Academic Staff

Prof. Billy SO
Assistant Professor
PhD (CUHK), MSc Sports Medicine and Health Science (CUHK), MSc Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU), BSc (Hon) Physiotherapy (PolyU), Dip Acupuncture (SYSU), Registered Physiotherapist (HK), MHKPA, APAM
- ST506
- +852 2766 4377
Billy is the Assistant Professor (Physiotherapy) in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he was appointed as a Lecturer (2011-2012) and Adjunct Assistant Professor (2012-2015) at Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of CUHK. Billy has worked as a physiotherapist for over 20 years and gained solid clinical experience in different clinical settings.
Billy is an active educator at different health-related areas and he has extensive teaching experience at the community and tertiary levels. He is the recipient of the RS Outstanding Teaching Award 2016/17 and FHSS Teaching Prize 2016/17 of PolyU. He has been appointed as a Guest Lecturer of Occupational Safety and Health Council (OSHC), Lecturer of Physical Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China (HKPFA) and Hong Kong Sport Institute (HKSI).
Billy is serving in different professional organizations. He is an Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association, Associate Editor of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Journal, the Vice President of Hong Kong Ergonomics Society, a Specialist of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
Billy's research interest primarily focuses on applying ergonomic principle in preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders. His PhD thesis was awarded the Best Occupational Safety and Health Project Award 2011 by Occupational Safety and Health Council. He was also awarded the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Scholarship for Post-Doctoral training on the Work Disability Prevention CIHR Strategic Training Program at University of Toronto (2013-2015). In 2021, He has been honoured with the Bronze Award of the 13th Hong Kong Outstanding OSH Employee Award Scheme in recognition of his work to promote occupational safety and health culture at different levels. He has published papers in international journals, and he is serving as a member of Work journal editorial board.
Billy also interested in aquatic therapy related research. He is the Vice-Chairman of Aquatic Physiotherapy Working Group of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association and the Hong Kong Delegate of International Organization of Aquatic Physical Therapist (IOAPT). He has collaborated with different local and international organizations for aquatic therapy training and research. He has published numerous articles related to Aquatic Therapy in peer-reviewed international journals.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy in Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Master of Science in Sport Medicine and Health Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Bachelor of Science (Honour) in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Diploma in Acupuncture for Physiotherapists, Sun Yat-Sen University
Professional Qualifications
- Registered Physiotherapist (Hong Kong)
- ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist
- ACSM Exercise is Medicine Credential Level 2
- NSCA Certified Personal Trainer
- NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
- APA Aquatics Physiotherapy Level 3 Certificate
- FIFA Diploma in Football Medicine
- NAEMT Prehospital Trauma Life Support Instructor
- NAEMT All Hazards Disaster Instructor
Research Interests
Research Output
Man, S. S., Cheng, M. C., Fan, S. M., Lee, S. Y., Wong, W. S., Nordin, M., So, B. C. L.* (2022). The effects of passive exoskeleton on trunk and gluteal muscle activity, spinal and hip kinematics and perceived exertion for physiotherapists in a simulated chair transfer task. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics.[IF:2.884; Q3, 9/16 Ergonomics]
So, B. C. L., Hua, C. Z., Chen, T. T. Gao, Q. W., Man, S. S. (2022). Biomechanical evaluation of passive exoskeleton on lifting and carrying tasks. Journal of Safety Research. [IF:4.264; Q1, 4/16 in Ergonomics]
So, B. C. L.,* Kwok, M. M. Y., Tse, D. H. T., Chan, Y. L., Lam, H. F. K., Chan, H. T. H., Chan, T. K., Leung, C. Y. K. (2022). Lower limb muscle activity during aquatic treadmill running in individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction. J Sport [IF: 2.203; Q3, 35/68 in Rehabilitation; 63/87 in Sport Sciences]
Tse, D. H. T., Kwok, W. Y., So, B. C. L.* (2022). Investigation of Underwater Shoulder Muscle Activity during Manikin-Carrying in Young Elite Lifesaving Athletes. [IF: 3.847; Q2, 19/64 in Instuments & Instrumentation]
Tsang, S. M. H., Szeto, G.P.Y., So, B.C.L., Lau, R.W.L., Tai, J.J. (2022). Using cervical movement velocity to assist the prediction pain and functional recovery for people with chronic mechanical neck pain. Clinical [IF: 2.034; Q3, 60/127 in Orthopedics]
So, B. C. L.,* Kwok, M. Y., Fung, V. C. Y., Kwok, A. H. Y., Lau, C. W. C., Tse, A. L. Y., Wong, M. S. Y., & Mercer, J. A. (2022). A study comparing gait and lower limb muscle activity during aquatic treadmill running with different water depth and land treadmill running. Journal of Human Kinetics. [IF: 2.932; Q2, 42/87 in Sport Sciences]
Kwok, M. M. Y., Ng, S. S. M., Man, S. S., & So, B. C. L.* (2022). The effect of aquatic High Intensity Interval Training on cardiometabolic and physical health markers in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 20(2), 113-127. doi:10.1016/j.jesf.2022.02.001 [IF: 3.465; Q2, 33/87 in Sport Sciences]
Kwok, W. Y., So, B. C. L.,* Tse, D. H. T., & Ng, S. S. M. (2021). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Biomechanical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Strength and Conditioning Training Programs on Front Crawl Swimming Performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 20(4), 564-585. doi:10.52082/jssm.2021.564 [IF: 4.017; Q2, 23/87 in Sport Sciences]
So, B. C. L.,* Kwok, S. C., & Lee, P. H. (2021). Effect of Aquatic Exercise on Sleep Efficiency of Adults With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. J Phys Act Health, 18(9), 1037-1045. doi:10.1123/jpah.2020-0476 [IF: 3.000; Q2, 89/182 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health]
So, B. C. L.,* Cheung, H. H., Liu, S. L., Tang, C. I., Tsoi, T. Y., & Wu, C. H. (2020). The effects of a passive exoskeleton on trunk muscle activity and perceived exertion for experienced auxiliary medical service providers in cardiopulmonary resuscitation chest compression. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 76,10.1016/j.ergon.2020.102906 [IF:2.884; Q3, 9/16 Ergonomics]
*Corresponding Author