October 2015 - Volume 16, Issue 4
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SHTM Leads the World in Tourism and Services Research
Academic research is one of the cornerstones of higher education, and research output clearly demonstrates the strength of an academic institution. In the 2014-15 Field Based Ranking issued by the University Ranking by Academic Performance (URAP) Research Laboratory, PolyU was placed 6th in Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services. As the only university amongst the top 6 that offers a hospitality and tourism programme, through the School of Hotel and Tourism Management,
PolyU thus ranked No. 1 in the Tourism and Services area.
Tripartite MSc in Global Hospitality Business Kick Started to Groom Future Industry Leaders
Twenty-eight eager and excited students were warmly welcomed to the inaugural Master of Science (MSc) in Global Hospitality Business programme at the Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), Switzerland, on 7 September 2015.
SHTM Welcomes Inaugural Master of Science in International Wine Management Class
Thirty-one passionate and enthusiastic students were recently warmly welcomed to the inaugural MSc in International Wine Management programme offered by the SHTM.
Outstanding Undergraduate Programmes Nurture Future Industry Leaders
The School's undergraduate programmes are designed to impart industry relevant knowledge and skills to students while exposing them to a range of complex managerial and specialised work activities, ensuring that they are not only prepared for professional roles but are also adept at critical thinking, leadership and life-long learning.
2015/16 Hong Kong PolyU Winter School®
The Hong Kong PolyU Winter School® is the SHTM's flagship executive development programme, staged each year to allow senior industry executives to interact with leading educators and practitioners in the field of hospitality. Co-organised by the SHTM and the Hong Kong Hotels Association, the programme will be held at the School premises from 7 to 19 December 2015.
Dr Barry Mak, Dr Sam Kim and Dr Basak Denizci Guillet received SHTM Excellence Awards
Miss Jeong-hyun Kim received the Best Master's Thesis Award from Ewha Womans University
Dr Andrew Chan won 2015 Literati Award for an Outstanding Paper in the Journal of Services Marketing
Dr Catherine Cheung received Citation of Excellence 2015 award
In Memory of Ms Emily Yeung
Horizons (September 2015)

This e-newsletter is issued by the School of Hotel and Tourism Management at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
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