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RS Students awarded Distinguished Thesis Award of FHSS


Distinguished PhD Thesis Award of FHSS - Dr Liu Tai Wa (RS PhD graduate, Supervisor: Prof. Shamay Ng)

LIU Tai Wa
Dr Liu Tai Wa (right) and his supervisor, Prof. Shamay Ng (left)

Sharing by Dr Liu Tai Wa:
I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep gratitude to the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences for presenting me the Faculty Distinguished Thesis Award, and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences for giving me the chance to accomplish a Doctor of philosophy degree.

I am glad that I made a firm decision to pursue a PhD degree at The Hong Kong Polytechnic few years ago and grateful to have a precious opportunity to meet my chief supervisor, Professor Shamay Ng, and co-supervisor, Professor Gabriel Ng. They have provided me with their unreserved support and expert guidance along this path, which has not only helped me to complete the PhD degree, but also inspired me to proceed for greater advancement in the future as a researcher.

As a part-time student, the learning process has always been busy but fruitful. I have been involved in various research projects which has given me the chances to work with the most knowledgeable and passionate research team of the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences. In addition, the Department of Rehabilitation accommodated me with all the equipment needed and technical support during the research process. With all the support and resources from my supervisors and the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, we have published seven academic papers and have presented nine abstracts in international conferences. In August of this year, I have successfully passed my oral defense and fulfilled the PhD graduation requirement.

Lastly, it has not been easy to complete a PhD programme, but every little encounter and experience gained throughout these years have been enriching and will certainly remain in my memories for life long. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been there for me along the way for all their time, effort, support and patience.

Distinguished PhD Thesis Award of FHSS -Dr Huang Meizhen (RS PhD Graduate, Supervisor: Prof. Marco Pang)

Sharing by Dr Huang Meizhen:

It is my great honor to receive the Distinguished Thesis Award. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor Prof. Marco Pang. I knew little thing about research when I reached PolyU, and now I feel confident to conduct study independently. As the advice from Prof. Pang, interest and self-motivation is crucial to be a researcher. The ability in goal-orientated, self-learning and time-management will be great asset in my life.

It is also very grateful that PolyU and RS offers incredible opportunities and tremendous support in both professional and personal development. From lectures and workshops to conferences and overseas exchange, PolyU and RS provides ample resources to research postgraduate students so that we could gear ourselves up the world.

Lastly, I want to express my deepest gratitude to RS . I received BSc in physical therapy from Sichuan University while our lectures/clinical placements were conducted by academic staff from RS due to the earthquake in 2008. I did not know the word "physical therapy" and how important it was until I visited the injured persons in the disaster area. Also, until I started study in PolyU, I can't imagine what a great dedication it is that teachers set aside the busy work in Hong Kong and gave lectures in Sichuan. The great sense of mission to promote rehabilitation demonstrated from RS always motivates me. I thank RS and all my teachers.



