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土地及空間研究院學者獲批2021-22年度環境及自然保育基金作研究撥款 (只有英文版本)


Two research projects led by RILS members, Sr Prof. Charles WONG and Dr Shuo WANG, received over HK$2.4 million funding in total from the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF) in the 2021-22 funding exercise.

The ECF was set up by the Government in 1994 for funding educational and research projects on environmental and conservation matters. Research and Technology Demonstration Projects awarded by the ECF will contribute in a direct and practical way towards environmental improvement and conservation of the local environment, or promote and encourage adoption of green technologies in Hong Kong.


Research project

Project Coordinator (PC)

Amount awarded

A multi-source remote sensing based technique for monitoring oil spills 

Sr Prof. Charles WONG


Climate-resilient planning and design for coastal stormwater drainage systems

Dr Shuo WANG


研究部門 土地及空間研究院

