Advanced processing and materials technologies

Research Focus 1
Carbon neutral manufacturing

Research Focus 2
Digital manufacturing

Research Focus 3
Manufacturing systems and instrumentation
- To develop the trial-production platforms and systems to accelerate innovation, productivity and engineering applications, particularly in high-value-added industries, which can fulfil the global industrial requirements.
- To establish joint laboratories with leading industrial and/or academic partners in advanced manufacturing research and development.
- To train and professionalise internationally recognized engineers and researchers.
- To facilitate effective technology transfer and applied research as conducting seminars, conferences, consultancy services.
- To deliver high quality research-paper publications and technological patents.

Research Focus 4
Manufacturing operations and logistics
Manufacturing enterprises in Greater Bay Areas are facing a paradigm shift in production systems due to Industry 4.0. It is urged that the industry should foster continuous innovation in industrial development to meet the increasing demand for higher quality goods and catch up with worldwide competitors. To enable smart production, the equipment is highly automated and incorporated with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. R&D on emerging solutions such as the cyber physical production system could accelerate the development of the smart factory and enhance the competitiveness of manufacturers in the global market. We will focus on:
- Development of an IoT-enabled Cyber-Physical Production System.
- Facilitating Re-industrialisation: Development of an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Suite for the Information and Operational Infrastructure of a Smart Factory.

Research Focus 5
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