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Assistant Professor

Billy is an Assistant Professor (Physiotherapy) in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was appointed as a Lecturer (2011-2012) and Adjunct Assistant Professor (2012-2015) at Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of CUHK, coordinating and teaching a MSc/PgD programme in musculoskeletal medicine and rehabilitation, before his joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Billy has worked as a physiotherapist for over 16 years and gained solid clinical experience in different clinical settings. Also, he is serving in different professional organizations and also holds different qualifications in different areas.

Billy’s research interest primarily focuses on Aquatic Therapy related research. He is the convener of Aquatic Physiotherapy Working Group of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association. He has collaborated with different organizations in Hong Kong and Mainland China, for aquatic therapy training and research. Also, he has published articles related to Ai Chi (Aquatic Tai Chi) and Deep Water running in international journals.


- Level 3 Aquatic Physiotherapy Certificate,
   Australia Physiotherapy Association

- M.Sc in Manipulative Physiotherapy, The Hong       Kong Polytechnic University

-Ph.D in Orthpaedics and Traumatology, The            Chinese University of Hong Kong

-M.Sc in Sports Medicine and Health Science,        The Chinese University of Hong Kong

-Diploma in Acupuncture for Physiotherapists,        Sun Yat-sen University (Guangzhou)

-Registered Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist          Board of Hong Kong

-B.Sc (Hon) in Physiotherapy, The Hong Kong          Polytechnic University

-Instructor Certificate in Hydro Fitness, Physical    Fitness Association of Hong Kong, China



1. So, B.C.L.,* Cheung, H.C.Y., Zheng, Y.P., Kwok, M.M.Y., Man, E.Y.K., Tang, F.M., Ng, G.C.N., Sze, N.N.L., Tang, S.W.S, Ng, S.S.M (Accepted) Effect of Moderate-intensity Aquatic Treadmill Exercise on Cognitive Function and Cerebral Blood Flow for Healthy Elderly. Experimental Gerontology [IF2023: 3.3; Q2, 35/74 in Geriatrics & Gerontology]

2. Kwok, M.M.Y., Ng, S.S.M., Ng, Y.M., Tan, G.C.C, Huang, P.P., Zhang, Y., So, B.C.L.* (Accepted) Acute effect of resistive aquatic high-intensity interval training on metabolic costs in adults. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living [IF2023: 2.3, Q2, 41/127 in Sport Sciences]

3. Kwok, M. M. Y., Ng, S. S. M., Myers, J., & So, B. C. L.* (2024). Aquatic High Intensity Interval Deep Water Running Influence on Cardiometabolic Health and Cognitive Psychological Responses in Women. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. [IF2023: 4.1; Q1, 11/127 in Sport Sciences]

4. So, B. C. L.*, Kwok, M. M. Y., Lee, N. W. L., Lam, A. W. C., Lau, A. L. M., Lam, A. S. L., Chan, P. W. Y., & Ng, S. S. M. (2023). Lower Limb Muscles’ Activation during Ascending and Descending a Single Step-Up Movement: Comparison between In water and On land Exercise at Different Step Cadences in Young Injury-Free Adults. Healthcare (Basel), 11(3), 441. [IF2023: 2.4; Q2, 49/118 in Health Policy & Services, Q2, 73/174 in Health Care Sciences & Services]

5. So, B. C. L.*, Tse, D. H. T., & Kwok, M. M. Y. (2023). Ai Chi for Balance and Gait in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Pilot Study. The journal of aquatic physical therapy, 31(1), 2-10.

6. So, B. C. L.*, Lau, S. C. T., Kwok, W. Y., Tse, D. H. T., & Man, S. S. (2023). Investigating The Association Between Supraspinatus Tendon Abnormality, Shoulder Pain and Isokinetic Strength in Elite Swimmers: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of sports science & medicine, 22(1), 17-27. [IF2023: 2.4; Q2, 36/127 in Sport Sciences]

7. Kwok, W. Y., So, B. C. L.*, & Ng, S. M. S. (2023). Underwater Surface Electromyography for the Evaluation of Muscle Activity during Front Crawl Swimming: A Systematic Review. Journal of sports science & medicine, 22(1), 1-16. [IF2023: 2.4; Q2, 36/127 in Sport Sciences]

