Lee Man Pan
Program: MDes Urban Environments Design
Year of Graduation: 2021
Topic: Urban Strategy
Project Type: Capstone Project
What are the other possibilities of the water other than reclamation? With Hong Kong's more-than 70% territory being aquatic, how can a city extend its realm over the sea with a more sensitive and native strategy? As one of the earliest settlements of Hong Kong, the floating population has long been practising their water-based lifestyle and built their communities over the water, adapting the local geography and context. And how can urban development be informed upon this?
This project studies the living condition and spatial practices of Hong Kong's marginalised mari-communities by looking into 2 cases: the mari-capture community in the Aberdeen water channel and the mariculture communities in Hong Kong's various bays in which the raft and stilt houses on the coastal line.
With reference to the study of these vernacular cases, the project develops a new urban strategy for both the existing floating population and the commons, in terms of the demographic composition and spatial structure. It proposes an amphibian habitation around Kau Yi Chau, providing a spatial framework that enables the marine communities to continue their spatial practice, grow and interface with the city's development, as an alternative to the land reclamation of Lantau Tomorrow Vision.
What are the other possibilities of the water other than reclamation? With Hong Kong's more-than 70% territory being aquatic, how can a city extend its realm over the sea with a more sensitive and native strategy?
How can urban development be informed upon its own vernacular communities?
Urban strategy for mari-communities
Enabling spatial framework as an alternative to land reclamation