Academic Staff

Prof. Tiev MILLER
Assistant Professor
PDF (UBC), PhD (PolyU), Med (FSU), MSc (UofL), BSc (UofL)
- ST526
- +852 2766 4197
Dr Tiev Miller graduated with honours in Sports Medicine from the University of Louisville and was the recipient of the Joseph R. Trabue award in the Department of Health and Sport Sciences. He then pursued a Master of Science in Exercise Physiology under a graduate research scholarship within the same department. His thesis work examined the effects of different auditory stimuli on perceptual and metabolic responses during submaximal aerobic exercise. He was also involved with several National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded projects investigating occupational lifting scenarios (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health), prehabilitation protocols for reducing pain and improving function in prospective total knee arthroplasty patients (National Institute of Nursing Research) and interventions for improving cardiovascular outcomes in patients with congestive heart failure (National Heart Lung and Blood Institute).Prior to his postgraduate training, he worked as a Research Assistant at GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Therapy, University of British Columbia) developing community-based resources and exercise programmes for people with stroke (Fitness and Mobility Exercise [FAME]) and spinal cord injury (Spinal Cord Injury Research Evidence [SCIRE]).
His doctoral research in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University involved the use of high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography and multimodal ultrasound to evaluate musculoskeletal permutations after stroke (Research Grants Council funded). This work highlighted the interrelated nature of sarcopenia and hemiosteoporosis during the chronic stage of stroke recovery and received the Distinguished Faculty Thesis Award. He was also involved with several studies investigating the effects of whole-body vibration therapy, dual-task interventions, and home exercise programmes for reducing falls and fracture risk in people with stroke.
His postdoctoral training at the International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries (Faculty of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, University of British Columbia) focused on the recovery of autonomic functions after spinal cord injury and developing translational strategies to enhance the uptake and use of this evidence by regulatory agencies and healthcare providers involved in the continuum of care. He received provincial and national funding awards through the Rick Hansen Foundation, Michael Smith Health Research BC and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research to study peripheral vascular responses during episodic hypertension resulting from neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in people with chronic spinal cord injury.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Science (University of Louisville)
- Master of Science (University of Louisville)
- Master of Education (Framingham State University)
- Doctor of Philosophy (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Postdoctoral Fellow (University of British Columbia)
Research Interests
- Miller T, Hosseinzadeh A, Thordarson T, Kalimullina T, Samejima S, Shackleton C, Malik RN, Calderón-Juárez M, Sachdeva R, & Krassioukov AV. (2024) Web-based information on spinal cord stimulation: A qualitative assessment of publicly accessible online resources. Journal of Medical Internet Research – Public Health & Surveillance.
- Calderón-Juárez M, Miller T, Samejima S, Shackleton C, Malik RN, Sachdeva R, Dorey T, & Krassioukov AV. (2024) Heart rate variability-based prediction of autonomic dysreflexia following spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma.
- Malik RN, Samejima S, Shackleton C, Miller T, Pedrocchi ALG, Rabchevsky AS, Moritz CT, Darrow DP, Field-Fote EC, Guanziroli E, Ambrosini E, Molteni F, Gad P, Mushahwar VK, Sachdeva R, & Krassioukov AV. (2024) REPORT-SCS: Minimum reporting standards for spinal cord stimulation studies in spinal cord injury. Journal of Neural Engineering.
- Chow IHW, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2023) Predictive factors for home discharge after femoral fracture surgery: a prospective cohort study. European Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
- Luk MLM, Chan ACM, Cho JSY, Ng DMT, Lam ICY, Yau ELK, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2023) Predictors of chronic pain and disability in patients treated conservatively after distal radius fracture: A prospective cohort study. International Orthopaedics.
- Miller T, Bello UM, Tsang CSL, Winser SJ, Ying MTC, & Pang MYC. (2023) Using ultrasound elastography to assess non-invasive, non-pharmacological interventions for musculoskeletal stiffness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability & Rehabilitation.
- Miller T, Lange D, Kizhakkedathu JN, Yu K, Felix D, Samejima S, Shackleton C, Malik RN, Sachdeva R., Walter M, & Krassioukov A.V. (2023) The microbiological burden of short-term catheter reuse in individuals with spinal cord injury: A prospective study. Biomedicines.
- Miller T, Roik LJ, Kalimullina T, Samejima S, Shackleton C, Malik R, Sachdeva R, & Krassioukov AV. (2023) The temporal burden of preparing catheters for re-use in adults with spinal cord injury: a cross-sectional study. Spinal Cord Cases and Series.
- Shackleton C, Samejima S, Miller T, Sachdeva R, Parr A, Samadani U, Netoff T, Hocaloski S, Elliott S, Walter M, Darrow DP, & Krassioukov AV. (2023) Effect of epidural spinal cord stimulation on female sexual function after spinal cord injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience.
- Miller T, Stockley R, Drummond A, Watkins C, Georgiou R, Ahuja KDK, & Bird ML. (2022) Online advice for the symptomatic management of post-stroke fatigue: A scoping review. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
- Samejima S, Shackleton C, McCracken L, Malik RN, Miller T, Kavanagh A, Ghuman A, Elliott S, Walter M, Nightingale T, Berger M, Lam T, Sachdeva R & Krassioukov AV. (2022) Effects of non-invasive spinal cord stimulation on sexual, lower urinary tract, and bowel functions in individuals with chronic motor-complete spinal cord injury: Protocol for a pilot clinical trial. PLOS One.
