Internet and Mobile Computing Laboratory
Research Focus Area: Distributed Systems and Blockchain, Wireless Sensing and Networking, Big Data and Machine Learning, and Mobile Cloud and Edge Computing
Host Department: COMP
The Internet and Mobile Computing Laboratory (IMCL), directed by Prof. Jiannong Cao, was established in 2002. IMCL is with the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. IMCL brings forth the expertise and experiences of researchers from diverse backgrounds include parallel and distributed computing, wireless networking and mobile computing, big data and machine learning, and cloud and edge computing. Besides state-of-the-art research, IMCL also aims at facilitating the transfer of technology from mainstream research into applied research.

University Research Facility in Big Data Analytics
UBDA is a big data platform to store and analyze your data for finding the hidden patterns, exploring unknown correlation, improving prediction, supporting decision making, recommending services, and products and other analytic solutions.
The main objective of UBDA establishment is to meet the increasing demand for computing resources and expertise in big data analytics. It has significant value in promoting open innovation in all aspects of human, social, and technology development.
UBDA offers an advanced infrastructure including the computing platform, data repository, and data analytics tools, and libraries and provides a platform for cross-disciplinary collaboration among PolyU researchers and external partners to develop, support, service and sustain research into big data analytics.