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PolyU Scholars Hub



BEng (ZZU), M.Sc (PKU), PhD (HKU)


张慧博士于2012年毕业于郑州大学电子信息科学与技术专业,2015年在北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院获得理学硕士学位,及后在 2019年于香港大学获得哲学博士学位。 并于2019-2022 在香港大学医学院从事博士后研究。

张博士的主要研究方向是利用多种核磁共振技术研究人的大脑功能在不同疾病和康复治疗过程中的变化。她的研究工作包括 鼻腔吸入式胰岛素对糖尿病病人大脑功能的影响,携带高风险APOE4基因和正常健康人之间的小世界网络指标与位于海马体的化学递质谷氨酸酶之间的关联与区别,以及嗅觉缺失的长新冠病人的大脑功能表现。

目前,张博士的研究兴趣是通过不同模态的核磁共振影像技术,如扩散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging, DTI), 功能性磁共振成像(functional MRI, fMRI), 正电子发射断层扫描成像(Positron emission tomography, PET),结合人工智能和大数据的分析方法或其他先进的演算法技术,为精确的医疗诊断或康复治疗提供进一步帮助。



  • Bachelor of engineering, Zhengzhou University
  • Master of biomedical engineering, Peking University
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The Hong Kong University


  • 老龄化和神经退行性病变
  • 磁共振成像
  • 神经科学
  • 认知与运动功能损伤后的康复研究


    • Hui Zhang, Tom Wai-Hin Chung, Fergus Kai-Chuen Wong, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Henry Ka-Fung Mak. Changes in the intranetwork and internetwork connectivity of the default mode network and olfactory network in patients with covid-19 and olfactory dysfunction. Brain sciences 12.4 (2022): 511.
    • Hui Zhang, Pui Wai Chiu, Isaac Ip, Tianyin Liu, Gloria Hoi Yan Wong, You-Qiang Song, Savio Wai Ho Wong, Karl Herrup, Henry Ka Fung Mak. Small-world networks and their relationship with hippocampal glutamine/glutamate (Glx) concentration in healthy adults with varying genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54.3 (2021): 952-961.
    • Hui Zhang, Edward S. Hui, Peng Cao, and Henry K.F. Mak. Relationship between amyloid-β deposition and the coupling between structural and functional brain networks in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease patients. Brain Sciences 11.11 (2021): 1535.
    • Hui Zhang, Pui Wai Chiu, Isaac Ip, Tianyin Liu, Gloria Hoi Yan Wong, You-Qiang Song, Savio Wai Ho Wong, Karl Herrup, Henry Ka Fung Mak. Asymmetric left-right hippocampal glutamatergic modulation of cognitive control in APOE-isoform subjects is not related to neuroinflammation. European Journal of Neuroscience 54.4 (2021): 5310-5326.
    • Hui Zhang & Tom Wai-Hin Chung, Fergus Kai-Chuen Wong, Siddharth Sridhar, Kwok-Hung Chan, Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng, Kwok-Yung Yuen, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Henry Ka-Fung Mak. Neurosensory rehabilitation and olfactory network recovery in COVID-19-related olfactory dysfunction. Brain sciences 11.6 (2021): 686.
    • Zhou, Diange, Shijie Zhang, Hui Zhang, Long Jiang, Jue Zhang, and Jing Fang. A novel method of evaluating knee joint stability of patients with knee osteoarthritis: multiscale entropy analysis with a knee-aiming task. Scientific reports 7, no. 1 (2017): 354.
    • Hui Zhang, Ying Hao, Bradley Manor, Peter Novak, William Milberg, Jue Zhang, Jing Fang, and Vera Novak. Intranasal insulin enhanced resting-state functional connectivity of hippocampal regions of in type 2 diabetes. Diabetes. 64.3 (2015): 1025-1034. 

