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(只有英文版本)The Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-IWEAR) hosted the fifth seminar on February 10, 2023. The hybrid-mode seminar was attended by experts, researchers, and professionals from various fields related to intelligent wearable systems.   The seminar featured talks by two speakers included presentations and discussions. The first speaker, Prof. Li Zhang, from the Department of Surgery at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), presented on the topic of Miniature origami robots and flexible devices for endoluminal applications. The second speaker, Dr Shiming Zhang, an Assistant Professor from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), presented on the topic of Scalable manufacturing of soft bioelectronics: materials, devices, and applications.   Overall, the seminar was a great success, providing a platform for experts and researchers to share their knowledge and experiences on intelligent wearable systems. The Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems plans to organise similar events in the future, to continue promoting research and development in the field.




(只有英文版本)Prof. Feng YAN, Associate Director (Research) of RI-IWEAR, Prof. Zijian ZHENG, Associate Director (External) of RI-IWEAR, and Prof. Gang Li, member of RI-IWEAR were promoted to Chair Professorship in the University with effect from 1 February 2023. The post titles are as listed in the table.    Name   Post Title  Professor Gang LI  Chair Professor of Energy Conversion Technology  Professor Feng YAN  Chair Professor of Organic Electronics  Professor Zijian ZHENG  Chair Professor of Soft Materials and Devices In alphabetical order by surname Congratulation on their promotion.




(只有英文版本)Dr. Jimin FU and collaborators (Prof. Haibo HU from Anhui University, China and etc.) optimize aqueous electrolytes with additives to postpone dendrite formation on Zn metal anode (ZMA) and therefore boost rechargeability of full zinc metal batteries (ZMBs). The research was published in Volume 55, Energy Storage Materials (DOI:   Herein, thiourea, urea, and allantoin are investigated as additives to regulate ZnSO4 baseline electrolyte. By combining systematical electrochemical measurements with detailed numerical simulation analysis, two fundamental principles for screening the additives with stronger desolvation ability toward hydrated zinc ions have been identified: (i) in molecular composition, carbonyl (urea) is better than thiocarbonyl (thiourea), and (ii) in molecular structure, bidentate coordination mode (allantoin) outperforms monodentate mode (urea). Consequently, an electrostripping/plating lifespan over 600 h in the Zn||Zn symmetric cell cycling under a depth of discharge up to 5.2% is realized with the optimum allantoin-ZnSO4 hybrid electrolyte, significantly boosting the rechargeability (85.7% capacity retention over 2000 cycles) of assembled ZMA||carbon-cloth@MnO2 full ZMBs than that with additive-free ZnSO4 electrolyte (40.5%).   This work provides closer insights into the correlation between desirable dendrite-free behavior of ZMA and molecular characteristics of additives, and practical guidance for rational selection of more efficient additives to inhibit hydration of Zn2+ and suppress dendrite grown on ZMA.




智能可穿戴研究院成員柴揚教授,與南韓延世大學的科學家合作研發的全新仿生(bioinspired)傳感器,仿效人類眼睛能適應不同亮度,就如肉眼可在極暗至極亮的照明條件下準確辨識各種物件。該研究被評為「2022年度香港十大創科新聞」。   由京港學術交流中心舉辦的「2022年度香港十大創科新聞」評選活動於2022年11月下旬啟動,邀請香港各所大學支持並提供本地科創、科研新聞素材,再邀請以中國科學院與中國工程科學院兩院在港院士為主組成的顧問團進行優選,並優選當中30條較有集中影響的新聞予公眾票選,最終共有3,360名網民參與票選出「2022年度香港十大創科新聞」。   這項研究已刊載於 《自然‧電子學》(Nature Electronics) 學刊。   「2022年度香港十大創科新聞」得獎名單。




