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理大研究「身心并用」中风康复训练 有效减少跌倒及跌倒受伤次数提升患者生活质素

理大研究「身心并用」中风康复训练有效减少跌倒及跌倒受伤次数提升患者生活质素 理大康复治疗科学系彭耀宗教授领导研究项目(“Dual-Task Exercise Reduces Cognitive-Motor Interference in Walking and Falls after Stroke: A Randomized Controlled Study”)(文章连结)已于美国心脏协会的医学期刊Stroke上发表。研究发现,该项训练能显着改善中风患者「身心并用」的能力,患者跌倒及因跌倒而受伤的风险亦分别下降25.0%及22.2%。研究团队期望此康复训练能推展至社区及家居,以助纾缓医疗护理资源紧张的情况。 详情请参考网址︰


最新消息 康復治疗科学系


RS Inauguration Ceremony 2020/21

The Inauguration Ceremony 2020-21 of Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) was held on 2nd September 2020, marking the beginning of a new academic life for a new cohort of students. Due to the current COVID-19 epidemic, this is the first time for the Inauguration Ceremony to be held online instead of face-to-face. Despite of this difficult condition, we still have over 300pax guests and students joining our Ceremony online. During the Opening Address, Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS) said that he was honoured to deliver the 1st speech in his second term in RS for the Inauguration Ceremony, which is also his 4th speech for the same event since he assumed his position as Head in 2017. He mentioned that RS has made great achievements in the areas of education, research and knowledge transfer over the past three years. He especially mentioned the establishment of the Tam Wing Fan Rehabilitation Services Centre in Occupational Threapy in room W210/211 with the generous donations from Mr and Mrs Tam. With the opening of this centre, RS can provide more high-quality OT services with the use of world-class rehabilitation equipment. He concluded that although most of this last academic year did not make us to enjoy a normal and face-to-face university life due to the social movements and the Covid-19 outbreak, surprisingly most of the students had a good overall impression of their online learning experiences. For the JUPAS admission figures of this year, Prof. Tsang mentioned that our subjects remain outstanding as ever, with the average scores of our PT and OT freshmen in their best SIX DSE subjects standing at 39.6 and 37.8 points respectively (or 34.4 and 33.2 points, if we use the old conversion method). The figures this year continue to rank 1st and 2nd places among ALL first-year, first-degree programmes in PolyU. It is so encouraging that Communications and Public Affairs Office of PolyU, for the first time, arranged a press conference to announce our great achievements in admission this year. Looking forward to the next 3 years, with the extension of MOT (Master in Occupational Therapy) and MPT (Master in Physiotherapy) programme, and also the developing of the new PolyU campus in Homantin, which can strongly admit over 500 students each year, it is no doubt that PolyU RS will maintain our leading position in the provision of professional education for qualified physiotherapists and occupational therapists in Hong Kong to meet the societal needs. Lastly, Prof. Tsang hopes that all of the freshmen will take them as role models, and set ambitious goals for themselves. In addition to working as a clinical therapist, excel themselves in health care management and become leaders in the health sector. We were honoured to have the presence of Prof. Herman Lau (Director of Allied Health CUHK Medical Centre) as our officiating guest and to give us a speech. As our outstanding alumni, he hopes that all of the freshmen will take their professors as exemplars and become educators and researchers in the next generation. In this role, all of them will like them nurture future talents, or to become top scientists in the two professional disciplines. We were also pleased to have the pre-recorded video form Mr Daniel Lo Chief Manager - Allied Health, Hospital Authority, who is also a former physiotherapy student of PolyU PT. He told the freshman to have passionate about study and work, so as to prepare themselves to be health professional upon graduation from the program. Followed by a series of prize presentations to both the awarded top students, Prof. Hector Tsang made a closing remark with warm congratulations to the recently promoted staff members and a vote of thanks to all the guests who attended the Ceremony.


