- +852 2766 5612
- jimmy.jin@polyu.edu.hk
- AIoT Applications, Cross-Layer Issues
Dr. Yong Jin is an Associate Professor and Assistant Dean in Faculty of Business, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is also the Director of Centre for Business Technology & Innovations, co-Director of Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance and Deputy Programme Director of Doctor of Management (HK) in PolyU.
Education Background
- Ph.D. in Business Adminstration, University of Florida, 2016
- M.Phil. in Risk Management Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012
- B.S. in Risk Management Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010
Research Interests
- FinTech
- AI and Blockchain applications in Finance
- Technology Management
- Digital Transformation
- Economics of Information Systems
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Selected Publications
- "Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity," with Q. Wang, C. H. Peng and S. Jiang. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management.
- "Impact of Information Provision and Technique Support on Patient No-Shows," with S. Jiang, M. Hu, L. Qiu and Y. Duan. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management.
- "Impact of Channel Coopetition and Tax on a Multinational Firm's Local Production," with B. Niu, Y. Liu, X. Wang and X. Yue. Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management.
- "Understanding the Digital Resilience of Physicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study" with H. Deng, Y. Liu and X. Xu. Accepted at MIS Quarterly, 2022.
- "Impact of Credit Default Swaps on Firms' Operational Efficiency: Supply Chain Financing and Institutional Monitoring", with L. Qiu, R. Liu, Y. Fan, C. Ding and A. Yeung, Production and Operations Management, Sep (2022), Vol 31 (9), 3611-3631.
- "Impact of Competition on Innovations of IT Industry: An Empirical Investigation," with T. Chen, H. Cheng, S. Li and L. Qiu. Journal of Management Information Systems, Dec (2021), Vol 38 (3), 647-666.
- "Information Systems Research in the Age of Smart Services", with K. Cheng, T. P. Liang, Y. Yang and H. Ying, Journal of Association of Information Systems, May (2021), Vol 22 (3), 579-590.
- "Click to Success? Temporal Effects of Facebook Like on Crowdfunding," with C. Ding, Y. Duan and K. Cheng, Journal of Association of Information Systems, Sep (2020), Vol 21 (5), 1191-1213.
- "Living in a Simulation? An Empirical Investigation of the Smart Driving Test-Simulation System," with W. Bai, R. Liu, X. Xu, and W. Xie, Journal of Association of Information Systems, Jul (2020), Vol 21 (4), 843-863.
- "Optimal Distribution Channel Strategy for Enterprise Software," with K. Cheng and S. Li, Production and Operations Management, Nov (2018), Vol 27 (11), 1928-1939.
Other Selected Publications
- “Navigating the Green Shipping: Stochastic Hydrogen Hub Deployment in Inland Waterways,” with X. Tian, Y. Shangguan, A. Pang, Q. Ruan, and S. Wang. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, April (2024), Vol 129, 104126.
- “In-house Purchasing for Green Design Products when the Manufacturer's Promised-delivery-time Matters,” with B. Niu, F. Zeng and Z. Shen. Annals of Operations Research, Sep (2023), 1-39.
- “Doing Good Right: Building Resilience through Donations during the Pandemic," with S. Jiang, Z. Zheng, and Z. Han. forthcoming at International Journal of Operations and Production Management.
- Do Chinese Firms Speculate during High Economic Policy Uncertainty? Evidence from Wealth Management Products,” with J. Huang, Y. Duan and Y. She. forthcoming at International Review of Financial Analysis.
- “Federated Learning for Ship Fuel Consumption Prediction and Optimization,” with R. Yan, H. Wang, H. A. Man, and S. Wang. Forthcoming at Advanced Engineering Informatics.
- “Efficient and Explainable Ship Selection Planning in Port State Control," with R. Yan, S. Wu, J. Cao and S.Wang. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Dec (2022), Vol 145, 103924.
- "The role of Physical Internet in Building Trackable and Sustainable Logistics Service Supply Chains: A Game Analysis," with B. Niu, Z. Dai and Y. Liu, International Journal of Production Economics, May (2022), Vol 247, 108438.
- "Competition or spillover? Effects of Platform-owner Entry on Provider Commitment," with Y. Chi, P. Qing, J. Yu, M. Dong and L. Huang, Journal of Business Research, May (2022), Vol 144, 627-636.
- “Market Expansion vs. Intensified Competition: Overseas Supplier's Adoption of Blockchain in a Cross-Border Agricultural Supply Chain,” with B. Niu, J. Dong and Z. Dai, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Jan (2022), Vol 51, 101113.
- "To Port or Not to Port? Availability of Exclusivity in the Digital Service Market", with Y. Hao, Y. Yang and X. Xu, Decision Support Systems, Sep (2021), Vol 148, 113598.
- "CVaR-LASSO Enhanced Index Replication (CLEIR): Outperforming by Minimizing Downside Risk", with B. Gendreau, M. Nimalendran and X. Zhong, Applied Economics, May (2019), Vol 51, 5637-5651.
- "Joint Price and Quality Decisions Considering Chinese Customers' Variety Seeking Behavior", with L. Chen, Y. Liu and B. Niu, International Journal of Production Economics, July (2019), Vol 213, 97-107.
- “Financial Constraints and Synergy Gains from Mergers and Acquisitions", with Y. Duan, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, February (2019), Vol 30, 60-82.
- "A Comprehensive Study on Smart Beta Strategies in the A-share Market", with L. Cai, Q. Qi and X. Xu, Applied Economics, September (2018), Vol 50:55, 6024-6033.
- "The Power of the "Like" Button: Social Media Effect on Box Office," with C. Ding, Y. Duan and K. Cheng, Decision Support Systems, February (2017), Vol 94, 77-84.
- "Beat Equal Weighting: A Strategy for Portfolio Optimisation," with L. Wang, Risk, December (2016), 87--91.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Master of Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Florida
Professional Qualifications
- Financial Risk Manager