8. Tse, D. H. T., Kwok, W. Y., & So, B. C. L.* (2022). Investigation of Underwater Shoulder Muscle Activity during Manikin-Carrying in Young Elite Lifesaving Athletes. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 22(6), 2143. [IF2023: 3.4; Q2, 24/76 in Instuments & Instrumentation]

9. So, B. C. L.*, Kwok, M. Y., Chan, Y. L., Lam, H. F. K., Chang, H. T. H., Chan, T. K., Leung, C. Y. K., & Tse, H. T. (2022). Lower-Limb Muscle Activity During Aquatic Treadmill Running in Individuals With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 31(7), 894-903. [IF2023: 1.3; Q3, 106/169 in Rehabilitation, Q3, 84/127 in Sport Sciences]

10. So, B. C. L. *, Kwok, M. M. Y., Fung, V. C. Y., Kwok, A. H. Y., Lau, C. W. C., Tse, A. L. Y., Wong, M. S. Y., & Mercer, J. A. (2022). A Study Comparing Gait and Lower Limb Muscle Activity During Aquatic Treadmill Running With Different Water Depth and Land Treadmill Running. Journal of human kinetics, 82(1), 39-50. [IF2023: 1.9; Q2, 58/127 in Sport Sciences]

11. Kwok, M. M. Y., So, B. C. L.*, Heywood, S., Lai, M. C. Y., & Ng, S. S. M. (2022). Effectiveness of Deep Water Running on Improving Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Physical Function and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(15), 9434.

12. Kwok, M. M. Y., Poon, E. T. C., Ng, S. S. M., Lai, M. C. Y., & So, B. C. L.* (2022). Effects of Aquatic versus Land High-Intensity Interval Training on Acute Cardiometabolic and Perceptive Responses in Healthy Young Women. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(24), 16761.

13. Kwok, M. M. Y., Ng, S. S. M., Man, S. S., & So, B. C. L.* (2022). The effect of aquatic high intensity interval training on cardiometabolic and physical health markers in women: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of exercise science and fitness, 20(2), 113-127. [IF2023: 2.4; Q2, 36/127 in Sport Sciences]

14. So, B. C. L.*, Kwok, S. C., & Lee, P. H. (2021). Effect of Aquatic Exercise on Sleep Efficiency of Adults With Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 18(9), 1037-1045. [IF2023: 2.9; Q2, 128/403 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health]

15. Kwok, W. Y., So, B. C. L.*, Tse, D. H. T., & Ng, S. S. M. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis: Biomechanical evaluation of the effectiveness of strength and conditioning training programs on front crawl swimming performance. Journal of sports science & medicine, 20(4), 564-585. [IF2023: 2.4; Q2, 36/127 in Sport Sciences]

16. So, B. C. L.*, Yuen, C. H. N., Tung, K. L. H., Lam, S., Cheng, S. L., Hung, Z. W. L., Leung, R. W. K., & Szeto, G. P. Y. (2020). A Study on Trunk Muscle Activation of 2 Deep Water Running Styles (High-Knee and Cross-Country Style) and Land Walking. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 29(1), 73-78. [IF2023: 1.3; Q3, 106/169 in Rehabilitation, Q3, 84/127 in Sport Sciences]

17. Yuen, C. H. N., Lam, C. P. Y., Tong, K. C. T., Yeung, J. C. Y., Yip, C. H. Y., & So, B. C. L.* (2019). Investigation the EMG activities of lower limb muscles when doing squatting exercise in water and on land. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(22), 4562.

18. So, B. C. L.*, Ng, J. K. F., & Au, K. C. K. (2019). A 4-week community aquatic physiotherapy program with Ai Chi or Bad Ragaz Ring Method improves disability and trunk muscle endurance in adults with chronic low back pain: A pilot study. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation, 32(5), 755-767. [IF2023: 1.4; Q3 82/136 in Orthopedics, Q3 102/169 in Rehabilitation]

19. So, B. C. L.*, Kong, I. S. Y., Lee, R. K. L., Man, R. W. F., Tse, W. H. K., Fong, A. K. W., & Tsang, W. W. N. (2017). The effect of Ai Chi aquatic therapy on individuals with knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Journal of Physical Therapy Science, 29(5), 884-890.

*Corresponding Author 


2018-Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2019-Present: Hong Kong Delegate, International Organization of Aquatic Physical Therapist (IOAPT)

2019-Present: Vice-Chairman, Aquatic Physiotherapy Working Group, Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association

2012-2018: Clinical Associate, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

2012-2015: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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