Student Stories
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Harnessing the power of collaboration

“Joining the PolyU orchestra has been one of the greatest experiences of my university life. Prior to joining, I played the violin on my own, but after becoming a part of the orchestra I learnt the importance of collaboration. The whole orchestra is a big team, in which we all work and practise together to ensure our individual contributions merge harmoniously to produce a single piece of music, which is a hugely rewarding and fulfilling experience.

I’m also grateful to have joined PolyU’s Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme, in which I am required to conduct independent research under the guidance of a supervisor, greatly enhancing my research competence and equipping me with the skills I need to pursue graduate studies.”

Mao Yi-wei Joey (Year 4)
Faculty of Science
Mainland China
Fulfilling a dream at PolyU

I always dreamed that one day I could contribute to national space exploration projects. When I saw that a professor from PolyU’s Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) was researching this field, I immediately applied for a master's degree at PolyU and furthered my doctoral studies here. I was very fortunate to be accepted by PolyU, and during these years of study, under the guidance of my supervisor, we have been able to participate in the evaluation and selection of the landing area for the national lunar exploration projects, Chang'e-4 and Chang'e-5, and the Mars exploration project, Tianwen-1.

I want to thank my supervisor, LSGI and PolyU for giving me this precious opportunity to fulfil my dream.

Chen Long Brandon (Year 3)
Faculty of Construction and Environment
Mainland China