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撥款日期 資助計劃 項目 (只有英文版本) 首席研究員 資助總額
2022/23 國家自然科學基金委員會及研究資助局聯合科研資助基金 Investigation of Rainstorm−Stor m Surge Joint Occurrence Pattern and Induced Flooding Risk Assessment in Coastal Cities within the Greater Bay Area (GBA) 段豐煥 博士 (CEE) HK$2,364,650
2023/24 優配研究金 Corporate Climate Lobbying and Carbon Footprints 沈建富 博士 (BRE) HK$578,258
2023/24 優配研究金 Achieving allweather land surface temperature with high spatial and temporal resolution from multi-source satellite data 朱孝林 博士 (LSGI) HK$1,039,061
2023/24 國家自然科學基金「重點項目」 Detection of underground water pipe leakage based on multi-temporal PolInSAR technology 丁曉利 教授 (LSGI) RMB 2,230,000
2023/24 創新及科技基金 Embedding Intelligence into BIM 李恆 教授 (BRE) HK$7,070,799
2023/24 協作研究項目補助金 Multi-sensor monitoring, geophysical interpretation and prediction of sea level rise in Hong Kong 陳劍利 教授 (LSGI) HK$6,567,108
2023/24 國家自然科學基金「重點項目」 Investigation of global ocean mass change and driving forces and attribution of sea level rise 陳劍利 教授 (LSGI) RMB 4,024,000
2023/24 公共政策研究資助 How to Effectively Implement Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in Urban Development and Urban Renewal - A Comparison Study of Policies between Hong Kong and Leading European Cities 王予紅 教授 (CEE) HK$775,100
2023/24 協作研究項目補助金 Improving the health and stability of roadside trees in compact urban development through novel road systems and tree root “training” 王予紅 教授 (CEE) HK$5,407,780
2023/24 RGC-RIF An AI-enabled Geospatial Platform for Smart Facility Management and Smart Mobility of People with Disabilities (PwDs) 劉信陶 博士 (LSGI) HK$4,320,000

