SHTM Leads the World in Tourism and Services Research
Academic research is one of the cornerstones of higher education, and research output clearly demonstrates the strength of an academic institution. In the 2014-15 Field Based Ranking issued by the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory, PolyU was placed 6th in Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services. As the only university amongst the top 6 that offers a hospitality and tourism programme, through the School of Hotel and Tourism Management,
PolyU thus ranked No. 1 in the Tourism and Services area.
The top 6 higher education institutes in Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services were:
1. Harvard University
2. University of Pennsylvania
3. Erasmus University
4. University of Minnesota
5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
PolyU was ranked by the URAP within the top 100 in four academic disciplines. Aside from Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services, it was named the world's second best in Built
Environment and Design. The other disciplines in which it featured in the top 100 were Information and Computing Sciences (32nd) and Engineering (62nd). The ranking was developed based on the quality and quantity of publications and international research collaboration performance among 2,500 higher education institutes around the world.
Quality research output has long been recognised as one of the SHTM's significant strengths. In its pursuit of excellence, the School encourages
amongst its academic staff a robust research culture. Its 65 world-class faculty members from 20 countries and regions publish widely in leading journals and have gained international recognition for the quality of the scholarship and research they produce. It is this drive for excellence that ensures the SHTM retains its leading status.
The URAP Research Laboratory was established at the Informatics Institute of the Middle East Technical University in 2009. Its main objective is to
develop a ranking system for world universities based on academic performance as determined by the quality and quantity of scholarly publications.