Dr Shirley Ngai


魏佩菁博士获得国家教育部颁发2018年国家级教学成果奖二等奖(高等教育) 康复治疗科学系副教授兼物理治疗(荣誉) 理学士课程主任魏佩菁博士获颁2018年国家级教学成果奖二等奖(高等教育),以表扬她在教学的超卓成就。 国家级教学成果奖是表彰个人或团队在教育教学理论或实践方面有重大突破,对提高教学水平和教学质量产生显着成效。魏佩菁博士是首批获颁这项全国最高教学殊荣的香港学者之一。 魏博士致力于心肺物理治疗专科的研究和教学。为了增进学生在临床实践时的信心,魏博士设计了多项创新的教学方法,包括将课堂改装成「病房」,令学生在模拟病房内应用其专业知识。




理大续办职业治疗及物理治疗硕士课程 支援社福界提升医护复康服务

理大续办职业治疗及物理治疗硕士课程 支援社福界提升医护复康服务 香港医疗护理服务需求日益殷切,然而专业治疗师人手却一直供不应求,社福界情况更为严重,令非政府社福机构难以满足社会大众对医护复康服务的需求。有见及此,社会福利署(社署)透过与香港理工大学(理大)协作,于2012年开始推出一项培训资助计划,以助纾缓社福机构人手短缺的问题。 在此项资助计划下,理大于2012年开办了两年全日制职业治疗学硕士及物理治疗学硕士课程,为有志成为专业治疗师服务社福界的人士提供进修机会。获取录的学生可向非政府社福机构申请资助,并须于毕业后为已选定的社福机构连续服务三年。 此资助计划推出以来,成效非常理想,过去四届共培育了超过250名学生,他们毕业后投身不同社福机构,为长者、残疾人士或有特殊需要的儿童提供医护复康服务。由于计划深受社福界欢迎,因此计划将于2021至2023年继续推行,为期三届,而新一届硕士课程现在开始接受报名(截止日期为2020年8月26日)。 理大康复治疗科学讲座教授及系主任曾永康教授表示:「根据《医疗人力规划和专业发展策略检讨报告》,到了2030年,香港将欠缺约190名职业治疗师及900名物理治疗师。为应对社福机构的需要,理大于2012至2020年,隔年开办了职业治疗学硕士及物理治疗学硕士课程,合共四届,为业界培育专业的治疗师。由于社福界十分支持,故理大决定于2021至2023年将课程改为每年开办,为期三届。」 理大的职业治疗学硕士及物理治疗学硕士课程,第五届现正接受报名,课程将于2021年1月开课。欢迎持有学士学位并已完成人体生理学及人体解剖学各三个学分人士报名,曾修读心理学、营养学或人体运动学等医护相关课程者将获优先考虑。此两项课程毕业生可获香港专业认可资格。获取录者均可申请社署的培训资助计划。 详情请浏览: 申请报读课程(截止日期为2020年8月26日):



4-8-2020 9 22 41

Occupational Therapy Online Summer Programme - Elite Occupational Therapist Taster Programme (EOTTP) 2020

With the full support from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS), members of Occupational Therapy Student Ambassador (OTSA) have successfully held the Elite Occupational Therapist Taster Programme (EOTTP) on 4 August 2020. This programme has been organized annually to promote Occupational Therapy (OT) profession to secondary school students. Due to the sudden surge of confirmed local COVID-19 cases, this year the Programme has been switched from face-to-face to online mode to minimize the risk of infections. A total number of 278 Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 students has joined the EOTTP held from 9:30am to 12:00noon on 4 August through Zoom. After the welcome speech given by Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Chair Professor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Head of RS), two mini seminars were delivered by Prof. Kenneth Fong (Professor and Programme Leader of BSc (Hons) in OT) and Mr Tony Wong (Clinical Associate (OT) of RS) to let audience have a brief understanding about OT and PolyU OT Programme. In order to let the participants know more about the actual work of Occupational Therapist, a student sharing session on “We Care, We Share“ which is a community service project for rural residents with disabilities has been conducted. Moreover, a virtual tour has been organized and led by OT Clinical Associates and Student Ambassadors, so that participants could develop basic understanding about human anatomy, splinting in musculoskeletal rehabilitation, sensory integration in pediatric rehabilitation and assistive technology for people with disabilities. Although the delivering mode this year is different from the previous years, it is still hoped that this online programme could give the participants an overview of OT beforehand.



