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理大儀器助力嫦娥六號月背採樣 並成功獲批嫦娥五號月壤樣品 領銜深空探測研究

香港理工大學(理大)科研團隊繼研製「表取採樣執行裝置」,為國家完成史上首次在月球背面表土採樣,助嫦娥六號探月工程任務取得圓滿成功之際,理大的科研團隊最近亦通過國家航天局探月與航天工程中心月球樣品管理辦公室的審核,成功獲得由中國嫦娥五號採集的月球土壤樣品,包括一份400毫克的表面鏟取樣品及一份42.6毫克的深層鑽取樣品。其中,月壤表面鏟取樣品亦是由理大團隊的「表取採樣執行裝置」採集而成。團隊已將嫦娥五號月壤樣品帶回和儲存於校園內的月壤儲存及分析系統,並將利用世界頂尖的一體式多功能原位分析設備,使研究人員無需離開儲存環境下,展開月壤深入分析研究計劃。 理大校董會主席林大輝博士恭賀團隊為中國航天歷史譜寫了輝煌一頁,林博士說:「理大今年慶祝成為大學30周年,在剛剛公佈的Quacquarelli Symonds(QS) 2025年度世界大學排名位列第57位,在此重要時刻,理大成功通過國家審核獲得由嫦娥五號採集的月球土壤樣品,團隊一定會好好珍惜國家這份極之珍貴的禮物。」 理大校長滕錦光教授指:「理大矢志成為創新型世界一流大學,強調科研要為社會帶來有價值的創新。我們重視人才,致力培育年輕科研人才,把科研經驗一代又一代的傳承下去。我們一定會繼續努力,期望與跨學科的專家攜手合作,為國家建設航天強國、科技強國貢獻力量。」 嫦娥五號月壤深入分析研究計劃由有多次參與國家深空探測任務經驗的鍾士元爵士精密工程教授及精密工程講座教授、工業及系統工程學系副系主任及深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授以及張心瑜空間科學教授、土地測量及地理資訊學系副系主任、深空探測研究中心副主任吳波教授率領,聯同土地測量及地理資訊學系博士後研究員王興博士及研究助理教授Sergey Krasilnikov博士,團隊將探討在「月壤中找水」,研究月壤中熔結碎屑的微觀結構、熔結碎屑中的水含量及來源,研究成果將為未來研究月球及其他無大氣天體表面土壤的形成及太陽風注入產生的水資源分析提供重要參考。 吳波教授指:「很高興我的團隊能夠成功申請和親自把月壤樣品從北京的國家天文台帶到理大校園,月壤樣品具極大的科學價值,我們的跨學科團隊有多次參與航天實戰任務的經驗,研究領域涵蓋月球地質研究、著陸區地形地貌分析、太空載荷研製、月壤樣品研究、太空資源利用等,我們期待展開月壤深入分析研究,繼續發揮大學團隊的科研優勢,為推動香港的創科發展、貢獻國家出力。」 容啟亮教授指:「2020年我們為嫦娥五號研製『表取採樣執行裝置』,將有史以來最年輕的月壤樣品帶返地球,現在月壤樣品就儲存在理大校園,對團隊別具意義。我們亦計劃申請嫦娥六號月背的月壤樣品,為人類認識月球和太空作出更多新的貢獻。在火星取樣返回以及中國人登陸月球,這兩項是國家2030年前最重要的任務,我們希望未來有機會再貢獻國家。」 從月球取回來的月壤樣品罕有而珍貴,對太空科學研究與資源開發利用極具價值。通過一粒月壤不但可了解月球的形成、演化、空間環境變化等重大科學問題,並且從研究月壤取得的成果可對地球帶來長遠的禆益,造福人類。未來航天任務以太空資源的科研目標為主,理大深空探測研究中心的太空資源實驗室可長期和妥善儲存地外天體樣品於高純度氮氣保護裝置內以作相關跨學科研究。實驗室亦能研究將來從火星、小行星等採樣返回的樣品,繼續協助國家航天發展。 嫦娥五號月壤深入分析研究計劃由多次參與國家深空探測任務經驗的容啟亮教授(中)、吳波教授(左)率領,聯同王興博士(右)探討在「月壤中找水」。 吳波教授(左)與王興博士(右)均來自理大土地測量及地理資訊學系,研究專長涵蓋月球地質研究、著陸區形貌分析等領域。 理大成功獲得由中國嫦娥五號採集的月球土壤樣品,包括一份400毫克的表面鏟取樣品(左)及一份42.6毫克的深層鑽取樣品(右)。 理大深空探測研究中心太空資源實驗室設置的月壤存儲及樣本分析設備,以妥善儲存及深入分析月壤。   ***完***


A New Era of Deep Space Exploration (5)

網上研討會 - 深空探測新時代 (只有英文版本)

