5th Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics
Following the success of the previous conferences in Spain, Thailand, Solvenia and the United Kingdom, the
5th Conference of the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE) was held at the SHTM on 30 June - 3 July 2015. The conference was hosted by the SHTM and Leeds Beckett University in association with the International Association for Tourism Economics, and sponsored by Tourism Economics and the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).
The IATE is the leading independent global academic community for the discussion, exchange and development of knowledge in the field
of tourism economics, and the only international association of its kind. The conference successfully provided a platform for researchers, students and professionals around the world to come together and share their knowledge and experience in tourism economics research.
The conference kick started with an opening ceremony officiated at by Professor Angelina Yuen, Vice President (Institutional Advancement and Partnership) of PolyU, and Professor Kaye Chon, SHTM Dean, Chair Professor and
Walter Kwok Foundation Professor in International Hospitality Management, and Professor Adam Blake, President of the International Association for Tourism Economics.
The keynote session that followed featured Dr Oliver Herrmann, Director of the Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account Programme at the UNWTO, who gave "A Brief History of Tourism Statistics: From the 'Visitor' to 'Gross Travel Propensity' or…Are Tourism Statistics Crazy or Users Lazy?" The keynote session on the next day was conducted by Professor Egon Smeral, Professor of Tourism Economics at MODUL University Vienna, Austria whose address was entitled "Questioning the
Stability of Tourism Income Elasticities: A Critical Perspective". At the final keynote session, Professor Stephen Wanhill, Editor of Tourism Economics, Adjunct Professor of Tourism Economics at the University of Limerick, Ireland and Emeritus Professor of Tourism Research at Bournemouth University, UK delivered a speech on "What Tourism Economists Do. Your Contribution to Understanding Tourism".
The conference also featured a series of parallel sessions providing a valuable opportunity for delegates to engage in thought provoking and insightful discussions.
The conference was officially closed on 3 July by Professor Haiyan Song, SHTM Associate Dean, Conference Chair and Chair of the Scientific Committee. The SHTM would like to thank the Organising Committee for their advice and support, and the sponsors who helped make this conference the success it