The service provides an overview of the foot and lower limb biomechanical status. During the evaluation, our physiotherapists will gather information for identifying any existing foot and lower limb problem. By then, our physiotherapists will suggest possible strategies to manage the conditions.
Plantar fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis, bunions/ hallus valgus, in-toeing/out-toeing gait are those common foot conditions that have been seen at our Clinic. The causes are always complex and multi-factorial. Excessive high or low foot arches, discrepancies of leg length, muscle tightness or muscle strength deficiencies as well as deformities in the lower limbs are the common causes. Alignment problems in the lower limbs would cause pain in the knees, hips or even spinal regions in some serious situation. Therefore, a thorough assessment in the lower limb is essential to tackle these problems.
In general, to receive this assessment at the Rehabilitation Clinic does not warrant a doctor’s referral. The assessment is as follows.
Step 1: Foot and Lower Limb Assessment
Examinations include: Gait analysis, leg length measurement, forefoot and hind foot evaluation, femoral and tibial torsion, hallux valgus and knee analysis etc.
Step 2: Problems Analysis and Advice