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Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (6)

題目:習俗與教化——秦漢魏晉國家治理模式的轉形 日期:11月22日 時間:上午10:20 - 12:20 語言:普通話 平台:ZOOM   按此報名   講座簡介: 古代中國幅員遼闊,習俗各異,如何實行統一管理是一大難題。秦朝用嚴刑峻法移風易俗,激起東方社會的激烈反抗,很快歸於失敗。西漢初年郡國並行,允許東方王國在一定程度上從俗而治。但王國勢力太大,危及國家的統一,文景二帝不得不收奪諸侯王的自治權。為了避免重蹈亡秦覆轍,儒生們提出“德教”主張,其中又包含“以禮為治”和“以德化民”兩種方案。受其影響,武帝以後的朝廷政策繼續表現出大幅度搖擺,至漢末魏晉才確立了基本符合當時國情的治理模式。




2022年11月19日(星期六)   上午 10:00-12:00 講題一:空間、檔案庫、島嶼:「來者不拒」的文化研究方法論 作為一門相對新的學科,文化研究(Cultural Studies)對於研究者所使用的文本類型具有很強包容性。這些文本可以包括與各種文化其他社會實踐相關的文字和視覺材料。在本次研習營中,潘律博士將從文化研究領域的研究者的角度和大家分享她對於如何使用歷史和當代的各種文本,並結合相關的批判理論和概念來確定自己的研究目標和方法。潘博士會以她過去和現在的兩項研究——亞洲藝術檔案庫,以及正在進行中的海南島的研究——作為分享的案例。   下午 2:30-4:30 講題二:戰中之戰:一個華北鄉村的淪陷政治,1938-1945 本文利用地方資料研究抗戰時期江蘇豐縣西北村寨的鄉紳及其被近代化的過程。自咸豐、同治年間的捻軍之亂以來,當地鄉紳以寨子為基礎,凝聚家族和社群,強化自衛和自治。抗戰初期,鄉紳在王獻臣、共產黨和國民黨三方之間觀望,在抗日與自衛之間徘徊。1938年12月,歸順日軍的王獻臣主力被國共雙方聯手殲滅,鄉紳在自衛邏輯下全面投向國民黨,組建區常備隊抗日,但隨即在1939年5月被日軍圍殲,死傷慘重。失去地方精英加持的國民黨勢力在鄉村岌岌可危,共產黨則乘機代替鄉紳建設鄉村政權,形成兩套行政體系,加劇國共之爭。1940年6月國共雙方在豐縣西北短兵相接,國民黨勢力被驅逐,殘餘鄉紳逃亡他鄉,其「保護型經紀」的統治體系逐漸被政權武力移除,成為中共在江蘇北部創建根據地的一個路徑。



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (8)

今天盛行的“科學育兒”話語和“科學母職”家政培訓背後,反映著中國現代化進程與家政工主體之間什麼樣的關係? 本講座從現代化的理論入手,以商業化科學母職培訓為切入點,展現國家和市場如何共同塑造農村打工女性的現代化主體。



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (7)

Abstract: During the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, the relaxation of the Ming sea ban, along with the arrival of the Europeans, generated a multipolar environment in East Asia. It revolved around the intra-Asian exchange centered upon Chinese silk and Japanese silver, and a nascent global flow of New World bullion to China and spices for Western Europe. The situation changed during the mid-seventeenth century amid mounting restrictions on overseas contacts from the Tokugawa shogunate of Japan and the consolidation and militarization of Chinese merchants under the Zheng family. By 1683, when the Qing forced the Zheng to surrender and occupied their bastion of Taiwan, China had achieved naval preeminence in the East Asian sea lanes. Other than a few outposts, the Europeans had largely withdrawn from the area north of island Southeast Asia, which remained under the hegemony of the Dutch East India Company. In 1684, the Qing court legalized private trade and travel abroad, prompting another wave of overseas migration. Authorities in China and across eastern maritime Asia enacted policies that kept the Qing merchants and immigrants separate from the earlier Ming loyalists. Additionally, both groups of Chinese were accorded significant political, economic, and legal privileges. This infrastructure, backed by Qing naval power, paved the way for the “Chinese century” in maritime Asia.