(只有英文版本)Prof. Zijian ZHENG, Associate Director of Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems, as Project Coordinators was supported by the RGC Research Impact Fund 2022/23 with a total amount of $5.55 M (exclusive of on-costs) for the project titled ‘Flexible and Stretchable Batteries for Wearable Applications’ for a period of 48 months.   The Research Impact Fund (RIF) aims to encourage local academics to consider and articulate the potential of research to deliver benefits to the wider community, encourage more impactful and translational research projects; and encourage a greater volume of collaborative research beyond academia (e.g. with government departments, the business sector, the industry, and research institutes). In the 2022/23 Exercise, the RGC received 127 preliminary proposals, 48 proposals were shortlisted for submission as full proposals and 18 proposals were selected for interview. Finally, 13 proposals were supported with a total amount of $75 million (exclusive of on-costs).   Congratulations to Prof. Zheng awarded Research Impact Fund in the 2022/23 Exercise!



用於運動恢復,具有冷熱交換功能的可穿戴系統 - COOLWEAR(只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本)Prof. Xiaoming TAO, Director of RI-IWEAR, and Prof. Amy FU,  recently secured approximately HK$7 million under the Sports Science and Research Funding Scheme for a 2-year research project entitled “Wearable System with Adaptive Cooling and Heating for Sport Recovery- COOLWEAR”.   Rapid contrast-temperature therapy (RCT) with water immersion has been used by elite sportsmen for faster recovery after competition and performance enhancement in the following match. The sharp contrast in water temperature facilitates fast heat transfer from or to the human body and promotes vasodilation thus increasing the metabolism of lactate, and speed up muscle and psychological recovery.   On the field, the required cold-hot water immersion cycles are achieved by the athletes jumping into two separate containers in a sequential manner. The process is inconvenient for the athletes. These bulky devices require a large space, thus cumbersome in setting up and transportation. Personal hygiene is also a concern if sharing water containers with multiple users.   In the contrast, a lightweight, flexible wearable system is much more desirable for on-field applications where a large space and AC power supply are not readily available. The wearable system shall provide the rapid heat transfer to realize the required temperature contrast, identical to those used in the water immersion method while maintaining a similar hydraulic pressure. The dry personalized wearables are much more convenient to use and to set up with no hygienic concerns. Up-to-date, no commercial system for an on-field application can offer the required RCT function.   The interdisciplinary team aims to develop a first-of-the-kind, convenient, smart, and personalized wearable COOLWEAR system that provides active RCT together with compression, which targets on-field applications for elite athletes’ competitions, in order to achieve fast sports recovery, enhance performance and reduce injury.   The wearable system shall comprise at least the energy transfer, close-loop control, and power supply units. Technically, the biggest challenge is a large amount of heat energy to be transferred between the human body and the fabric-based wearable system within a short time of several seconds, the heat power alone being estimated in hundreds of watts. The mechanical, hydraulic, and control units have to be highly efficient with a limited electric energy supply.  To reach an even spatial distribution of the required temperature within a large fabric surface is also a huddle. There have been no established analytic methods as well as no engineering design tool for such hydraulic heat-transfer textile devices as well as garments. Fabrication of such devices required streamlining and optimization of several textile and garment processing technologies.  The project will deliver new analytical and design tools based on an engineering scientific foundation for such function textile/garment.   Multi-domain recovery will be evaluated which includes muscle tone characteristics, sleep, heart rate variability, and self-anticipated effectiveness. The personalized protocol will be selected by considering the needs and sizes of the athletes and the responses from the recovery markers.



