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智慧能源研究院成員鄭子劍教授研發液態金屬微電極 具柔軟、透氣、可拉伸優點 可用於植入式生物電子裝置 (只有英文版本)


Professor Zijian ZHENG has developed liquid metal microelectrodes (μLMEs) for fabricating electronic devices that can be attached to the skin or implanted in human body.

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Zijian ZHENG,our RISE Management Committee member have a significant research finding regarding to energy materials. This paper is published in Science Advances.

Title: Wafer-patterned, permeable, and stretchable liquid metal microelectrodes for implantable bioelectronics with chronic biocompatibility

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研究部門 潘樂陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院