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (6)




Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (5)

題目: 左江沿岸崖壁上駱越文明的投影——花山岩畫的科技與文化解讀 日期:10月13日 時間:下午4:30 - 6:00 語言:普通話 平臺:騰訊會議(VooV)   按此報名   講座簡介: 世界遺產「左江花山岩畫文化景觀」,綿延105公里,其中最大的單幅岩畫有8000平米。這一遺產有八個謎:何人、何時、出於什麼目的,投入如此巨大的人力物力,在懸崖峭壁之上繪製令人震撼的岩畫群?是用什麼顏料繪製千年不褪色?是怎樣畫上去的?為什麼人的圖像都是蛙形?岩畫中有數百面銅鼓,為什麼?為何這一世界遺產叫「文化景觀」?如今在廣西少數民族地區還有哪些岩畫遺風?




盼望著,盼望著,新學期來了,金秋的腳步近了。 好朋友們,小夥伴們,暌違許久的香港孔子學院日又!來!啦!   2022年第六屆香港孔子學院日 時間:9月24日(週六)下午3點-5點 地點:PolyU 校園TU201   當日活動有古琴表演、漢服模特秀和宋代點茶小劇場~ 更為現場觀眾提供漢服體驗機會! 豐富的傳統文化科普,多彩的傳統藝術表演,更有神秘嘉賓——國家級非遺大師空降現場! 還有,還有… … 我們為大家準備了來自故宮博物館、國家博物館和敦煌博物館的文創美物!當日下午2:30開始入場,前50位報名的來賓可於簽到處抽獎,獎品先到先抽,抽完即止! 錯過抽獎機會的好朋友也無需遺憾,現場還有香港孔院日主題相框、六藝手持拍照板,請盡情發揮創意,上傳你(您)的靚照,關注並@香港孔子學院的 Facebook或Instagram(cihk_polyu),就有機會贏取精美禮品! 還等什麼?!



Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (4)

Focusing on tensions and links between national formation and international outlooks, this talk shows how classical world visions persist as China’s modernizers and revolutionaries adopted and revised the Western nation-state and cosmopolitanism. The concepts of tianxia (all under heaven) and datong (great harmony) have been updated into outlooks of global harmony that value unity, equality, and reciprocity as strategies of overcoming interstate conflict, national divides, and social fragmentation. The talk will delve into two debates: the embrace of the West vs. aspirations for a common world, and the difference between liberal cosmopolitanism and socialist internationalism.



Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (3)

Abstract (based on the abstract of Chapter 1) In this CIHK webinar, we will discuss the material conditions of and historical background to the use of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic in writing-mediated brush conversation between literati of Sinitic engaged in cross-border communication within Sinographic East Asia or the Sinographic cosmopolis, which corresponds with today’s China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan (including Okinawa, formerly the Ryukyu Kingdom) and Vietnam. Compared with speech as a modality of communication, real-time writing-mediated interaction between talking humans, synchronously face-to-face, seems uncommon. In any society, speaking is premised on one condition: the interlocutors must have at least one shared spoken language at their disposal, but even then, there are circumstances under which speaking is either physically not feasible or socially inappropriate. Could writing function as an alternative modality of communication when speaking is not an option due to the absence of a shared spoken language, as in cross-border communication settings? Whereas real-time writing-mediated face-to-face interaction is rare where a regional lingua franca was known to exist (e.g., Latin and Arabic), there is ample historical evidence of literati of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic from different parts of Sinographic East Asia conducting ‘silent conversation’, synchronously and interactively in writing mode using brush, ink, and paper. Such a pattern of writing-assisted interaction is still practiced and observable in pen-assisted conversation – pen-talk – between Chinese and Japanese speakers today, thanks to the pragma-linguistic affordance of morphographic, non-phonographic sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters and Japanese kanji). We will outline the historical spread of Classical Chinese or Sinitic texts from the ‘center’ to the ‘peripheries’, and the historical background to the acquisition of literacy in Sinitic by the people there. Their shared knowledge of Sinitic helps explain why, for well over a thousand years until the 1900s, literati from these places were able to speak their mind by engaging in ‘Sinitic brush-talk’ 漢文筆談 in cross-border communication.



中国文化与宗教专家学者讲论系列 (五)