陶肖明教授在Natural Sustainability發表受邀綜述文章

2022 年 12 月 22 日,頂級期刊Natural Sustainability發表了題為“通過科技創新推進紡織品的生命週期可持續性”的受邀綜述文章(。本文的作者是香港理工大學陶肖明教授領導的國際團隊。   紡織服裝產品在其整個生命週期中所產生的溫室氣體排放量占全球排放量的 5-10%,消耗的水量位居世界第二,而且釋放的微塑膠和化學試劑污染水道。 港理大陶教授的團隊與麻省理工學院的 Svetlana Boriskina 博士強強聯手,花了兩年時間系統研究了科技創新對紡織可持續發展的影響。 該團隊以從搖籃到墳墓的方式審視可能解決這些問題的最先進科技的進展。 他們收集了過去十年22724 篇相關出版物,其中篩選閱讀了 940 篇,詳細研究了 215 篇。 分析了這些科技對聯合國 2030 年可持續發展目標的影響,特別是那些針對自然資源、能源和環境的影響。並且遵循系統的分析框架來識別和闡明有影響力的科技發展。   基於這些發現,團隊進一步討論了未來可以加速紡織品綠色轉型的研發方向。 包括:(1)基於高通量、資料驅動發現研究的綠色科學和生產過程,以識別和開發合成聚酯和尼龍纖維的可持續替代品。(2)通過生物科學的進步,生物基和可降解纖維材料以及昆蟲和疾病的研究,研發需要較少水的抗病性植物種子 。(3)無水或少水著色方法。(4)減少或消除現有紡織服裝生產步驟。 (5)單一物質組成紡織品以實現主動材料回收。   第一作者為研究助理教授張麗莎博士。 陶肖明教授為通訊作者。




(只有英文版本)RI-IWEAR actively builds external collaborative partnerships with local research institutions. A visit to the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) on 12 December 2022 was arranged. A total of 44 RI-IWEAR members, colleagues from Industrial Centre, and research students from PolyU participated in this activity.   Dr Carmen FUNG, Associate Director of Strategic Development of HKSTP gave a welcome speech. Ms Candy CHENG, Manager of Strategic Development, and Dr Horace LEUNG, Manager of Industry Development, introduced the Heterogeneous Lab and Microelectronics Centre (MEC) located at Yuen Long INNOPARK, respectively. MEC is established to support the development and pilot production of new generation micro-electronics products with flexible design dedicated cleanrooms and special chemical handling facilities. After the introduction of the facilities related to the microelectronics industry, PolyU members were given a guided tour of the Biomedical Technology Support Centre, The Sensor Packaging and Integration Laboratory (Sensor Lab) and the Medical Device Testing Lab at HKSTP.




(只有英文版本)A total of 28 RI-IWEAR members and colleagues from Industrial Centre of PolyU visited the Smart Wearables, Watch & Clock Technology Centre and Advanced Electronics Processing Technology Centre of the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) on 6 December 2022.   Smart Wearables, Watch and Clock Technology Centre established with the ITF funding of the Hong Kong SAR Government on Oct 2022, is the first and only platform in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to offer testing and verification of prototypes of smart wearables, watches and clocks. During the visit, the colleagues from the Smart Manufacturing Section of HKPC mainly introduced the smart wearable testing services, including the performance testing of devices for measuring steps, heart rates, blood pressure, and oxygen content in blood, and briefly show the over 50 different independent testing services for traditional quartz and mechanical watches in compliance with international & Swiss standards.   Furthermore, a new showroom with last manufacturing products and equipment of a new centre which provided services in the areas of electronics and advanced manufacturing was visited. After the visit to the facilities of the two centres, Mr Samson SUEN, General Manager, Smart Manufacturing of HKPC, introduced the organisation, facilities of the centres and the research projects under the Smart Manufacturing Section. Members actively discussed the potential PolyU–HKPC collaboration and future direction.



三名智能可穿戴系統研究院成員被評為 2022 年全球引用次數最多的研究人員(只有英文版本)

(只有英文版本)Three RI-IWEAR members, Dr Bolong HUANG, Prof. Gang LI, and Prof. Feng Yan have been recognised in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers 2022” by Clarivate Analytics for their significant research impact, reflected in their publication of multiple papers that have been frequently cited by fellow academics.   A total of 6,938 researchers from 69 countries and regions with a diverse range of research fields are named as Highly Cited Researchers in 2022. The list identifies the most influential scholars around the world, determined by the production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in the Web of Science citation index over the last decade. Congratulations to our colleagues on their high ranking and impact! RI-IWEAR's Scholars Ranked in the Top 1% by Citations  Name (by alphabetical order of surname)  Category  Dr Bolong HUANG  Cross-Field  Prof. Gang LI  Cross-Field  Prof. Feng YAN  Cross-Field


