assoc. Head(CEE) & Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Dr Yang Chai

Associate Dean(FS) & Professor

Department of Applied Mathematics

  • +852 2766 5678
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT Analytics, Cross-Layer Issues
Prof. Edward Chung C.S.


Department of Electrical Engineering

Dr Ivan Ho W.H.

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

  • +852 3400 3541
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT System Platform , AIoT Infrastructure
  • +852 3400 8061
  • AIoT System Platform, AIoT Infrastructure, Cross-Layer Issues
Dr Haibo Hu

Assoc. Head (Learning and Teaching) of EEE & Professor

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

  • +852 3400 3557
  • AIoT Applications, AIoT Analytics, AIoT System Platform
Dr Liang Liu

Associate Professor

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

Prof. Derek Or S.W.


Department of Electrical Engineering

Prof. Tarek Zayed


Department of Building and Real Estate

  • +852 2766 5812
  • Simulation and IT-Based Modeling, Integrated Reliability and Risk Assessment, Client Driven Seviceability Assessment
Dr. Bo Yang

Assistant Professor

Department of Computing

  • +852 2766 7286
  • Computing Vision, Machine Learning, Robotics
Dr Fei Wang

Reasearch Assistant Professor

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr Shahnawaz Anwer

Research Assistant Professor

Deapartment of Building and Real Estate

  • +852 3400 8174
  • Construction Ergonomics, Occupational Health and Safety, Exoskeleton Devices, Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Fatigue, Wearable sensors
Dr Hailong Huang

Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering

  • +852 34002466
  • Planning, Navigation and control of UAVs/mobile robots, Multi-agent systems
Dr Chun Fong Lei

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Management and Marketing

  • +852 2766 4059
  • E-Commerce, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Management and Innovation, IoT and AI Methods and Application
  • +852 2766 7324
  • Representation learning for dynamic data, Spatiotemporal data mining, Traffic prediction, Learning analytics
Dr Duojie Weng

Resaerch Assistant Professor

Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics

Dr Xiaoyou Wang

Resaerch Assistant Professor

Department of Civil and Environment Engineering

  • +852 3400 8466
  • Structural health monitoring, Artificial intelligence, Bayesian inference, Statistical learning
Dr Xinyu Zhou

Resaerch Assistant Professor

Department of Eletronic and Information Engineering

  • +852 2766 6235
  • RF/Microwave microelectronics circuits, Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit based on the third-generation semiconductor technology
Dr Lei Yang

Associate Professor

Department of Computing

  • +852 2766 7280
  • Physical Neural Networks, Battery-free Internet of Things, IoT-Augmented Metaverse, Mobile Computing, Wireless Communication and Sensing
Dr Shuowen Zhang

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronic and Information Engineering

Dr Wu Jibin

Assistant Professor

Department of Computing

  • +852 2766 7301
  • Computational Neuroscience, Computational Audition, Speech Processing, Cognitive Robot
Dr Chao Huang

Research Assistant Professor

Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Dr Lin Wan Yu

Assisstant Professor

Department of Computing

  • PQ730
  • 2766 4900
  • Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Federated Learning, AI for Science
Dr Liu Yan

Associate Professor

Department of Computing

  • PQ722
  • 2766 7241
  • Artificial Intelligence, Computer Music, Affective Computing, EEG
Dr Emma Shujun WANG

Assistant Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering

  • ST421a
  • 27667670
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI), Healthcare, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
  • PQ831
  • 27667315
  • Multimodal Learning, AI Powered Wireless Networking, Internet of Vehicles
Dr Billy SO

Assistant Professor

Department of Rehabilitation Sciences

  • ST506
  • +852 2766 4377
  • Swimming Biomechanics, Aquatic Physiotherapy, Exoskeleton for Preventing Work-related musculoskeletal disorders

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