Research Assistant
Daniel was former representative of the Hong Kong Swimming Team, once participated in the 13th National Games of People’s Republic of China, the 5th Asian School Swimming Championships and various overseas competitions, with appreciated performance. He also interested in aquatic-related therapy, from community care to sport injury in competitive aquatic sport, he hopes that the experiences as a former swimmer and a current registered physiotherapist combined together can facilitate the project and lower the injury rate of current competitive swimmers in Hong Kong, for achieving better results and improve performance in various competitions.
-Former Representative of the Hong Kong Swimming Team
-Registered Physiotherapist under Hong Kong Physiotherapy Board Swimming Teacher’s Certificate
-Physical Fitness Assessment Leader Certificate
-Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association Conference 2021 – oral presentation
-HKASMSS Student Conference on Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation and Exercise Science 2019 – abstract accepted for oral presentation but cancelled due to COVID-19
Tse DHT*, Kwok WY, So BCL (2022). Investigation of Underwater Shoulder Muscle Activity during Manikin-Carrying in Young Elite Lifesaving Athletes. Sensors, 22(6), 2143.
So BCL, Kwok MMY, Tse DHT, Chan YL, Lam HFK, Chan HTH, Chan TK, Leung CYK (accepted). Lower limb muscle activity during aquatic treadmill running in individuals with Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.
Kwok WY, So BCL, Tse DHT, Ng SSM. (2021). A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Biomechanical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Strength and Conditioning Training Programs on Front Crawl Swimming Performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 20, 564-585.
Tsang SMH, Chan KTK, Ho PLT, Kwok JCY, Tse DHT, Tsoi HHT (2021). Comparison between velocity‐specific exercise and isometric exercise on neck muscle functions and performance: a randomised clinical trial. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22(1), 81.