SHTM Launches Master of Science in International Wine Management to Advance Global Wine Industry
The SHTM has been working in close collaboration with the international wine industry to develop a distinctive programme, the Master of Science (MSc) in International Wine Management, to groom the next generation of global industry leaders.
2015 Hong Kong PolyU Winter School®
Developed by the SHTM and co-organised with the Hong Kong Hotels Association, the 2015 Hong Kong PolyU Winter School is an executive development programme tailor-made for senior hospitality industry managers. Held at the SHTM on 2-14 February, the Winter School offered six in-depth modules relevant to the changing business environment, practical in substance and interactive in nature.
Opportunities on Offer at Career Day 2015
SHTM students had the opportunity to meet prospective employers and start planning their careers in the hospitality and tourism industry on 13 March when the School hosted its annual Career Day. The event provided undergraduate and graduate students with the chance to gather information about potential employers and job opportunities in the industry.
Four SHTM staff members received Long Service Awards
Ms Sabrina Hou received Outstanding Student Award of School, 2014
SHTM students won first prize at Hospitality Innovation Conference 2015