- Samejima S, Shackleton C, Miller T, Moritz C, Kessler T, Krogh K, Sachdeva R, & Krassioukov AV. (2022) Mapping the iceberg: Mechanistic underpinnings of spinal cord neuromodulation for autonomic recovery following spinal cord injury. The Neuroscientist.
- Shackleton C, Hodgkiss D, Samejima S, Miller T, Perez MA, Nightingale T, Sachdeva R, & Krassioukov AV. (2022) When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts: Activity-based therapy paired with spinal cord stimulation following spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurophysiology.
- Shackleton C, Samejima S, Miller T, Hosseinzadeh A, Lee AHX, Sachdeva R, Nightingale TE, & Krassioukov AV. (2022) May I have this dance: A case-series on the acute cardiometabolic demand of wheelchair dancing in recreational dancers with spinal cord injury. Medical Problems of Performing Artists.
- Huang MZ, Miller T, Fu SN, Ying MTC, & Pang MYC. (2022) Structural and passive mechanical properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in ambulatory individuals with chronic stroke. Clinical Biomechanics.
- Bello UM, Kannan P, Chutiyami M, Salihu D, Cheong AMY, Miller T, Pun JW, Muhammad AS, Mahmud FA, Jalo HA, Ali MU, Kolo MA, Sulaiman SK, Lawan A, Bello IM, Gambo AA, & Winser SJ. (2022) Prevalence of anxiety and depression among the general population in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Public Health.
- Salihu D, Wong EML, Kwan RYC, Bello UM, Chutiyami M, Leung AYM, Miller T, Ibrahim AA, Jalo HA, & Leung DYP. (2022) Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and psychometric properties of the Hausa version of the Insomnia Severity Index among internally displaced persons in Africa. Sleep Medicine.
- Rosetti L, Elliott S, Lee AHX, McCracken LA, Hocaloski S, Hodge K, Zobina I, Rapidi CA, Manthos P, Galata A, Miller T, Chung RCK, & Krassioukov AV. (2022) The availability and quality of breastfeeding guidelines for women with spinal cord injury: a narrative review. Spinal Cord.
- Tsang CSL, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2022) Association between fall risk and assessments of single-task and dual-task walking among community-dwelling individuals with chronic stroke: A prospective cohort study. Gait & Posture.
- Tsang CSL, Wong ST, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2021) Degree and pattern of dual-task interference during walking vary with component task type and complexity in people post-stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Physiotherapy.
- Miller T, Ying MTC, Chung RCK, & Pang MYC. (2021) Convergent validity and test-retest reliability of multimodal ultrasound and related clinical measures in people with chronic stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
- Miller T, Qin L, Hung VWY, Ying MTC, Tsang CSL, Ouyang HX, Chung RCK, & Pang MYC. (2021) Gait speed and spasticity are independently associated with estimated failure load in the distal tibia after stroke: an HR-pQCT study. Osteoporosis International.
- Miller T, Ying MTC, Hung VWY, Tsang CSL, Ouyang HX, Chung RCK, Qin L, & Pang MYC. (2021) Determinants of estimated failure load in the distal radius after stroke: an HR-pQCT study. Bone.
- Miller T, Ying MTC, Tsang CSL, Huang MZ, & Pang MYC. (2021) Reliability & validity of ultrasound elastography for musculoskeletal stiffness among neurological populations: a systematic review & meta-analysis. Physical Therapy.
- Yuen M, Ouyang HX, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2021) Baduanjin Qigong improves balance, leg strength and mobility in individuals with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled study. Neurorehabilitation & Neural Repair.
- Yang ZH, Miller T, Xiang Z, & Pang MYC. (2021) Effects of different vibration frequencies on muscle strength, bone turnover and walking endurance in chronic stroke. Scientific Reports.
- Yang ZH, Miller T, & Pang MYC. (2020) Relationship between bone strength index of the hemiparetic tibial diaphysis and muscle strength in stroke patients: influence of muscle contraction type and speed. Osteoporosis International.
- Bello UM, Chutiyami M, Salihu D, Abdu SI, Tafida BA, Jabbo AA, Gamawa A, Umar L, Lawan A, Miller T, & Winser SJ. (2020) Quality of life of stroke survivors in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Quality of Life Research.
- Huang MZ, Miller T, Ying MTC, & Pang, MYC. (2020) Whole-body vibration modulates leg muscle reflex and blood perfusion among people with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled crossover trial. Scientific Reports.
- Bird ML, Miller T, Connell LA, & Eng JJ. (2019) Moving stroke rehabilitation evidence into practice: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Rehabilitation.
- Miller T, Swank A, Manire J, Robertson R, & Wheeler B. (2010) Effect of music and dialogue on perception of exertion, enjoyment, and metabolic response during exercise. International Journal of Fitness. July, 6(2), 45-52.
- Adams, KJ, DeBeliso M, Sevene-Adams PG, Berning JM, Miller T & Tollerud DJ. (2010) Physiological and psychophysical comparison between a lifting task with identical weight but different coupling factors. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.
- Exercise Science
- Research Methods & Statistics