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PolyU team won first place in High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition

7 Aug 2024

Awards and Achievements

A team of three undergraduate students from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) won the First Place in High-Efficiency Power Amplifier Student Design Competition at the prestigious 2024 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium held in Washington, D.C., USA. The students were under the guidance of Dr Zhou Xinyu, Research Assistant Professor and Head of the RF Microelectronics Circuit (RFMC) Laboratory in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of PolyU. The three PolyU team winners are Wang Yanze, Bi Jingyu, and Yuan Ye, all studying the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Degree in Internet-of-Things (IoT) with a Secondary major in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics (AIDA).

With a 20-year history, the competition aims to seek innovative topologies for high-efficiency power amplifiers for the next generation of wireless communications. This year, 42 teams of doctoral students from around the world (including the United States, Germany, Canada, Italy, Ireland, South Korea, and Mexico) participated in the event. The PolyU team won the honour for the first time in this international competition, and it was the only team composed of undergraduate students to stand out successfully.

The award not only recognises the students’ effort but also demonstrates PolyU’s research strengths. The RFMC laboratory will continue to focus on research into RF microelectronic circuits based on third-generation semiconductor technology, leveraging the upcoming microelectronics development wave in Hong Kong to continue proposing innovative circuit design methods and concepts.


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