

Application Fee


Tuition Fee (Local Students)


per academic year 



Tuition Fee (Non-local Students)


per academic year 

In general, the average spending per academic year would be around HKD261,395 for non-local students (~USD33,513).


Amount per academic year

Tuition feeHK$175,000 (USD: 22,436)

University-managed accommodation#

#Normally granted for the first year for 2025/26 intake cohort

HK$16,045 (USD: 2,057)+
Basic meal charges at campusHK$52,000 (USD: 6,667)
Catering OutletsHK$18,350 (USD: 2,353)
TotalHK$261,395 (USD: 33,513)


*For the second year of study onwards, non-local students are required to arrange their own accommodation outside the Student Halls. In view of the above, they are advised to secure sufficient funds for their housing plan.