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20230127 website  Ir Prof Zheng Yongping DoRISA featured in Ta Kung Pao


智龄研究院院长丶生物医学工程学系系主任及及梁显利生物医学工程教授郑永平教授最近接受大公报专访,介绍其可用于评估嵴柱侧弯的发明──「无辐射便携式三维超声波成像系统」 (Scolioscan)。 网上报导: 大公报 -



20230120 website  Three PAIR projects awarded Research Impact Fund to deliver innovations for a sust


理大高等研究院学者带领的三个研究项目获研究资助局的「2022/23研究影响基金」拨款资助,合共港币 1,435 万元。本轮基金申请共批出13个资助研究项目,其中理大共有五个获资助项目,合共港币 2,755 万元,项目数量冠本地院校。 项目 簡介 项目管理人 研资局资助金额*(港币) 一种基于肽嵌合抗原受体巨噬细胞靶向癌干细胞的全新疗法 创新科学知识针对肝细胞癌 (HCC) 的肝癌干细胞治疗新策略 李建华教授 中医药创新研究中心成员 (合作院校:港大) $4,150,000 适用于穿戴技术的柔性及弹性电池 应用于可穿戴技术、智能电子纺织品、电子皮肤、软机器人、生物电子学和物联网等 郑子剑教授 人工智能物联网研究院副院长 (合作院校:城大、中大) $5,550,000 下一代原位精密三维表面测量技术:一种面向工业4.0的智能自适应多视角方法 可应用在工业4.0各种製造或测量情况下的不同机械工具、生产设备和便携式测量工具 张志辉教授 视觉科学研究中心副主任及碳中和资源工程研究中心管理委员会成员 (合作院校:港大) $4,650,000 *研资局资助项目的七成资金,而大学或项目合作伙伴则会提供馀下三成的配对资金。 阅读更多:



20230120 2000x1050px  website SC


香港理工大学高等研究院诚邀大家参加于二零二三年二月九日(星期四)举行的PAIR杰出讲座。 是次讲题为「我的四十年天文科研旅程」,并由2020年诺贝尔物理学奖得主丶马克斯.普朗克地外物理研究所所长兼科学家赖因哈德.根策尔教授主讲。 根策尔教授与英国数学物理学家罗杰.潘洛斯和美国天文学家安德烈娅.盖兹同获2020 年度诺贝尔物理学奖,以表彰他们探明银河中央存在一个超大质量的緻密天体的成就。过去的四十年裡,赖因哈德.根策尔和团队一直研究银河系中心质量分佈,以气体和恆星作为时空测试粒子进行精确及长久的研究。研究表明了银河系中心存在一个相当于四百万倍太阳质量的超大黑洞。根策尔教授将于是次讲座中分享其四十年的科研旅程。 万勿错过向杰出天体物理学家学习的机会! 详情及报名:  



20230118 website  Prof Raymond WONG Waiyeung ADoRISE to be featured on RTHK TV programme 2000  1050


香港电台节目《我们的科学家》邀请了黄维扬教授为第五集的主题人物。黄教授现为香港理工大学理学院院长、时装及纺织学院暂任院长及潘乐陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院副院长。节目将于一月二十一日(星期六)晚上八时正于港台31频道播出,黄教授将分享他于开发可持续能源和改进能源转换技术等方面的研究工作及成果。 八集纪录片《我们的科学家》将带观衆走进科学世界,了解科学家们在求知路上不断追求、勇于探索的精神。节目将走访多位成就卓越的科学家,从科学到生活,由科研到承传,了解科研旅程的辛酸、喜悦和成功。 阅读更多:



20230117 website - RIAIoT AI specialist introduces ChatGPT at a popular science activity


人工智能物联网研究院郭嵩教授于一月七日在由中科院香港创新院人工智能与机器人中心在香港科学园高锟会议中心举行的「院士讲科普活动」中,发表题为《会聊天的人工智能》的演讲。郭教授重点介绍了ChatGPT人工智能技术,以及其背后的三大要素:模型、数据和算力。ChatGPT为人工智慧聊天机器人,能如漫画人物「多啦A梦」般模拟及处理人类对话。 网上报导: 文汇报 - (只有繁体中文版) 点新闻 - (只有繁体中文版) 香港新闻网 - (只有繁体中文版)



20230117 website - The PAIR Public Seminar was successfully held on 10 January 2023

PAIR 公開研討會完滿舉行 (只提供英文版本)

Dr WANG Yulun, Fellow at Teladoc Health and Co-founder and Chairman of World Telehealth Initiative and Maxcess Health, delivered the PAIR Public Lecture titled “An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Surgical Robotics and Telemedicine, and their Convergence” in hybrid mode on 10 January 2023. The seminar attracted over 120 participants from over 25 countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, etc. The participants came from diverse backgrounds and sectors, including academia, science and engineering, research and development, the medical and healthcare industry, etc. Dr Wang began the seminar by giving a brief history of surgical robots and their applications. He then showed the audience a short video about the first transatlantic tele-surgical operation, “Lindbergh operation”, carried out by a team of French surgeons led by Prof. Jacques Marescaux in New York on a patient in Strasbourg, France, on 7 September 2001. The operation involved minimally invasive surgery and high-speed fibre optic technology. The surgeon controlled the arms of the robotic surgical system in New York to operate on the patient in France.  Dr Wang then elaborated on the emergence of telemedicine and technology-enabled remote health care. He pointed out that more and more doctors have become specialists, and patients are now looking for quality, access and low-cost healthcare. Telemedicine utilises technologies for electronic health records and personalised medicine, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and remote monitoring so that practitioners can serve more patients efficiently without boundaries. Another short video was shown to explain the application of telestroke medicine—telemedicine for stroke patients in remote locations. Stroke experts work with local emergency health care providers to recommend a diagnosis and treatment. In this way, thousands of lives can be saved since patients can have access to proper stroke treatments and advice within three hours. Subsequently, Dr Wang talked about the digital transformation during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The internet has driven various sectors, including the healthcare industry, to do business internationally through interconnected computer networks. The COVID-19 pandemic has also catalysed the rapid adoption of digital technology. Hence, the future of the healthcare system will be a combination of cloud-based solutions in digital health, telemedicine and virtual care, which are considered reliable, scalable and cost-effective. Finally, Dr Wang looked at digital healthcare for non-profit and charitable causes. He talked about the World Telehealth Initiative (WTI), a non-profit he co-founded in 2017, leverages telehealth to bring clinical expertise to the world’s most vulnerable communities to build the local expert capacity and advance core health services. A 30-minute question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed. The audience had a fruitful exchange with Dr Wang on the regulatory issues in healthcare, the contributory role of computer science and biomedical engineering in telemedicine, the technical and financial complications in telemedicine, ethical issues in digital healthcare, etc. Please click here for an online review.



