Tuition Fees

The tuition fees for full-time schemes / programmes are as follows, unless otherwise specified.


  • The tuition fee for Bachelor's Degree schemes / programmes is HK$44,500 per academic year for local students. For non-local students, the tuition fee is HK$160,000 (under review). The fee is payable in two equal instalments before the start of the first and second semesters.


New students in government-funded full-time Bachelor's Degree schemes / programmes are required to pay an initial fee of HK$5,000 (for local students) and HK$15,000 (for non-local students) when they take up their offer. The initial fee, which is non-refundable and non-transferable, will be converted to form part of the first semester tuition fee. The remainder must then be paid on or before the payment deadline specified on the debit note.


Tuition fees are non-refundable, except in the case of scheme / programme cancellation. However, if a new student has submitted application for withdrawal or has been approved for deferment of study by the relevant department before the start of the first semester, then the tuition fee paid for the semester, after deducting the initial fee, will be refunded to the student.