July 2020
Volume 21, Issue 3
Newsletter of School of Hotel & Tourism Management
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
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Choi, Y., Mehraliyev, F., and Kim, S.S. (2020). Role of Virtual Avatars in Digitalized Hotel Service. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(3), 977-997.

Chon, K., and Hao, F. (2020). The Five Constants: A Confucian Business Model for the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, doi: 10.1177/1096348020936342

Fung, C., Tsui, B., and Hon, A.H.Y. (2020). Crisis Management: A Case Study of Disease Outbreak in the Metropark Hotel Group. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1080/10941665.2020.1784245

Gao, Y.L., Wu, L., Shin, J., and Mattila, A.S. (2020). Visual Design, Message Content, and Benefit Type: The Case of a Cause-Related Marketing Campaign. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(5), 761-779.

Hao, F. (2020). The Landscape of Customer Engagement in Hospitality and Tourism: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(5), 1837-1860.

Hu, H.H.S., Lai, H.S.H., and King, B.E.M. (2020). Restaurant Employee Service Sabotage and Customer Deviant Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Corporate Reputation. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, doi: 10.1177/1096348020936331

Hwang, Y.H., Su, N., and Mattila, A. (2020). The Interplay between Social Crowding and Power on Solo Diners' Attitudes Toward Menus with Popularity and Scarcity Cues. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(3), 1227-1246.

Kim, B.H., Kim, S.S., and Oh, M.M. (2020). Determinants of Convention Attendees' Willingness to Pay for Additional Programs. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 21(2), 155-176.

Li, H., Meng, F., Jeong, M., and Zhang, Z. (2020). To Follow Others or Be Yourself? Social Influence in Online Restaurant Reviews. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(3), 1067-1087.

Liu, J., Park, J., Xie, K., Song, H.Y., and Chen, W. (2020). Effect of Commercial Neighbors on the Online Popularity of Peer-To-Peer Accommodation-Sharing Properties. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 44(5), 780-805.

McKercher, B., Lai, B., Yang, L., and Wang, Y. (2020). Travel by Chinese: A Generational Cohort Perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(4), 341-354.

Mehraliyev, F., Choi, Y., and Brian King, B.E.M. (2020). Theoretical Foundations of Social Media Power in Hospitality and Tourism: A Hierarchical Model. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, doi: 10.1177/1938965520924650

Nam, H.V., Lo, A., Yeung, P., and Hatter, R. (2020). Hotel ICON: Towards a Role-model Hotel Pioneering Sustainable Solutions. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(5), 572-582.

Qiu, R.T.R., Park, J., Li, S., and Song, H.Y. (2020). Social Costs of Tourism during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Annals of Tourism Research, doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2020.102994

Sun, S., Law, R., and Zhang, M. (2020). An Updated Review of Tourism-Related Experimental Design Articles. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(7), 710-720.

Wu, H., Kim, S.S., and Wong, A.K.F. (2020). Residents' Perceptions of Desired and Perceived Tourism Impact in Hainan Island. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(6), 583-601.

Zhang, B., Li, N., Shi, F., and Law, R. (2020). A Deep Learning Approach for Daily Tourist Flow Forecasting with Consumer Search Data. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(3), 323-339.

Zhang, Y., Li, G., Muskat, B., Law, R., and Yang, Y. (2020). Group Pooling for Deep Tourism Demand Forecasting. Annals of Tourism Research, 82, 102899.

Zhong, L., Sun, S., Law, R., and Zhang, X. (2020). Impact of Robot Hotel Service on Consumers' Purchase Intention: A Control Experiment. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 25(7), 780-798.

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