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MOT and MPT High Table Dinner

The Department of Rehabilitation Sciences (RS) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been providing entry level Master in Occupational Therapy (MOT) and Master in Physiotherapy (MPT) programmes since 2011. The first ever High Table Dinner aiming to celebrate the graduation of 2017 cohort graduates and to welcome freshman of MOT and MPT students was successfully held on 29 March 2019. Over 160 honourable guests including government officials, representatives of NGO sector, academic staff, graduates and students gathered at the Regal Kowloon Hotel to join the High Table Dinner. When delivering the opening speech, Prof. Philip Chan (Interim President, Deputy President and Provost of PolyU) expressed his thankfulness towards the Social Welfare Department of HKSAR in funding our MOT and MPT programmes which provide an extra source of graduates to man rehabilitation services in the community. The speeches delivered by Mr Lam Ka Tai (Deputy Director (Services) of Social Welfare Department, HKSAR) and Mr David Leung (Commissioner for Rehabilitation of Labour and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR) both highlighted the importance of training professional occupational therapists and physiotherapists to address the problem of manpower shortage especially in the NGO sector. We were delighted to have Mr Fong Cheung Fat (retired CEO of SAHK) for delivering an impressive sharing, in which he shared his experience in the welfare sector and gave tips to our students and graduates on their career pathways. After the sharing by our MOT and MPT graduates, Mr Hugo Leung (MOT 2012 Cohort) and Mr Ivan Au (MPT 2017 Cohort), there was an award presentation by Ms Stella Cheng (Chairman of Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association) and Prof. Marco Pang (President of Hong Kong Physiotherapy Association) to graduates with outstanding academic performance. It was then followed by the graduation speech delivered by class representatives – Ms Sudaki Law (MOT) and Mr Will Wong (MPT). The dinner came to a climax when Prof. Hector Tsang (Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health, Professor and Head of RS; Director of PolyU Technology and Consultancy Company Limited) sang songs with Ms Chloe Mo (Clinical Associate of RS) and the graduates. When delivering the closing remarks, Prof. Hector Tsang expressed his warmest congratulations on the achievements of the graduates and also welcomed freshman to join the big family of RS. Please click here for more photos.


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RS Year 4 students attended free paper presentation in the 11th Annual Symposium of Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy

The 11th Annual Symposium of Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy (HKSHT) was successfully held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) on 29 March 2019. With the theme of “Clinical Pearls and Innovation in Hand Therapy”, various local and overseas experts on scientific or clinical fields shared their innovative clinical practice and research results during the Symposium. Two RS Year 4 Occupational Therapy student representatives of final year project groups, Ms Rita Leung and Ms Jenna Ng, presented the results of their research projects in the free paper session. The presentation received excellent appraisals from the invited guest speakers whom are hand therapists from Australia and UK. Ms Mary Chu, a retired Occupational Therapist as well as student of Doctor of Health Science, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at PolyU, also presented her thesis in the same session.


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中国残疾人联合会张海廸主席到访理大康复治疗科学系 中国残疾人联合会张海廸主席在2019年3月28日到访理大康复治疗科学系,双方就人才培训及康复发展进行了深入的讨论,张主席及随团人员参观学系的教学实验室,了解学生的上课情况,更与学生进行了互动。 中国残疾人联合会亦刊登了这次考察的报告,详情请参阅相关网页。


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2019 03 08_RPP Award_Cover_DSC07093


《香港康复计划方案检讨》顾问项目赢得两项大奖   香港理工大学为劳工及福利局《香港康复计划方案检讨》(RPP)提供的顾问服务项目赢得两个奖项: 「卓越顾问项目奖」(颁予财政年度中最高合约总值的本地顾问项目)及「跨部门合作奖」(颁予财政年度中最高合约总值的跨部门合作顾问项目)。


最新消息 康復治疗科学系


康复治疗科学系校友黄荣楷博士获选为「2019 美国康复医学会Deborah L. Wilkerson 青年学者奖」得主

康复治疗科学系校友黄荣楷博士获选为「2019 美国康复医学会Deborah L. Wilkerson 青年学者奖」得主 康复治疗科学系校友黄荣楷博士(职业治疗本科课程及哲学博士毕业生)被美国康复医学学会(ACRM, 美国最大的跨学科康复研究组织)选为「2019 Deborah L. Wilkerson 青年学者奖」得主。颁奖礼定于本年11月在芝加哥举办的第96届美国康复医学会年会中进行,届时黄博士更会发表得奖演说。 「Deborah L. Wilkerson 青年学者奖」为以纪念前美国康复医学学会主席Deborah L. Wilkerson而命名的奖项,授予热心推动跨学科康复研究之青年学者。每年学会均会选出一名青年学者并颁赠此奖项。黄博士凭着杰出成就,获知名康复领域的专家学者提名,成为2019年度得主。 黄荣楷博士现任圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院职业治疗课程及神经内科系助理教授,主要研究利用数码科技、脑神经行为和病人报告结果为指标,分析在脑神经康复过程中患者在认知能力、情绪和日常生活自理能力方面的转变。黄博士亦专注设计新颖治疗措施,以提升神经障碍患者的自理能力和参与社区活动能力。 有关「Deborah L. Wilkerson 青年学者奖」请浏览:。 有关更多黄博士的简介,请浏览:。


