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Entrance Year 2024 September

Programme Code 51062

Mode of Study Mixed Mode

Fund Type Self-Financed

Initial Registration Credits 3 for local students
6 for non-local students

Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2024

Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2024

Tuition Fees HK$6,620 per credit for local and non-local students

Programme Leader(s)

Scheme Coordinator

Prof. Karen Liu
PDOT, BSc, MPhil, PhD, FOTARA, HKROT, OT Registered (AHPRA), OTR


Award Coordinator

Prof. Benson Lau

BSc (Hon), MMedSc, MPhil, PhD (Hong Kong), MRSB


The Postgraduate Scheme in Rehabilitation Sciences comprises the following awards:
 - MSc in Rehabilitation of People with Developmental Disabilities 發展障礙人士復康理學碩士學位
 - MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences 康復科學理學碩士學位
 - MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy 手法物理治療理學碩士學位
 - MSc in Occupational Therapy 職業治療學理學碩士學位
 - MSc in Sports Physiotherapy 運動物理治療理學碩士學位

Aims and Characteristics

Programme Aims
The MSc in Rehabilitation Sciences is designed to meet the needs of professionals who wish to specialise and enrich their knowledge and practice in the area of rehabilitation. The aim of this programme of study is to enhance students’ in-depth understanding of different practices in rehabilitation, thus enriching their knowledge in the field of rehabilitation.

The aims of the programme are:

  • to equip students with advanced knowledge and skills in the area of rehabilitation, enabling them to meet the changing needs of rehabilitation practice and contribute to the development of the rehabilitation specialty;
  • to equip students with the lifelong ability to critically analyse and evaluate ongoing practice so that the quality of professional practice can be advanced and ensured; and
  • to develop knowledge and skills in areas of specialisation relevant to the professional discipline, to improve professional competence.

The award includes a required component of scientific research and its application (9 credits) along with 15 credits in the field of rehabilitation. Clinical practicum is not required. Students can choose any available subjects offered by the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences as Core Subjects. The Elective Subjects can be selected from other programmes that are of relevance to the field of study in rehabilitation. The student, along with his/her supervisor, can develop his/her own programme of study that is tailor-made to his/her personal and vocational needs.

Please note this programme does not confer eligibility for registration with the Physiotherapist Board of Hong Kong or Occupational Therapists Board of Hong Kong.

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