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The 6th MOHO Institute at Chicago from 26-29 Sep, 2019


Group photo of RS Team and Prof. Renée Taylor (Director of Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of College of Applied Health Sciences of UIC).

Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS) leading the team to attend the 6th MOHO Institute.

Opening remarks by co-chairs: Prof. Hector Tsang and Prof. Renée Taylor.

Prof. Hector Tsang delivering the Honorary Guest Lecture on Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Prof. Hector Tsang presenting souvenir to Prof. Renée Taylor.

The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has jointly co-organized with the Occupational Therapy Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) to hold the 6th International Institute on Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) on 27-29 September 2019 at UIC campus. The institute is a symposium that highlights recent and ongoing international MOHO research and scholarship aimed at expanding theoretical application and evidence-based practice.

Sponsored by RS and led by Prof. Hector Tsang, Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS, a group of 25pax consisting of RS academic staff members, PhD students and representatives of Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association attended the 6th MOHO Institute with participation in paper presentations and poster sessions. The 6th MOHO Institute attracted more than 120 participants from different countries and received over 60 abstract papers. Being the keynote speaker and also the co-chair with Prof. Renée Taylor, Director of Model of Human Occupation Clearinghouse and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of College of Applied Health Sciences of UIC, Prof. Tsang delivered the Honorary Guest Lecture on the Traditional Chinese Medicine at the first night of conference. Through various presentations, discussions and interactive poster sessions, the 3-day conference has provided a good opportunity for participants to engage with MOHO theory, research and practice.

After the conference, RS team has conducted a tour visit to the Occupational Therapy Department of UIC and met with Prof. Yolanda Suarez-Balcazar, Professor and Head of the Department of Occupational Therapy. It has been a fruitful experience and RS team has learnt more about the OT programme of UIC, fostering the collaborative relationships between RS and UIC.