最新消息 康復治疗科学系

2019 02 21 MoU with The Hong Kong Police College_Photo_1


香港理工大学与香港警察学院签订合作备忘录 香港理工大学康复治疗科学系与香港警务处辖下的警察学院于2019年2月21日签订合作备忘录。 自2018起,康复治疗科学系与警察学院已经开展名为「FitLink」计划的合作,计划旨在 确保让在学院受训的学员有最佳的体能表现、推广学员自我管测体能状况,以及确保学员在整个警务生涯中的体适能方面有可持续的发展。合作备忘录将巩固及加强双方合作。  


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理大康复治疗科学系与协康会签署合作备忘录 理大康复治疗科学系与协康会于2018年12月31日签署合作备忘录,旨在加强双方合作,为理大职业治疗学及物理治疗学的本科生和研究生提供更多临床实习机会。 自2000年以来,协康会一直为理大职业治疗学和物理治疗学学生提供良好的实习机会,每年均有两至三名职业治疗学和物理治疗学学生被安排到协康会辖下的不同服务单位进行临床实习。学生对于该会服务单位的评价均非常高及正面,亦十分感谢协康会为他们提供宝贵的实习机会。 康复治疗科学系希望透过与协康会签署合作备忘录,加强双方合作,培训更多康复专业人员,为有特殊学习需要的儿童和青少年,以及其家庭提供全方位支援服务。


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卡斯柏康健有限公司与香港理工大学康复治疗科学系谅解备忘录签字仪式 本系与卡斯柏康健有限公司(下称︰卡斯柏)就「卡斯柏电子系统:物理治疗与职业治疗本科教学与临床实践的互动资源」项目签署谅解备忘录仪式在11月21日举行。卡斯柏的总部位于德国,是开发各种物理治疗和职业治疗遥距康复系统的先驱公司。这次合作目的是通过卡斯柏开发的康复视频电子系统,可以作为本系在物理治疗和职业治疗的本科教学,以及康复诊所物理治疗和职业治疗的临床实践的互动资源。 而且,结合其开发的遥距康复作业平台及理大发明的提醒治疗法,为患者提供最佳的遥距康复。


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2018-19学年康复治疗科学系新生获颁奖学金 于2018-19学年入读康复治疗科学系 (物理治疗学 (荣誉) 理学士学位课程及职业治疗学 (荣誉) 理学士学位课程) 的新生获颁不同的奖学金。 通过大学联合招生办法(JUPAS)入学并于香港中学文凭考试 (HKDSE)取得优异成绩的新生可获颁「新生入学学术奖学金」,本学年获颁入学奖学金的康复治疗科学系新生共有173名,64名来自职业治疗学,109名来自物理治疗学。其中一名物理治疗学得奖者于文凭试中考获五科5**级成绩,成为本年度全大学唯一一名取得最高奖学金学额的新生。 非联招本地新生方面,全大学共有23名新生于国际文凭大学预科课程(IB)公开试中考获优异成绩而获颁奖学金,当中康复治疗科学系新生占13名 (5名职业治疗学,8名物理治疗学)。 康复治疗科学系为全大学唯一学系有非联招本地新生以优异GCE成绩而获颁入学奖学金,两名获奖学金的学生皆来自职业治疗学。 另外,5名康复治疗科学系新生(2名职业治疗学,3名物理治疗学)则凭优异的非学业成就获颁奖学金。  


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Inauguration Ceremony 2018/19