20230116 website  Chinese New Year card 2023 2000  1050 px SC

PAIR 祝愿各位新年快乐!



20230117 website - The PAIR Public Seminar was successfully held on 10 January 2023

PAIR 公开研讨会完满举行 (只有英文版)

Dr WANG Yulun, Fellow at Teladoc Health and Co-founder and Chairman of World Telehealth Initiative and Maxcess Health, delivered the PAIR Public Lecture titled “An Entrepreneur’s Perspective on Surgical Robotics and Telemedicine, and their Convergence” in hybrid mode on 10 January 2023. The seminar attracted over 120 participants from over 25 countries and regions, including Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, etc. The participants came from diverse backgrounds and sectors, including academia, science and engineering, research and development, the medical and healthcare industry, etc.Dr Wang began the seminar by giving a brief history of surgical robots and their applications. He then showed the audience a short video about the first transatlantic tele-surgical operation, “Lindbergh operation”, carried out by a team of French surgeons led by Prof. Jacques Marescaux in New York on a patient in Strasbourg, France, on 7 September 2001. The operation involved minimally invasive surgery and high-speed fibre optic technology. The surgeon controlled the arms of the robotic surgical system in New York to operate on the patient in France.  Dr Wang then elaborated on the emergence of telemedicine and technology-enabled remote health care. He pointed out that more and more doctors have become specialists, and patients are now looking for quality, access and low-cost healthcare. Telemedicine utilises technologies for electronic health records and personalised medicine, big data analytics, artificial intelligence and remote monitoring so that practitioners can serve more patients efficiently without boundaries. Another short video was shown to explain the application of telestroke medicine—telemedicine for stroke patients in remote locations. Stroke experts work with local emergency health care providers to recommend a diagnosis and treatment. In this way, thousands of lives can be saved since patients can have access to proper stroke treatments and advice within three hours. Subsequently, Dr Wang talked about the digital transformation during the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The internet has driven various sectors, including the healthcare industry, to do business internationally through interconnected computer networks. The COVID-19 pandemic has also catalysed the rapid adoption of digital technology. Hence, the future of the healthcare system will be a combination of cloud-based solutions in digital health, telemedicine and virtual care, which are considered reliable, scalable and cost-effective. Finally, Dr Wang looked at digital healthcare for non-profit and charitable causes. He talked about the World Telehealth Initiative (WTI), a non-profit he co-founded in 2017, leverages telehealth to bring clinical expertise to the world’s most vulnerable communities to build the local expert capacity and advance core health services. A 30-minute question-and-answer session moderated by Prof. CHEN Qingyan, Director of PAIR, followed. The audience had a fruitful exchange with Dr Wang on the regulatory issues in healthcare, the contributory role of computer science and biomedical engineering in telemedicine, the technical and financial complications in telemedicine, ethical issues in digital healthcare, etc. Please click here for an online review.


202301113 - website Prof ZHENG Yongping


智龄研究院院长郑永平教授荣获首届「中银香港科技创新奖」及获颁发港币二百万元奖金,表扬他于「生命健康」领域上作出重大科研贡献。 郑教授拥有 50 多项专利,在 2021 及 2022 年跻身由史丹福大学发布的「全球前 2% 科学家排名榜」。他的主要研究范畴包括生物医学超声仪器、软组织弹性测量与成像、三维超声成像和智能老化技术。 由郑教授带领研究团队研发的 「无辐射三维超声波成像系统」(Scolioscan),可安全、低成本和频繁地进行无辐射的嵴柱侧弯评估。该发明已在多个国家应用于临床诊断,协助嵴柱侧弯的早期发现和跟进治疗,并以非手术方式有效控制情况。这一发明也可以应用于老年性嵴柱疾病,包括退化性嵴柱侧弯。 阅读更多:



20230112 website  RISA scholar wins Healthy Longevity Catalyst Awards Hong Kong 2022

智龄研究院学者荣获 2022 年健康长寿催化剂奖(香港)

智龄研究院温春毅博士凭其“Senolytic uPAR-CAR-T Therapy for Osteoarthritis”项目于健康长寿大挑战计划的生物学及医学组别中获得2022年健康长寿催化创新奖(香港)。 该计划由美国国家医学院发起,旨在透过一系列奖项以鼓励创新及具前瞻性的项目,促进人类终身身体、心理和社交健康。计划提供共十个催化创新奖,每个得奖项目可获得为期一年,最高50,000 美元的研究经费。



