RI-IWEAR Research Seminar VIII

28 Apr 2023
10:00 - 12:00
FJ302 or ZOOM Map
Dr Junwen ZHONG
Dr Ka-Wai Kwok
Ms Ying LI (+852) 2766 6485 li.ying@polyu.edu.hk
e-Certificate of attendance will be provided for the participant attended physically. Latecomer or early leaver of the seminar might NOT be eligible for an attendance certificate.
Keynote Speaker

Dr Junwen ZHONG
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Science and Technology
University of Macau
Title: Flexible Piezoelectret-Based Sensors and Actuators for Human-Machine Interactivity Dr Junwen ZHONG joined as Assistant Professor in Department of Electromechanical Engineering, University of Macau since 2020. His research interests include self-powered systems, flexible sensors and actuators array, and soft robots. He got his B.S. Degree in 2011 and Ph.D Degree in 2016 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology China. He was a postdoctoral researcher in University of California Berkeley USA, from 2016-2019, and a special postdoctoral researcher in RIKEN Japan, in 2020. Dr Junwen ZHONG has published over 80 papers, among which over 40 papers are published as the first author or corresponding author in journals with IF10. Some of his papers are published in top journals, such as Science Robotics, Nature Communications, Energy & Environmental Science, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Science, Nano Energy, and Biosensors and Bioelectronics. He has over 6000 citations with H-index of 32. His researching works are reported by Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Scientific American, Nature Electronics, Chemical & Engineering News, Electronics Europe News, New Scientist, Berkeley News as highlights. He has also published 1 US patent, 16 Chinese patents, and 2 book chapters.

Dr Ka-Wai Kwok
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Title: Intelligent modelling and control of flexible and soft surgical robotic instruments Dr Ka-Wai Kwok received the B.Eng. and M.Phil. degrees from Department of Automation and Computer-aided Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He obtained the Ph.D. degree from the Hamlyn Centre for Robotic Surgery, Department of Computing, Imperial College London in 2012. Prior to joining The University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2014, he was awarded the Croucher Foundation Fellowship, which supported his research jointly supervised by advisors in The University of Georgia, and Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School. His research interests focus on surgical robotics, intra-operative image processing, and their uses of intelligent systems. He has participated in various designs of robotic devices/interfaces for endoscopy, and MRI-guided interventions. Ka-Wai is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, HKU. To date, he has co-authored 140 peer-reviewed articles with 80 clinical fellows and 150 scientists/engineers. His multidisciplinary work has been recognized by various (10) awards in international conferences/journals, e.g. the largest flagship conferences of robotics, ICRA and IROS. He was the recipient of ICRA Best Conference Paper Award in 2018, and IROS Toshio Fukuda Young Professional Award in 2020. He also obtained awards in his early career for robotics, e.g. the Early Career Awards 2015/16 offered by Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, Actuators 2020 Young Investigator Award, HKU 2019-2020 Outstanding Young Researcher Award, HKU Young Innovator Award 2020 and HKU Research Output Prize 2021-22. Being IEEE Senior Member, Ka-Wai serves editor boards for IROS 2017-22, ICRA 2019-21, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine (RAM), as well as Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME) and Proc. IMechE Part I: Journal of Systems & Control Engineering (JSCE). He is the principal investigator of group for Interventional Robotic and Imaging Systems (IRIS) at HKU. The group has (5) inventions licensed/transferred from university to industry in support for their commercialization. He is a co-founder of Agilis Robotics Ltd. aiming at advancing the interventional endoscopy with small, flexible robotic instruments and their intelligent control systems.