Physiotherapy Summer Programme 2020

The PolyU Summer Programme, a university-wide activity for senior secondary school students, has been offered since 2015. This year, due to the sudden surge of confirmed local COVID-19 cases, the delivery mode has been changed from face-to-face to online mode to minimize the risk of infections. Despite the change of delivery mode, PolyU Summer Programme 2020 – Physiotherapy (PT) was successfully held by the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) on 28 July 2020 and attracted 275 Secondary 4 and Secondary 5 students from top local secondary schools to join the programme. After the 30-minute programme talk delivered by Dr Billy So (Assistant Professor in PT of RS) which gives the students a brief concept on the PT programme, a virtual teaching laboratory tour was organized to let students understand more about PT profession. A student sharing session has also been arranged, in which several PT students have been invited to share their views on pursuing PT study in PolyU. At the end of the programme, Dr Freddy Lam (Assistant Professor in PT of RS) delivered a mini online lecture with the topic as “Preventing Falls in Older People” to give the students a better understanding of PT practice. The whole programme received positive feedback from the participants and it is hoped that the programme can continue to be held every year to promote PT profession to secondary students.




恭贺本系4名教职员获颁长期服务奖 理大长期服务奖励计划于1990年开始推行,目的是增强理大员工的归属感,及感谢各长期服务员工多年来的服务。本年度,本系共有4名教职员获颁长期服务奖,以表彰他们对理大的长期服务。 35年长期服务奖 文伟光教授 25年长期服务奖 符少娥教授 林伟基先生 15年长期服务奖 黄志淇先生





感谢徐志文博士为康复治疗科学系职业治疗教学实验室设施提供免费纳米涂层服务 康复治疗科学系职业治疗校友徐志文博士慷慨地为部门设施提供纳米涂层服务,为表彰徐博士的慷慨支持,学系于2020年6月29日举行答谢典礼,并很荣幸得到医疗及社会科学院院长岑浩强教授、校友事务及拓展处总监周敏珊女士及健康安全及环境事务处处长卢汉生先生莅临。 周女士代表香港理工大学向徐博士特意回馈母校表达谢意。而从徐博士的演辞中,我们更能深深感受到他对母校及学系的归属感。曾永康教授(康复治疗科学讲座教授及系主任)致辞时代表学系致以衷心的感谢,更提到作为系主任兼徐志文博士的博士研究指导老师,特别欣赏他在疫情期间仍处处为母校、师长及一众师弟妹着想,这一温馨举动令人十分振奋,亦为其他康复治疗科学系的毕业生树立典范。 在典礼的尾声,一众嘉宾更能亲身尝试喷洒纳米涂层。





