CLC Organised 5 Online Seminars and Workshops to Enhance Students’ Chinese Proficiency
CLC organised several online seminars and workshops to enhance students’ Chinese proficiency with details as follows:
1. Workshop Series on Chinese Language Enhancement: Computer Skill in Chinese - PowerPoint on 20 September 2021 by Ms Helen Ma.
2. Talk Series on Chinese Language, Literature and Culture: A Pattern in Chinese Literature: Cheating Men and Faithful Women on 28 September 2021 by Dr Shanshan Liang.
3. Talk Series on Chinese Language, Literature and Culture: Avoiding Common Errors in Your Chinese Writing on 21 October 2021 by Dr Yuet Yee Yau.
4. Talk Series on Chinese Language, Literature and Culture: Canonization of Yue Fei’s Ci-poetry in Ming Dynasty on 26 October 2021 by Dr Chuen Pan Lam.
5. Workshop Series on Chinese Language Enhancement: Pairing Up Cantonese and Putonghua Expressions on 10 November 2021 by Dr Jie Zeng.
To celebrate our 85th Anniversary, Chinese Language Centre is pleased to conduct the PolyU 85th Anniversary Performance cum Putonghua Recitation and Demonstration Workshop in the near future. This event is co-organised by The Tertiary Putonghua Recitation Society.