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Professor Stephen J. Wang led researchers and students to A'Design Award and iF Design Awards

22 May 2023


Once again, good designs from PolyU Design have proved themselves on global platforms. This time the stage is set at the internationally well recognized A’Design Award and iF Design Awards 2023 where Prof. Stephen Jia Wang and his team of researchers and students won four professional awards. 

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Sunflower’, an Interactive lamp developed under the Research Centre for Future (Caring) Mobility led by Prof. Wang, is the winner in the Wellness, Health Promotion, and Preventive Care Design category of A’Design Award. It is a health IoT product focus considering the circadian rhythm as the core element to monitor user's lifestyle. It engages users through creature-like movements, providing a brand-new organic and interactive experience. Heroes and heroines behind this project are Jiajuan Li, Stephen Jia WANG, Yangwu CAI, Yanjie Zhan, Sein JEONG, ZhengTao Ma, Sark XING and Le FANG.


The iF winner ‘Motar’ is an AR-based outdoor educational system designed to encourage urban grade-schoolers (5-12 children) to go outdoors and stay in the natural environment by providing immersive real-world-based games. It is designed by Chenbei Gui under Prof. Stephen J. Wang’s supervision. Chenbei who is our MDes student graduated from our BA(Hons) in Product Design last year. Motar was her Product Design graduation project.



Another iF and A’Design double award winner is ‘Mel:mory Cube’, designed by Xiang Yi and Felix Tsoi from MDes (Interaction Design) and supervised by Prof. Stephen J. Wang. The product aims to raise the awareness of Chinese amnesia, and further remind, rebuild and enhance the interest and memory development of Chinese characters through a multi-sensory and playful approach by translating Chinese characters (visual sensory) into distinctive melodies (auditory-driven) generated by a self-identified mechanism. 

These projects would not be possible without our long-term client also collaborator, Huawei Technologies Ltd., leading global provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices that is always supportive to researchers and young designers. 

Press Contacts

Research Centre for Future (Caring) Mobility

PolyU School of Design

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