RCDSE was very pleased to have Prof. James HEAD,  Dr YANG Wei and Prof. TANG Xu Hai invited as the speakers of the RCDSE Online Seminar on 18th January, 2023 at 8:00 to 10:00 pm with the topic - A New Era of Deep Space Exploration.    YouTube link:   Short bio of speakers:    Prof. James W HEAD Brown University   Dr James W. Head III is the Louis and Elizabeth Scherck Distinguished Professor at Brown University. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree from Washington and Lee University in 1964 and PhD from Brown University in 1969. He has been involved in many national and international space missions and received numerous prestigious medals and awards, including the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement and the Geological Society of America Special Commendation for his contributions to the Apollo program from 1968 to 1972. He has published over 700 journal papers (Google Scholar citations: 73,000) and served on the editorial board of numerous journals. He has been elected to Fellowship in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Geophysical Union, the Geological Society of America, and the Meteoritical Society, and President of the Planetary Geology Division of the GSA and Planetology Section of the AGU.   Dr YANG, Wei Key Laboratory of Earth and Planetary Physics Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences   Dr Wei YANG is currently a Professor of Geochemistry at the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGGCAS). He received BSc (2001) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees in geochemistry from the University of Science and Technology of China. After completing his Ph.D., he came to IGGCAS for post-doctoral research and joined the comparative planetary science group as an Associate Professor in 2011. His main interest in the past decade was Mg isotope geochemistry and its application in tracing the deep carbon cycle. He is currently working on the formation and evolution of the Moon based on the exploration data and return samples of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program.    Prof. TANG, Xuhai Wuhan University   Prof. Xuhai Tang is professor at Wuhan University. He got PhD degree at Imperial College London and was postdoc at Princeton University. Currently, he is the editorial board member of International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. His group developed the system of Microscale Rock Mechanics Experiment (Micro-RME) and Accurate Grain-Based Model (AGBM), which is able to measure the rock-forming minerals under extreme conditions and determine their influence on the macroscale mechanical property of rocks. This system is especially useful to test the filling materials in fractures and arbitrarily-shaped meteorites. Additionally, his ground developed an Aifrac simulator, to model rock fracturing driven by Hydraulic-Mechanical-Thermal coupling process, such as the shock veins on asteroids. Prof. Tang’s achievement contributes to smarter energy exploitation and space exploration.




為配合《行政長官2022年施政報告》大力推動STEAM(科學、科技、工程、藝術和數學)教育,教育局由今日(十一月二十六日)至明年一月三十一日舉辦線上「STEAM教育博覽會2022」,並以「激發創意思維 • 推動科技創新」為主題。 教育局局長蔡若蓮博士擔任開幕禮主禮嘉賓,她致辭時表示,國家非常重視香港創科發展,為配合香港建設為國際創新科技中心,政府重視培育人才,裝備年青一代迎接創科發展所帶來的機遇和挑戰。 開幕禮的主禮嘉賓還包括香港理工大學鍾士元爵士精密工程教授、深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授、香港中文大學卓敏生命科學教授林漢明教授、課程發展議會STEAM教育常務委員會主席吳大琪教授,以及香港科學館總館長李為君。 容啟亮教授就其專家範疇作專題演講,並闡述航天科技是一門跨學科的研究,當中結合了不同領域的專業。通過STEAM教育,學生可以從各種類別的知識得到啟發並產生創新意念,如太空科技一樣造福人類。 有關「STEAM教育博覽會2022」詳情,請到以下網址:




深空探測研究中心設計和研製的「表取採樣執行裝置」,為國家嫦娥五號月球採樣返回任務作出了貢獻。此歷史創舉獲得中國航天科技集團(航天科技集團)有限公司嘉許,向理大頒發「科學技術進步獎-二等獎」,表揚理大的卓越科研實力及創新技術,同時亦獲中國空間技術研究院(航天五院)的感謝函,以表彰理大對國家航天發展的重要貢獻。 嫦娥五號探月工程於2020年進行,不但是國家首次在月球表面採集土壤的任務,更是人類自 1976 年以來,相隔40年後再次進行有關嘗試。理大作為香港唯一參與嫦娥五號使命的大專院校,擔當重要角色。由理大研發的太空儀器是一項高度精密的創新發明,透過全自動機械人技術來採集月球樣本,更是史無前例。這項研發工作由理大鍾士元爵士精密工程教授、深空探測研究中心主任、精密工程講座教授、工業及系統工程學系副系主任容啟亮教授率領。容教授個人另外獲得中國航天科技集團頒授「科學技術進步獎-二等獎」。




