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PolyU Scholars Hub

Dr Brian Lee


  • V713a
  • +852 3400 8270
  • 可持續產品和服務系統、體驗設計、生活質量、老齡化社會設計、社區藝術和公共傢具


Brian Lee is a design practitioner and educator on product, interaction and social design disciplines, with specific expertise in ageing & healthcare product design, sustainable lifestyle & consumption analysis in Asian contexts, participatory design/ co-creation approach, collaborative prototyping tools/ methods development, and with an interest in which the emerging material, cultural & technological integration, artisanal practice, production methods, and consumption practices intersect. He is currently the Assistant Professor and the co-leader of Asian Lifestyle Design Research Lab, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His current projects include future public park furniture design, intergenerational park design, envisioning new service design for an elderly nursing home, quality home living for elderly, place-making with and for elderly in rural areas in China, Japan and Korea, and eco-materials archive for sustainable product design.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Master of Art in Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • PhD in Design & Technology

