Peony K. Y. Choi
Program: MDes International Design & Business Management
Year of Graduation: 2021
Topic: Interactive Ecosystem, Women's Health
Project Type: Reflective Thesis
Tiara ? aims at serving customers like queens through providing products and services that help females monitor and manage their menstrual health conditions: personalised products packages and services recommendations to fit individuals' needs, and an interactive knowledge-sharing platform supported by professionals. Interactivity would be the main focus of the business to provide the most suitable and thoughtful products and knowledge on menstrual health Chinese Medical perspectives.
Starting in Hong Kong with the prospect to expand into the Asia Pacific market, the business would integrate online and offline existence. The infrastructure and property investment for product developments would be concentrated in the 1st to 2nd year but expect to reach a breakeven point after 1.5 years of launching. The business is forecasted to give new stimulants to the existing menstrual health products industry with a combination of comprehensive menstrual health concepts, the application of Chinese medicine and innovative female hygiene products and services.