康复治疗科学系学生获得创新科技奖学金与汇丰香港奖学金 康复治疗科学系两名学生- 谢乐容(物理治疗学3年级生) 及周旨菁(职业治疗学2年级生)获颁「创新科技奖学金2020」 。 由各大学校长提名后被来自不同界别的筹委会所选出的25位奖学金得奖者将每人获HK$150,000,能参加各个精英培育项目,包括:海外/内地暂读计划、师友计划、本地实习计划及向社区推广创新科技。透过扩阔各得奖者对国际和行业的视野,加强了投身创新及科技行业的决心。 而另一位同学,林彦彤(职业治疗学3年级生)则获得「汇丰香港奖学金2019/20」。此奖学金由汇丰银行资助,旨在表扬具全人发展并热心香港社会的杰出专上学生。 以下为三位得奖学生的感言: 谢乐容(物理治疗学3年级生) - 创新科技奖学金2020 我对于能获得此创新科技奖学金感到无比荣幸,这不单提供了一个机会让我探索其他国家的知识和专业,更加强了我对物理治疗的热诚。现今随着科技进步,治疗的方法也变得愈来愈多样化。我希望藉着这个难得的机会,可以接触到更多医疗科技知识,以帮助更多病人。我期望把这些新的知识和学到的物理治疗手法互相结合,回馈社会,令有需要的病人得到改善。最后,藉此机会衷心感谢理大康复治疗科学系一众老师们,感谢他们在过去三年的鼓励和教导,启发我成为一个热忱学习而谦逊的人。没有他们就不会有今天的成功,万分感谢! 周旨菁(职业治疗学2年级生) - 创新科技奖学金2020 周旨菁(Erina)是历来第一位职业治疗学生获得创新科技奖学金的殊荣。过去多年来,热爱心理学的她一直是人文学科的倡导者,在她首次在医院实习之前,她从未料想到会深受科技的启发。 「复康科技为长者所带来接受治疗的动力,彻底地改变了我对创新科技的态度,并让我认识到科技如何与人文科学互相结合,以改善人们的福祉。」 作为得奖者之一,Erina 非常珍惜这次能在着名大学和研究实验室汲取经验的机会。对于未来一年将远赴外国学习有关神经科学,乐龄科技和远程复康的知识,她表示十分期待和兴奋。 她相信这些宝贵的经历,会使她能够将最新的科技和体系,带到本地的职业治疗服务,甚至完善现有的医疗保健系统,帮助患者得到适切的治疗,从而使他们身心获得力量。 Erina一直坚定地怀着「每个人都能过有目标的和充实的生活 」的信念,她渴望逐步实现自己的抱负,令到复康服务普及化,以创新的思维进一步促进香港的职业治疗服务,并在发展科技的同时保持独有的人情味。 林彦彤(职业治疗学3年级生) - 汇丰香港奖学金2019/20 我非常感恩和荣幸能够获取HSBC Hong Kong Scholarship 2019/20。我深信这不是单靠我的努力,而是OT教授的耐心指导,同学们的慷慨帮忙,以及课程中丰富多样的学习经历之共同成果。它们为我提供了一个完善的学习平台,帮助我取得良好的学业成绩,并装备我成为一位更有能力的职业治疗师。因此,我衷心感谢为我提供帮助的教授、同学、职员,以及我的家人,并期望与他们分享这份喜悦。我计划使用这项奖学金参加更多OT会议和展览,例如与人工智能及辅助设备相关的,以扩展自己对于不同OT领域的认识。此外,我期望以这项奖学金参与不同的课余活动,更多元化地发展自己。这项奖学金亦鼓励我在最后的学年(Year 4)和临床实习中继续努力学习与实践所得。再次感谢HSBC授予我这项奖学金。



2020 04 28 Dr Kenneth FongMr Eddie HaiMr Philip NgFaculty Teaching AwardsPrizes for Outstanding Perf

Dr Kenneth Fong's teaching team awarded the Faculty Team Award for Outstanding Performance/ Achievement in Teaching (2018/19)

RS is pleased to announce that our teaching team for subjects related to "Environmental Issues and Assistive Technology" has been awarded the Faculty Teaching Award for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching 2018/19, in recognition of the team’s outstanding performance and achievement in teaching. The team is also the recipient of the RS Outstanding Teaching Award 2018/2019. The team consists of the following members:  Dr Kenneth Fong, Associate Professor, RS (Team Leader) Mr Eddie Hai, Clinical Associate, RS Mr Philip Ng, Technical Officer, RS The team has incorporated innovative prototype making and interactive showcase, flipped classroom in contextual learning and blended learning in interactive virtual reality into the teaching of RS320 Environmental Issues in OT Practice, RS3200 Enabling Occupation: Environmental Issues and Assistive Technology, and RS5366 Environmental Issues in OT Practice. The subject-based projects supervised by the teaching team greatly enhanced the creativity of students, broadened their horizons and further inspired them with valuable experiences from showcases, presentation and overseas competition, influencing their current study as well as life-long learning. Such positive and intriguing experiences would benefit students on making significant contribution to the society at present and in the future. The impact of the project can be further demonstrated based on the positive feedback received from students, and many local and international awards gained for products designed. In particular, the students taking these teaching subjects have been inspired and invented many creative products that have won awards in many international competitions, such as gaining awards in Global Student Innovation Challenge (gSIC) at International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (i-CREATe) for six consecutive years. In the recent i-CREATe 2019, two teams of students won Gold and Bronze awards in the Design Category (details).


