
Ordinary Member

Ordinary Membership is for the Hong Kong Polytechnic University full-time Staff. The membership entrance fee is HK$200 with a monthly subscription fee HK$10 (which would be deducted by payroll). Please submit a completed application form, with your Staff ID copy and a cheque for entrance fee.

Effective April 14, 2023, the membership entrance fee and monthly subscription fee are waived until further notice for all full-time serving Staff Members.

Document(s) required for application:

  1. Staff ID copy

Associate Member (Others)

Associate Membership is for the person who is directly or indirectly associated with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and who in the opinion of the Staff Club Committee is a fit and proper person to be admitted to membership, subject to the approval of the Staff Club Committee. Every candidate for Associate Membership (Others) shall be proposed by one Ordinary Member who shall agree to be responsible for any unpaid expenses or liabilities incurred by the Associate Member in the Staff Club. The membership fee is HK$600 a year with a refundable deposit HK$2,000.

Document(s) required for application:
  1. Residence proof (which is dated within 3 months of the submission of the application form)
  2. Cheque for membership fee and deposit (Payee: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Club).

Associate Member (HKCC/CPCE/SPEED)

Associate Membership (HKCC/CPCE/SPEED) is for the full time staff members of HKCC, CPCE and SPEED. The membership fee is HK$120 a year.

Document(s) required for application:

  1. Staff ID copy
  2. Cheque for membership fee (Payee: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Club).

Retiree Member

Any person who is a long serving retiree The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and has been an Ordinary Member of the Staff Club, for a period to be decided by the Staff Club Committee, may apply to become a Retiree Member. Retiree Members shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except that they shall not have the right to hold office or vote at or attend any General Meeting.

Document(s) required for application:

  1. Copy of Long Serving Retiree's Card or any proof of Long Serving Retiree status
  2. Residence proof (which is dated within 3 months of the submission of the application form)

Visiting Member

Visiting Membership is for the person who is a bona fide academic visitor to the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for a period of less than three months, subject to the approval of the Staff Club Committee, for the duration of his/ her visit. Application of Visiting Membership shall be proposed by one Ordinary Member who shall agree to be responsible for any unpaid expenses or liabilities incurred by the Visiting Member in the Staff Club. The membership fee is HK$50 a month with a refundable deposit HK$2,000.

Document(s) required for application:
  1. Staff ID copy
  2. Cheque for membership fee and deposit (Payee: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Staff Club).

Joint Member

An Ordinary Member, Retiree Member or Honorary Member may propose his/her spouse to become a Joint Member, provided that he/she undertakes to be responsible for any expenses or liabilities incurred in the Staff Club.  Joint Members shall have all the privileges of Ordinary Members except that they shall not have the right to hold office or vote at or attend any General Meeting.

Document(s) required for application:
  1. Copy of relevant dependent card of PolyU


The Staff Club welcomes non-member to participate in some of the activities. Interested PolyU/CPCE/HKCC/SPEED staff member might register a non-member account for activity enrolment. Activity fee would be charged upon successful enrolment by cash or cheque. No subscription fee or deposit would be required for this type of membership.