Opening Speech by Head of RS Prof. Leung, Prof Shum, guests, teachers, students, ladies and gentlemen: Many thanks for joining this Inauguration Ceremony for the academic year 2018-2019. This is my second time standing on this stage to give the opening address for this ceremony. Today, my heart is full of excitement. This is because we have achieved so much in the last academic year under the orchestrated efforts of both the teachers and the students that I simply cannot wait but to share with you. This is also to let the newly admitted PT and OT students know that they have made the correct decision to enroll into our two flagship undergraduate programmes at Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Untill now, we are still the ONLY UGC funded university that offers professional training to both occupational therapists and physiotherapists in Hong Kong. Currently our admission numbers are 100 for the OT programme and 130 for the PT programme. Due to the increasing societal needs, the PT programme will begin to admit 150 students in the next triennimum from 2019 to 2022. For the past decade, the mean admission scores of our PT students have consistently been ranked the top among the 50 undergraduate programmes at PolyU. There is no exception for this year that the score stood at 34.5. Whereas for the OT side, the admission scores of our students have consistently been ranked either 2nd or 3rd depending on how the admission score was calculated. In this year, the mean admission score for the OT students is 33.1. More excitingly, the PT programme has admitted one student who was referred by the local newspaper as one of the “狀元” or “top scorers”. She had scored 5** in 5 subjects. To respect the student, I am NOT going to announce her name here. This top student, together with a group of students for both the PT and OT programmes, had DSE scores higher than 37. According to the press release, the threshold admission score to MBBS at HKU is 37. This means that these students should be able to be admitted to the medical school in HKU. However, they told me that their interest is not in medicine but rehabilitation. One PT top scorer told me that she opted PT because she likes sports very much and wants to offer PT service to those who are injuried in sport activities. One OT top scorer told me she opted OT because she did not want to work in hospital but community where she may develop more long-lasting helping relationship with the clients. These noble decisions of our students are highly appreciated. They do not follow the “crowd” but their own preferences. I am sure and want to tell Prof. Leung from HKU that we will be offering very high quality PT and OT graduates to work with our high quality medical doctors in Hong Kong. This is extremely important nowadays given the increasingly popular concept of client-centered approach and multi-disciplinary teamwork within the healthcare context. Other than admission scores, we have reasons to be proud of our students winning many international awards. Just to mention a few of them. A group of OT students who won the Gold Award in the 11th International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology (or simply refer to be i-Create 2017) in Japan. The winning product is called “Roller clother”. Because of the award, the students were invited by our Chief Executive, Ms Carrie Lam, to the Government House on the 1st of July this year for a commendation party. The product received high level of attention by the senior officials in the Government House. We received recommendation by Mr. Lau Kwong Wah, Secretary for Home Affairs, for the students to apply for matching grant under the “Young Development Fund” scheme in his Bureau.  This year, another group of OT students won the Silver Award in the I-CREATE in Shanghai. The product is called “FallessflopFallessflop FallessflopFallessflop FallessflopFallessflop Fallessflop”. Third, a PT student won the Best Project Award from the Occupational Safety & Health Council. Last but not the least, another PT student won a special prize in the international piano contest in Japan earlier this year. All of the above shows that our students are talented in different aspects apart from academic achievement and our educational approach aligns well with the development of “all-rounded” students. For the past year, our academic staff had impressive results in their scholarly achievements. First, Mr Angus Law obtained the Young Investigator Award from European Stroke Research Foundation in the 27th Europe Stroke Conference.  Dr Andy Cheng won the 'Most Innovative Award” and the Gold Award of the 'Best Quality Award of the Force Research Scheme under the Hong Kong Police Force. Dr Billy So received the Faculty Prize in Teaching for Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching 2016/17. Finally, Prof. Margaret Mak was appointed Endowed Fellow with the donation from Shun Hing and myself was appointed the Endowed Professor with the donation from Cally Kwong Mei Wan. We are very thankful of the senior management of the university as this has been the first Endowed Professor in RS since the scheme was in place six years ago. At the departmental level, we also did extremely well in donation. We have already received 5 million from various sources including 1 million from Mr Tang Wai Keung and family, and 4.7 million from Keswick foundation. Together with the 16 million which has been confirmed verbally, we have a total of 21 million of donation for this year. I am grateful to Dr Amy Fu and Dr Kenneth Fong for their help in making the donations under the pipeline. In external grants, we did very well, with multiple sources of fund received including ECS and GRF from RGC, HMRF, HCPF, ITF, QEF, The Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Rehabilitation Research, and other sources. Among these funding schemes, we did extremely well in ITF, with six projects funded for a total amount of approximately 6 million. We are now celebrating the 40th Anniversary of RS. All of the above achievements are gifts to RS at its 40th birthday. Since the Inauguration Ceremony in Feb 2018, we have already had numerous activities for the celebration which included four Elite Graduate Seminars, The Summer School, RS Got Talent, and the Football competition. On the 17th Nov, we will be having our Gala Dinner and the 11th Pan-Pacific Conference for Rehabilitation from 17 to 18 Nov which may be regarded as the climax for our celebration. Students, I am very happy to announce that after this ceremony you will officially become members of this family of RS and share our achievements as reported earlier. As a member of this family, I would like to let you know that you have some obligations. First, you should study hard to excel yourself academically in the undergraduate programmes so that you will be graduating as competitive graduates in the job market. In the coming four years, I also hope that you will develop yourself to be become a critical thinker, leader, life-long learner, and a responsible citizen. I do not want other people to label our students as “bookworms”. Third, I want all of you to participate in as many extra-curricular activities as possible and serve as the ambassador for RS in PolyU. Finally, I want all of you to regard either OT or PT as your life-long career so that you need to find every way to improve your standard of practice in the future. Before I pass my time to Prof. Gabriel Leung, I wish all of you happy teaching, learning, and researching in the coming academic year. Professor Hector Tsang Cally Kwong Mei Wan Professor in Psychosocial Health Professor and Head Department of Rehabilitation Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


