Climate change is one of the most urgent global challenges of our time. Through the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the global community commits to limit the rise of global average temperature, and hence Hong Kong also has an obligation to develop a long-term decarbonization strategy.
With the support of business leaders and the Environment Bureau, Business Environment Council (BEC) (商界環保協會) has established the BEC Low Carbon Charter in March 2019 to mobilise companies from all sectors to collectively contribute towards Hong Kong’s long-term decarbonization through their pledge to set and achieve carbon reduction goals.
In 2021, we are grateful to announce that Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD) becomes one of the signatories of the Charter. Prof. Xiangdong LI, the Director of RISUD, attended the signatory ceremony organized by BEC to receive a certificate of recognition on 16 April 2021. RISUD will continually commit to the target settings and put efforts in the low-carbon practices.