My work experience enables me to understand the challenges of local beginner enterprises. The acute competition in this industry also means it is of particular importance to developing a unique identity and brand image. Therefore, my professional goal upon completion of my study is to make use of my training in design and management analytical study to establish a one-stop service platform. This platform will facilitate beginner enterprises in building and maintaining their company identities and images. This service will be comprehensive, ranging from graphic designs, brand image development, as well as interior space creation and product imaging. The platform will provide design briefs to the users. By acting as a project supervisor to help users understand and promote the design style and brand images they envision to build. The next development phase of the platform, after the creation of a brand image, is to match suitable design companies for users and proceed to execute the design details. The end phase for the platform will be to follow up with the companies for maintaining consistency in their practice for the up-keep of positive images and identities. The various phases are aimed at encouraging interaction and exchange of thoughts between design professionals from different backgrounds and introduce local design start-ups to a larger audience through the platform. The whole package approach would be appealing to business start-ups.