Cancan T. L. Kwok
Program: MDes Design Strategies
Year of Graduation: 2022
Topic: Cultural Ecosystem
Project Type: Focused Report
In the recent decade, localism has been steadily on the rise. Identity politics has taken Hong Kong's cultural and political stage like a storm. These trends inevitably reshaped the prospects of Hong Kong. Taking a closer look, the city's rapid development and modernisation led to changing cultural trends. Many Hong Kong cultural practices and traditional local industries are struggling or at risk of extinction. On the other hand, many people believe that we are powerless and that it is too late to preserve our cultural treasures. Such hurdles urge us to think if there is another way for us to co-create value for Hong Kong's arts, culture and creative industries.
This project uses the Hong Kong Museum of History as our case study. The Museum is currently the only one that focuses on preserving Hong Kong's historical and cultural heritage with a sizable local-focused permanent exhibition, "The Hong Kong Story". We envision the Museum to become a one-stop multifunctional platform. It will be an autonomous museum using the Ecomuseum model that provides local cultural experience and will serve as a role model for a new sustainable eco-cultural development system in Hong Kong.
It is up to us to protect, preserve and pass on Hong Kong's history, culture and identity. Together, we should cherish our past, embrace the present, and find the paths to a sustainable future for our city.
Museums play a crucial role in the cultural and creative industry. They should uphold their social responsibilities and lead the cultural renaissance in Hong Kong, building a new sustainable eco-cultural development system.
The Hong Kong Museum of History should implement the Ecomuseum model. With its multifunctional and local cultural orientation, it can develop into an active platform where people can freely communicate and interact with each other, learn about Hong Kong's past and present, and preserve local culture and history.
The new sustainable eco-cultural development system will start with The Hong Kong Museum of History. As a role model, the Museum will continue to add value to the Hong Kong people, the organisation, the local cultural and creative industry and society. Together as a community, we can strengthen our cultural ecosystem, nurture the unique Hong Kong culture, and sustain our identity and the city.