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土地及空間研究院副院長翁齊浩教授研究有效的高溫指數有助於戶外危險評估 (只有英文版本)


We are delighted to announce that the research team led by Prof. Qihao WENG, Associate Director of RILS and Chair Professor of Geomatics and Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI), has published a groundbreaking study. This research addresses the need for developing global heat wave frameworks to effectively identify dangerous outdoor conditions across diverse climatic and geographic regions. These developments will assist climate scientists, health professionals, policymakers, and communities in creating mitigation strategies and raising awareness about heat risks.

The article, titled “Comparing Existing Heat Wave Indices in Identifying Dangerous Heat Wave Outdoor Conditions,” was published on 7 August 2024, in the journal Nexus of Cell Press. Dr. Pir MOHAMMAD, a postdoctoral research fellow in the JC STEM Lab of Earth Observations at PolyU, is the first author, while Prof. WENG serves as the corresponding author. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of commonly used heat wave indices in identifying dangerous outdoor conditions, using recent heat wave events observed in Asia, Europe, and North America as case studies.

The results underscore the necessity for a global heat risk framework and nomenclature for heat risk early warning systems. Additionally, they highlight the need for local authorities to adopt more sophisticated heat stress mitigation and adaptation measures in the face of rapid global warming. This study encourages a broader discussion on the feasibility of using existing heat stress indices to accurately assess and respond to dangerous heat stress scenarios across various climatic, geographic, and meteorological contexts. The discussion surrounding the development of a heat risk framework closely aligns with the World Health Organization’s call for action on extreme heat.

For more information, please visit the publication: DOI: 10.1016/j.ynexs.2024.100027

Congratulations to Prof. WENG and his team on this remarkable achievement!

Online Coverage:

EurekAlert! by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Science Daily

The Economic Times

Science Magazine

Eurasia Review

研究部門 土地及空間研究院