深空探測研究中心與環球事務處舉辦的「科學世界︰探索太空 造福人類」科普計劃專為中學生而設,當中的「太空實驗設計比賽」共收到 26 份來自 22 間中學所提交的實驗計劃書。經由理大深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授、土地測量及地理資訊學系吳波教授、電機工程學系鄭家偉教授及應用物理學系余兆豐教授組成的遴選委員會評選後,由拔萃男書院、拔萃女書院和聖保祿學校的參賽隊伍分別奪得冠、亞及季軍。三支勝出隊伍將分別獲得現金資助,以獎勵得獎同學繼續在其學校推動科學教育(STEM Education)。 遴選委員會根據實驗的可行性、創意、科學知識、科學價值,以及團隊的表達技巧等作出甄選。勝出方案將獲理大深空探測研究中心的科研團隊提供指導及修正,讓實驗方案有機會在中國空間站實踐。


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Website  Book for Children Space tools


深空探測研究中心為國家航天項目研發的相機系統及表取採樣執行裝置列入香港特區政府出版的國家安全教育兒童書籍《天上的星星不簡單》中。   這本彩色兒童繪本以國家在航天科技方面的輝煌成就作為引子,加上精美的繪畫和圖片,帶出太空安全的概念,並進一步宣傳推廣「總體國家安全觀」的要旨。(文匯報 A02, A19, 2022年4月16日)  


NEWS  2000 x 1050 px


深空探測研究中心主任容啟亮教授帶領的研究團隊日前於日內瓦「國際發明展」榮獲評審團嘉許金獎。團隊為香港唯一一個參與中國航天計劃的院校,他們積極發揮精密工程的專長,為國家航天任務研製相關儀器。 獲獎項目名為「中國探月任務(嫦娥三號及四號)專用相機指向系統」。該統」安裝於月球著陸器頂端,有助在月球上拍攝全景圖像,及觀察探測器移動,協助為安全移動建立月球地型的精確 3D 模型。該系統設計複雜,僅重 2.8 公斤,但十分堅固,足夠保護鏡頭不受衝擊及震動影響,確保其可以在極端的月球環境下正常運作。 這項發明已完成開發,在中國探月計劃的「嫦娥三號」及「嫦娥四號」任務中,分別成功佈置於月球正面及背面。 請按以下連結觀看項目簡介: (只有英文版本)



NEWS  2000 x 1050 px  1

深空探測研究中心發現月球上的撞擊體殘留物或會有水源提供 (只有英文版本)

A study led by the National Space Science Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences and joined by Prof. Wu Bo, Associate Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations and Associate Head of Department of Land Surveying and Geo-informatics of PolyU, has found carbonaceous chondrite remnants of an impactor in a young lunar crater formed within one million years, a first-time discovery of such fragments by in-situ investigation on the far side of the Moon. Scientists suggests that carbonaceous chondrite-like meteorites may provide 10 to 20% of the sources of water to the present Moon. Prof. Wu’s involvement in the research was to use innovative 3D mapping technology to create a detailed 3D topographic model of the 2-m size crater from the lunar surface images acquired by the Yutu-2 rover of Chang’e-4. The 3D morphological characteristic of the crater is critical to judge if the crater was resulted from a meteorite impact or not. The results were published in the scientific journal Nature Astronomy ( Please refer to the following links for the media interviews:  Ta Kung Pao - China News - 北京晚報 - The Cover - Sina - Sohu - Toutiao - 一點資訊 -  



News and Event-Winning Scholar


PolyU’s Professor Yung Kai-leung, Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering, Chair Professor of Precision Engineering, Director of the Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations, and Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, has been closely working with the China Academy of Space Technology for a decade. He and his research team have developed numerous state-of-the-art space devices that have played critical roles in many of China’s Moon and Mars missions in recent years. But behind the scenes of these successful space feats, Professor Yung said that at the end of the day, it is his persistence in upholding some simple but critical virtues that have made his space dreams come true. Above all, Professor Yung says in this video that there is no space for trial and error when it comes to rockets and other astronautical endeavours. Source: No space for “trial and error” in exploration of the universe, says Professor Yung Kai-leung | September 2021 Issue 10 | Pulse@PolyU


News and Event-Press Release of Mars Camera

貢獻國家首個火星探測任務,成功研發精密太空儀器—落火狀態監視相機(火星相機) (只有英文版本)

Space research team and Industrial Center contributed to the Nation’s first Mars exploration project Tianwen-1 by developing and manufacturing the Mars Camera. Professor WU Bo from LSGI Planetary Remote Sensing Lab helped identify possible landing regions with advanced topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technologies. Professor YUNG Kai-leung developed the Mars Camera for photographing on the Mars surface the lander’s surroundings and monitoring the status of the Zhurong Mars rover. The spacecraft for the Tianwen-1 probe comprises an orbiter, a lander and the Zhurong rover, that has completed orbiting, landing and roving in one single mission, the first of such attempt in global aerospace history. The mission aims to obtain scientific exploration data on the Red Planet. Tianwen-1 successfully landed on a pre-selected landing region on the Utopia Planitia of Mars on 15 May 2021. A press conference was held on 21 May 2021 at PolyU to share the research details.


